speed of babur is less than 16.3 Km per minute and it has to travel at least 500-750 Km before reaching its nearest target giving 15-20 minutes india to destroy it and its your fastes cruise missile
same bhramose taravels 54.7Km per minute but has to travel only 35-185 or at best 285 Km now calculate how much reaction time you have to stop it
as for rest we next door to you kidd and monitoring all your moves 365X24X7 for almost 15 years now with owr multi layered PESA & AESA radar coverage and now we have some dozen spy sats of which 3 are capable of SAR that can see through clouds and day and night so we know what and where you have stock piled all your missiles and nuces and where are all your ammo dumps and strategic air & militarry & command installations what do you think gonna happen to them in first few minutes of the battle
all of them are with our field artilerry and MRBL range we dont even need owr surface to surface missiles for them
as for AAD+BMD-PAD or S400 or other classified systems well go kidd you have no idea they are not MANPADs and yes ever heard of HAROP & HARPY or Popey class smart weapons and drones