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India to vote against Sri Lanka in UNHRC

China is your neighbouring country, there's no new threat.
Not only just one port China is involved in our main port too, they have projects around the country. India is not a major player in the world, or strong enough to act like Russia or China, so we need to keep good relationship with these two countries giving priority them for our benefits.

Sri Lanka is too small to play with the big boys, its just a pawn that will be tossed around and get pushed from one camp to the other. Its better if you keep away from everybody because you will just get mauled in the global game and China wants stratagic space in the Indian Ocean which doesn't go down well with your big neighbor. India will try to handle it with kid gloves but if it goes beyond a point then India will have to take some action to avoid this from happening and it will not bode well for you.

The game is too big for you and you will lose in both ways, it would be better to stay away.
so can that be construed as a threat??

That is between we INDIANS to decide on how to take it, threat or care for each other? this question we INDIANS will decide, we don't need you to tell us what it is.
That is between we INDIANS to decide on how to take it, threat or care for each other? this question we INDIANS will decide, we don't need you to tell us what it is.

Well you were blabbering your usual nonsense on a thread about Sri Lanka in a Pakistani forum..So if the comments are restricted Indians you'd better PM them or post them elsewhere..Otherwise get used to being scrutinised..Typical madrasi mentality
The game is totally different here, China is using srilanka as a base for its operations, they are building a billion dollar deep sea port in srilanka which is a direct threat to india, US and the rest of the world.

Srilanka is and was in bed with our enemies from a long time, we need to go ahead with supporting the resolution or any unilateral sanctions for this reason and also for the reason that they killed 30000 tamil civilians.

Boy, india does not mean the rest of world, you can not stand US and the rest of world, it is still not 2030.
Well you were blabbering your usual nonsense on a thread about Sri Lanka in a Pakistani forum..So if the comments are restricted Indians you'd better PM them or post them elsewhere..Otherwise get used to being scrutinised..Typical madrasi mentality
a holes will always come up with stupidity to cover their arse. and you are the first of that.
I dont have to remind you that this is a public international forum, its not exclusive for PAKISTANIS or for you SL.
a holes will always come up with stupidity to cover their arse. and you are the first of that.
I dont have to remind you that this is a public international forum, its not exclusive for PAKISTANIS or for you SL.

Which makes your first retort even stupider..Learn to live with divergent views..just because you're greater in numbers does'nt make you smarter nor more assertive
Which makes your first retort even stupider..Learn to live with divergent views..just because you're greater in numbers does'nt make you smarter nor more assertive

I mentioned the numbers, because the majority voice needs to heared, that is the concept of Democracy.
You guys will not understand that.
Typical madrasi mentality

Got a chip on your shoulder eh? Madrasi this...Madrasi that....typical Madrasi...and it goes on. It seems to me that you can't get yourself to shake off the usage of the word 'Madrasi' in your posts. What do you have against the Madrasis that you use the term in a mostly derogatory fashion in your posts?

Come on, mate.
Got a chip on your shoulder eh? Madrasi this...Madrasi that....typical Madrasi...and it goes on. It seems to me that you can't get yourself to shake off the usage of the word 'Madrasi' in your posts. What do you have against the Madrasis that you use the term in a mostly derogatory fashion in your posts?

Come on, mate.

I do have a chip on my shoulder and i dont have qualms about it..If you care to look at most of the topics involving SL..There is overwhelming animorsity bordering on racism mainly from those from Tamil Nadu..Yes i use the term Madrasi because it's the colonial word for them,Second because of the clear hypocracy displayed on terrorism and pseudo patriotsm..It's my way of reciprocating the corned view they display towards all Sri Lankans..Whats good for the goose is good for the gander

It's not a uniform view,Just for those obvious
I do have a chip on my shoulder and i dont have qualms about it..

Well that's that then, and if it makes you feel better about yourself then there's not much else left to say here.

The Same we are doing with Pakistani terrorist in Kashmir..................Why you cry then....................

Kashmir is an occupied territory accepted as a dispute period ... they are freedom fighters ...
Well that's that then, and if it makes you feel better about yourself then there's not much else left to say here.



I'm a straight shooter so i'll comment as it is..and i expect other decent people to be as well..It does not matter where you come from or what your color or nationality is..What i despice is hypocricy and slime balls hiding behind patriotism but having thier own agendas
Kashmir is an occupied territory accepted as a dispute period ... they are freedom fighters ...

So Is balochistan pakistan has occupied it with force and they did it first by ennexing the free state of Kalat and then stabbing balouch nationalist in the back first by saying it will be a federal structure later changing its demography among others ...first free Balouchistan then you talk about Kashmir OK

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