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India to vote against Sri Lanka in UNHRC

I am sorry man. But its just that after my experience with Lankans, I am just wary of them. Lankans despise India for no reason at all.

Dont be silly dude..Majority of Lankans dont despise ordinary Indians..They're indifferent at most..But certainly wary atleast with the establishment after such a horrendeous experience we had to go through because of past destabisiling efforts by the GOI which is more than a valid reason..And there is a valid suspicion when it comes to those from TN for obvious reasons

Thousands of Northern Indians visit the island each year as tourists and enjoy our world famous hospitality..And go back with so many positive memories..Just because a few does have a bad time or get on the wrong side of someone(It happens anywhere in the world)..One cant make a general assumption..Thats bordering on idiocracy
Dont be silly dude..Majority of Lankans dont despise ordinary Indians..They're indifferent at most..But certainly wary atleast with the establishment after such a horrendeous experience we had to go through because of past destabisiling efforts by the GOI which is more than a valid reason..And there is a valid suspicion when it comes to those from TN for obvious reasons

Thousands of Northern Indians visit the island each year as tourists and enjoy our world famous hospitality..And go back with so many positive memories..Just because a few does have a bad time or get on the wrong side of someone(It happens anywhere in the world)..One cant make a general assumption..Thats bordering on idiocracy

My experience is more than that of a visitor. My dad worked as a social worker in SL for 4 years. I used to visit him with the rest of our family once in a while. So my experience comes from that. And then I see threads in which SL tell how much they hate India. For example that motorway thread.

But then again, I think I am bordering on trolling on this thread. My apologies. Sorry for the misconduct.

EDIT: Even you are giving off some negative vibes.:confused: by saying only north indians visit your island each year and enjoy it. As though south indians are some trouble makers.
TN jokers stumbling over each other for brownie points..:lol:

DMK invites Congress’ discomfort on Tamil issue - report

Much to the Congress’s discomfort, the DMK will be holding a Tamil Eelam Supporters’ Organisation conference in New Delhi on March 7, in the wake of the fresh allegations of war crimes surfacing against the Sri Lankan government in the international media.

The DMK has called all political parties to its conference causing much consternation in the Congress.

DMK Parliamentary Party leader T R Baalu said he has “even’’ sent a letter to the Congress for participation in the conference. “Let them also take a call,” he said. The situation reached such a flashpoint that the Congress accused its ally of “needlessly politicising a diplomatic concern which can be better handled otherwise’’.

Even as its confrontation with the Congress escalates over the Tamil issue, the DMK is playing footsie with the BJP. A senior BJP leader from the Lok Sabha said that he has been holding meetings with Baalu over a number of issues. For the TESO conference, the DMK’s anointed king-in-waiting M K Stalin will be coming to Delhi. Stalin has already held meetings with UN Deputy General Secretary Jan Eliasson and UNHRC Commissioner Navaneethan Pillai on the Tamil issue. The hype in the DMK was such that initially it was claimed that M Karunanidhi himself will be attending the meeting.

The Tamil Nadu Congress Committee chief B S Gnanadesikan had a sharp exchange of words with his fellow DMK MP Tiruchi Shiva during a call attention motion on the plight of Lankan Tamils in Rajya Sabha on March 27. It was, perhaps, the first time that the two UPA allies had an open altercation in Parliament in the open. Afterwards a DMK leader told The Sunday Standard, “We’ll ‘not even’ send an invite (of the TESO) of the conference to the Congress—they are clearly against the cause.’’ The indications were that the DMK was not averse to exploring options since the UPA-II in any case is on its last leg.

The public opinion in Tamil Nadu too is ranged against the neighbouring Sri Lankan Government more so after pictures of the alleged cold blooded killing of 12-year-old Balachandra, son of LTTE chief V Prabhakaran, surfaced in the international media. This is over and above the alleged harassment of Tamil Nadu fisherfolk at the hands of the Lankan Navy. That the AIADMK under Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has virtually snatched the Lankan-Tamil issue from the DMK by taking a tough stand has left the latter with little option but to get aggressive.

The DMK is so politically cornered that it has thought it fit to bring the Lankan issue on the national stage in Delhi to regain some of its old space. So, under no circumstances can it listen to the Congress or abide by the Central’s government diplomatic compulsions. – Express News Service
What a moron..:disagree:

Indian man attempts self-immolation over SL

With heat on the Sri Lanka issue picking up, a 45-year-old man attempted self-immolation to press the Union government to vote against Sri Lanka United Nations Human RightsCouncil (UNHRC) for war crimes.

Police said S Mani, 45 from Nallavadu, arrived at the Cuddalore collectorate in northern Tamil Naduwith a can of kerosene. He doused himself with kerosene and set himself ablaze while raising slogansagainst the Union government for failing to protect the Sri Lankan Tamils, many of whom were killedin the civil war in the island nation.

Policemen on duty and passersby rescued him and admitted him in the Cuddalore government general hospital.

Mani is battling for life after sustaining severe burn injuries in the suicide bid.

A few members of pro-Tamil outfits and parties supporting LTTE had committed self-immolation in recent years demanding action against the SriLankan government for human rights violation during the fag end of the ethnic war between the government and the LTTE.

However, police claimed that Mani could have resorted to the extreme step because his family failed to get the Tsunami relief and rehabilitationpackage. (The Times of India)
he he he pakistanio se apna ghar to sambhalta nahi chale hain hame naseehat dene ...sirji we are and were right but the same cant be said about the land of the pure and if the history of last 65 years is anything to go by that has been prooved right time and agin ;)

Bus bhai bolti bund ... Wohi trolling sumnbhala nahin jata ... We are passing through a transitional period and when ever we become weak enough that we couldn't be able to control our selves you people won't be waiting for a single second to destroy us. So by your analogy even in this condition and circumstances in which we have the most corrupt Govt of our time we are still strong enough to kick some a$$ seriously. "You don't dare cause Vultures lives on dead meat :P" ...
Dont know how much long we can tolerate this **** from these stupid Madrasis..

