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India to vote against Sri Lanka in UNHRC

China will just veto it. Not a big deal.

Afraid not. You are confusing UNHRC with the security council. There is no veto in UNHRC, every member's vote counts equally. The most China can do is oppose it, but resolutions are passed on consensus either through majority or a certain number of votes in favour.

In any case, these kinds of bodies, the security council included, solve nothing. Sri Lanka needs to implement reconciliatory measures on its own and bring those who committed atrocities against Tamils to account, as a priority. Only then can they reincorporate a disenfranchised Tamil population into the economic and political landscape, hope to grant them meaningful autonomy within the state and win back their hearts as proud and patriotic Sri Lankans.

It may be difficult and tedious but it's the only way; shortcuts or ignoring the issue will not work in the long run because Tamils are fighters that can only tolerate so much injustice before the proverbial straw plunges Sri Lanka back to the depths. Best to make amends, to start seeing and treating them as brothers and sisters, rather than Rajapaksa having to shallowly go beg China to veto international resolutions in return for Sri Lanka's resources and contracts.
Indian foreign policy on Lanka (& Nepal) should be a case study in various diplomatic circles as what-not-to-do in an international relationship.

Total headless chicken attitude.

Have to. Too much political pressure. Elections 2014 coming. Congress will do it.

Doesn't matter even if the news is true or not, even if there are evidence of it.

Doesnt matter, unless congress govt undertakes a full scale invasion of Lanka and gives Eelam to the Tamils there they are not getting any votes here - Which by the way is not going to happen and hence congis are not getting any votes.

Now don't put blame on Congress..............What would have BJP done...............Don't bring Politics in Sentimental matters.....................

NDA govt's policy on Lanka was far better than the congress. Infact as far as I know BJP has always been supportive of Tamil demands and they even brought LTTE and GoSL to the negotiating table in 2002.
true,but our spineless government is gonna succumb to the tamil demands,we cant go against them.

Heartless congress already gave the tacit go ahead to the sinhalese army to massacre the Tamils as some sort of blood revenge for killing their master Rajiv. The least they can do is atleast let the US govt make the sinhalese accountable for their war crimes.

As a UN member India can vote against SL or anyone but your argument of having a birth right to interfer in Sri Lankan affairs because it also has TAMILS is outrightly wrong..

Why is Pakistan interfering in Afghanistan ?
Have to. Too much political pressure. Elections 2014 coming. Congress will do it.

Doesn't matter even if the news is true or not, even if there are evidence of it.

Even when there was no election they voted. u forgot?
And then they say why every one hates us in the region.
I partially agree with the first part, that is just how we have sympathy for pakistani hindus. And about the official stance, that is our choice.

And about the second part remember east pakistan.

The awkward moment when the so called east Pakistanis are friendlier towards us then their selfless saviours IA
Ḥashshāshīn;3965402 said:
The best thing about this is the US accusing others of war crimes.

:lol: That's one of the perks of having power, now we know how China's neighbors feel too. :lol:
Thats a lie. Monkey D Luffy has already busted that propaganda.

He's the best 'Pakistani' by Indian standards right?
That illegal doesn't know shyte about Pakistan, he hated everyone including pustuns that don't agree with him
He's the best 'Pakistani' by Indian standards right?
That illegal doesn't know shyte about Pakistan, he hated everyone including pustuns that don't agree with him

He is a pashtun, he is from there and he is an independent minded guy. SO I would take his word over "patriotic" pakistanis like you who try to mislead an inter-tribal fight as some sort of formal invasion.

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