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India voices concerns over US drone sale to Pak

it all right to protest some times but doing it every time it becomes pathetic u tell me on which deal Indians have not shown concern & no diplomatic leverage works in case of defence deals where big money n interests r involved u know tht, Indians r russikies r such good friends but Indian diplomacy with russikies didnt worked at all in case of RD-93 despite of all indian demands to stop the deal :D

Protests doesn't work always. Pakistan protested India's NSG entry even China couldn't stop it.

Now what bites more RD-93 or India's nuke deal with France, Russia and Unkil SAM?

Protests doesn't work always. Pakistan protested India's NSG entry even China couldn't stop it.

Now what bites more RD-93 or India's nuke deal with France, Russia and Unkil SAM?


everything tht Pak buys bites India :yahoo:
block 52s, U-214s, RD-93, chinese cruise missiles & lists goes on & on....
as for nuke subs, u know in the end we will come up with some counter measures :agree:
and it will go on & on....
everything tht Pak buys bites India :yahoo:
block 52s, U-214s, RD-93, chinese cruise missiles & lists goes on & on....
as for nuke subs, u know in the end we will come up with some counter measures :agree:
and it will go on & on....

We will see.

U-214's are also offered to India. F-16 an improved version than Block-52 is offered to India.

Rest on the protests I have already explained in my earlier post.

as for nuke subs, u know in the end we will come up with some counter measures

Yeah Yeah. I am planning to marry Kareena Kapoor. I will come up with something to impress her so that she dump Saif and marry me.

It is our diplomatic habit.

US or any other country for that matter cannot be befriend with us along with our enemies.

They should either choose India or Pakistan.

Thats what is our diplomatic point with all these protests.

Besides protests are usually free of cost so why not to do it for the sake of it?

If your country has any diplomatic leverage over the suppliers of these equipment feel free to protest as well.


You make no sense at all! reailty of the matter is such that your country is a cry baby with nothing better to do other then show its hate for Pakistan and then offcourse protest come and yes they are free but dumb wat does India get out of it they haven't succeed as of yet so wat does that show ? it shows weakness by crying out to the world lol ! we don't need to have leverage! military leverage is totally different from diplomatic ones learn it first before speaking out in hate! and go tell you gov to stop crying its getting old now really lame!:tdown: :coffee:
We will see.

Yeah Yeah. I am planning to marry Kareena Kapoor. I will come up with something to impress her so that she dump Saif and marry me.


i wish you luck with your future programmes dear!!

You make no sense at all! reailty of the matter is such that your country is a cry baby with nothing better to do other then show its hate for Pakistan and then offcourse protest come and yes they are free but dumb wat does India get out of it they haven't succeed as of yet so wat does that show ? it shows weakness by crying out to the world lol ! we don't need to have leverage! military leverage is totally different from diplomatic ones learn it first before speaking out in hate! and go tell you gov to stop crying its getting old now really lame!:tdown: :coffee:

very true indeed sir,
but i think it is fair enough as this is what we call politics!
perhaps we nedd to go more vocal about there procurements and make the world ask the indina about there military build-up.. why are they doing so,,
atleast we have a point in asking for UCAV, that is to fight terrorism but i wonder how a nuke sub, MRCA, Su30, aircraft carriers can be meant for just peaceful purpose and have no offensive aims against anyone.

it all right to protest some times but doing it every time it becomes pathetic u tell me on which deal Indians have not shown concern & no diplomatic leverage works in case of defence deals where big money n interests r involved u know tht, Indians r russikies r such good friends but Indian diplomacy with russikies didnt worked at all in case of RD-93 despite of all indian demands to stop the deal :D

From what I have read...the RD-93 issue is one of the factors which will influence the Indian decision in the MRCA tender.So that is 12 billion dollars down the drain for Russia.
very true indeed sir,
but i think it is fair enough as this is what we call politics!
perhaps we nedd to go more vocal about there procurements and make the world ask the indina about there military build-up.. why are they doing so,,
atleast we have a point in asking for UCAV, that is to fight terrorism but i wonder how a nuke sub, MRCA, Su30, aircraft carriers can be meant for just peaceful purpose and have no offensive aims against anyone.


The rest of the world will sell as India has lots more money in her defense budget compared to Pakistan...in the end money talks.if Pakistan was in India's position,then anyone and everyone would have sold her things too Indian protests be damned. The way it stands India will continue to use her defense procurement as leverage.
The rest of the world will sell as India has lots more money in her defense budget compared to Pakistan...in the end money talks.if Pakistan was in India's position,then anyone and everyone would have sold her things too Indian protests be damned. The way it stands India will continue to use her defense procurement as leverage.

Let them lol who cares! the agenda here is being talked about the indian's crying out not about leverage my boy! we are dong just fine we have showed the world that we can survive enough to stand strong :cheers::pakistan:
Well, if Pakistan is sold Predators in large numbers, then India might be concerned. But if they are sold like some 40-50 drones, then it will add to regional stability rather than hampering it. After all, these drones are a potent anti-insurgency war machine. Besides, these drones are easy targets for Indian fighter jets like MKI and MiG-29.

Anyways, I don't the see the need for US to sell these drones to Pakistan especially when their own drones are doing the job. US drones continue attack sites in Pakistan freely w/o much opposition from Pak government -

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From what I have read...the RD-93 issue is one of the factors which will influence the Indian decision in the MRCA tender.So that is 12 billion dollars down the drain for Russia.
well but it did plaese a multi billion market of chian and pakistan!
russians wont ever want to risk this joint market to please indian as the accumulative defence spendings of Pakistan and Chian amount a bit more then twice the indian market potential.
if china and Pakistan go with some joinbt venture the russians wont be reluctant to sell anything! JF is a living example!

well but it did plaese a multi billion market of chian and pakistan!
russians wont ever want to risk this joint market to please indian as the accumulative defence spendings of Pakistan and Chian amount a bit more then twice the indian market potential.
if china and Pakistan go with some joinbt venture the russians wont be reluctant to sell anything! JF is a living example!


If so how come they refuse to sell Pakistan anything in the last couple of decades other than the said engine ?
If so how come they refuse to sell Pakistan anything in the last couple of decades other than the said engine ?

lack of joint ventures between China and Pakistan that needed Russian assistance.
more over there is nothing much that Pakistan have conducted in last decade that we would have wanted to buy from Russian but after there refusal had to went to another supplier..
the major deal of the past few years include submarine (French was the obvious choice), indigenous tank and missile programmers (nothing required from Prussian) and all such stuff.
as a matter of fact, i don't know of anything that we wanted to buy from Russians and they officially denied us! can you kindly quote some examples!!

hay guys just a share of thoughts.Why we are not doing joint ventures with Iran? they have made a lot of progress in the Technology.
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