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India to watch out for maiden Russia-Pak summit

India to watch out for what....:cheesy:

Probably ToI tried to answer that part too. Didnt you read the OP?

We should encourage Russia more to get close with Pakistan. So we can add more pressure on Pakistan from both US and Russia to bring terrorist attacking India to book and hang them and close the terrorist camps inside Pakistan.

As we are accepting their pressure. Lol.
Excellent, I hope Russia ditches India.

Pakistan-Central Asia-China-Russia, will be force to be reckoned with.

The times have changed.

This is the new world order. The Americans messed up big time. The Yankees are going home, and it looks like they will never be the sole superpower again. They have lost their world influence and a lot of American high school students to went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan are dead. America will never recover from this brain drain.

The British and Japanese empires were merely flukes in history. Britain and Japan will probably never be strong again. Especially when Britain's and Japan's populations are declining and getting older.

India will never be a Great Power due to its own internal contradictions and having territorial disputes with Pakistan and China.

And so we are left with Pakistan as the greatest world power..... finally

India doesn't want to solve the territorial disputes with just and moral principles.

Give us rest of kashmir and aksai chin dispute solved
Always so funny to see so many trolls/haters here on the site just wating to bash and hate you people need serious medical and mental attention .. grow up man act matture what do you get out of hating Pakistan in every single thread,post and news. If you can't digest the any news then simply go else where why stick around to boil your blood unreal.
Lots of diplomatic maneuvering going across the globe in the realignment of the world order after Russia got over the post Soviet Union slump and China has risen as a power offsetting some of the U.S influence across the world.

At this time there is a loosely coupled alliance - Russia and China forming SCO, opposing US and other western countries tooth and nail in the Syria conflict and Iran.

U.S has shown that they are here to stay in Asia by way of President Obama's Asian Pacific strategy where U.S would oppose China.

There are other countries like Japan which is starting to equip itself militarily which itself is a bad news for China. Then there is India which is yet to show its cards.

For Russia, personally they would want India to align with them but Russia wants China as well in their side to offset the western powers - US, UK and other western powers. But Russia knows that China and India can't get along. And India has been in Tango with US recently thereby throwing Russia off balance. So Russia wants to keep their options open by opening a channel with Pakistan.

My belief is until and when India shows its cards, Russia will not decide.
Ḥashshāshīn;3102598 said:
I really hope they can forget the west and create a east pact to counter NATO. Russia China India Pakistan Indonesia Iran etc.. But that will never happen, India and Pakistan will never fight on the same side, which does make me disappointed because they fought together before so why not now? :frown:

But not for themselves, both India & Pakistan (Or whole of India pre partition) fought for the British masters.
Lots of diplomatic maneuvering going across the globe in the realignment of the world order after Russia got over the post Soviet Union slump and China has risen as a power offsetting some of the U.S influence across the world.

At this time there is a loosely coupled alliance - Russia and China forming SCO, opposing US and other western countries tooth and nail in the Syria conflict and Iran.

U.S has shown that they are here to stay in Asia by way of President Obama's Asian Pacific strategy where U.S would oppose China.

There are other countries like Japan which is starting to equip itself militarily which itself is a bad news for China. Then there is India which is yet to show its cards.

For Russia, personally they would want India to align with them but Russia wants China as well in their side to offset the western powers - US, UK and other western powers. But Russia knows that China and India can't get along. And India has been in Tango with US recently thereby throwing Russia off balance. So Russia wants to keep their options open by opening a channel with Pakistan.

My belief is until and when India shows its cards, Russia will not decide.

I read only a few posts as realistic as this one. A brilliant piece of analysis.
So a guy decides to visit Pakistan and every one is going "Hail Mary" on him!I mean what are you idiots expecting from this visit?From the looks of it some people think this will wipe our miseries clean and the other thinks we are going to be a force to be reckoned with along them and china and blah blah!
Rid yourself of this mentality,you have to do it yourself!Allah us quom ki halat tab tak nahin badalta jab tak woh qoum apni haalat khud nai badalti
A good step by Russia and Pakistan should try to harvest it!A collaboration with them in certain sectors would be nice to have!Especially space rocket tech.We need to look into that sector.
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