Mihin Lanka office attack in TN

With the atmosphere remaining surcharged in Tamil Nadu over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue, members of some pro-Tamil outfits today hurled stones Madurai at the office of Mihin Lanka, a low cost airline based in Colombo, police said.

Activists belonging to pro-Tamil organisations including Aathi Thamizhar Peravai and Naam Tamizhar Iyakkam earlier blocked the road demanding that the Union Government vote against Sri Lanka at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) meeting in Geneva, officials said.

They also shouted slogans against the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa for alleged war crimes against ethnic Tamils.

The glass windows of the office, located in a city hotel, were damaged, and further inquiry was on, police said, adding, 30 people have been arrested.

Members of the Aathi Thamizhar Peravai also attempted to block trains at the railway junction here, but were detained by police.

Yesterday, about 40 students of a government law college here allegedly damaged a party flag post and notice board of Janata Party office here, protesting its chief Subramanian Swamy's recent meeting with the Lankan President. (Out Look India)
Bus bhai bolti bund ... Wohi trolling sumnbhala nahin jata ... We are passing through a transitional period and when ever we become weak enough that we couldn't be able to control our selves you people won't be waiting for a single second to destroy us. So by your analogy even in this condition and circumstances in which we have the most corrupt Govt of our time we are still strong enough to kick some a$$ seriously. "You don't dare cause Vultures lives on dead meat :P" ...

with all deu respects sir we indians were also not too good after the independence we also inheritted the same beurocracy, army and feudals as you did onli diff that was there that from the day one we abolished the fedual system and took up land reforms and always under no circumstances went to international community to run ower country lolzzz we were not even food self sufficient , we undertook major infrastructure development in 1950's & 1960's which helped us in the later decades and we build upon that solid foundation

We Indians were not good boys for the world powers(US which even send its 7th fleet in bay of bengal in 1971) aswell as we were fiercli non aligned to any of the power blocks and never took the dictaions from the west or USSR to run ower forign policy and those are the things which you dint doo i mean your leaders dint do intentionally or un intentionally but pakistan is paying the price its not the transition period as you love to call it sir rather its that for too long now deu to your strategikk value the big boys favoured you and your greedy elite used them as per there goals and they even did not bother much as you were doing there dirty work but now when they knew your generals palyed a double game with them and dint do the job required they took diff. approach = drone strikes and do more policy with pakistan which came as a big surprise to your establishment and they count handle it now the political feudal class as you call them maid merry and filled there coffers at the cost of Pakistan and since your devine Pak Fauj was bussi in cleaning there mess things got owt of hand and the same assets they had so painstakingly created to control the naighbours is bitting the same hands that fed them

so in short its not the transition period as you call it rather its the payback time for all the miscalculations and misdeeds done by your ruling class in the last 65 years and dont worry india or no india things are not going to change much any way good luck sir
India will always be what it would have been,Because of petty coalition politics

Wording of resolution against Sri Lanka will decide India's stand, says PM

The Prime Minister today said that whether India votes against Sri Lanka when the top human rights body of the UN meets this month in Geneva will depend on the wording of the resolution that the United States plans to introduce.

Dr Manmohan Singh is under pressure from his ally, the DMK, to support the resolution which will focus on alleged war crimes by Sri Lankan Defence forces as they defeated the Tamil Tiger rebels after a lengthy civil war.

Last month, new photos released by UK's Channel 4 suggested that the 12-year-old son of V Prabhakaran, the head of the Tamil Tigers, had been executed in cold blood. The Sri Lankan government has said the photos are morphed. They will feature in a documentary that will screen in Geneva during the session of the UN Human Rights Council.

All political parties in Tamil Nadu reacted strongly to the photos. DMK chief M Karunanidhi said they confirm President Rajapaksa is a war criminal.

India voted against Sri Lanka at last year's session in Geneva after the DMK threatened to quit the Prime Minister's coalition. That resolution, also sponsored by the US, asked Sri Lanka to assign accountability for massive human rights violations in 2009 in the final months of the war, and implement the findings of an internal inquiry into the war.

The Sri Lankan forces have been accused of killing thousands of minority Tamils.(NDTV)
Sri Lanka only did what was right to kill the Indian terrorists, the LTTE..

The LTTE was bombing & killing Sri Lankans...

Brave Sri Lankan Army, Pakistan should also do the same thing to Afghans, Uzbeks, Chechens in the TTP, but unfortunately this "Muslim Ummah belief" has screwed us over

bro u are pakistani and u only know one thing " if india is aginst anything we have to support that" please read about history to comment buddy......
My experience is more than that of a visitor. My dad worked as a social worker in SL for 4 years. I used to visit him with the rest of our family once in a while. So my experience comes from that. And then I see threads in which SL tell how much they hate India. For example that motorway thread.

But then again, I think I am bordering on trolling on this thread. My apologies. Sorry for the misconduct.

EDIT: Even you are giving off some negative vibes.:confused: by saying only north indians visit your island each year and enjoy it. As though south indians are some trouble makers.

Madrassis are trouble makers.
^post reported.

-a humble north-indian

Why?? Is the truth barred in this forum??..If you dont see whats happening in TN and Indian parliament..You must be blind and deaf

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