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India To Deploy Brahmos Cruise missiles To counter China Threats.

and your state does differently?
wel I don't want to troll with you, as I consider you as my brother.
Is it not true that the History books says that we ventured in to your livelyhood with out provocation. if this is true then you are contidicting with the facts that the world history.
here it goes fest for troll.

---------- Post added at 11:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

then what do you we should sit back and watch . its about our security. why China deployed 3000+ missiles towards Taiwan. we are doing same.

towards taiwan not towards india, even still u called them ur enemy then call them openly not covertly..
Guys you got to admire Aryan-b coming here and saying what he believes, even though he knows after it about 10000000000000000 angry indians will attack him for that comment.
i will show you the reality of indian missile programe from the eyes of there own media. just have a look and decide if there programs are a sucess?india is behind china technologically more then 60 years

i love this news channel, when ever i have to watch any special news related to paksitan's defence or ISI. i use to watch this channel. i dont why indian are paranoid from paksitan
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u cant restrict any other person from watching dreams :P

---------- Post added at 02:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

a russian missile with only 290km rangs and they think they can win with that``lol what can i say naive people, even if aiming to cut our supply lines you need thousands of them, in this case india's industrial capacity really puts a question mark on it.

u cant restrict any other person from watching dreams
Guys you got to admire Aryan-b coming here and saying what he believes, even though he knows after it about 10000000000000000 angry indians will attack him for that comment.
and Aryan brother, you have to know who creates the friction between us(Indians and Pakistanis)
first you save your's, than you can think of others

what kind of cheap pithy unrelated off topic commment is that? You are new on this forum I suggest if you have nothinbg to dont bother posting. If you are burning dont come on pakistani forum
wel I don't want to troll with you, as I consider you as my brother.
Is it not true that the History books says that we ventured in to your livelyhood with out provocation. if this is true then you are contidicting with the facts that the world history.

you are my brother but Ashokbhai most states in their school texts portray their own state in a good light etc and percieved enemy as bad etc which is the point i was trying to make

---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

and Aryan brother, you have to know who creates the friction between us(Indians and Pakistanis)

i think it is corrupt political leaders on both sides along with external interferance from white american and west outside of our neighbourhood
you are my brother but Ashokbhai most states in their school texts portray their own state in a good light etc and percieved enemy as bad etc which is the point i was trying to make

---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

i think it is corrupt political leaders on both sides along with external interferance from white american and west outside of our neighbourhood

i agree with you bro...
India has no chance of matching china in the forseeable future. These attempts to try to match china by india are futile

Nobody wants to match China, but we have a right to defend our borders from Chinas military build up in Tibet and that's what these missiles are really build for!
China stationed even longer range missiles there, aiming at India, is placing fighters or troops and building up all the infrastucture to rapidly attack our borders (besides the incursions that already happens), so this is rather a completely understandable move to tighten our defence capabilities. Brahmos gives us the power to attack Chinese forces several 100s of Km before they enter Indian territory, that's why they will be placed there now and that's why IAF is integrating it to MKI too.

Guys you got to admire Aryan-b coming here and saying what he believes, even though he knows after it about 10000000000000000 angry indians will attack him for that comment.

Stating an opinon is one thing, but stating it because of the wrong reasons is another! Anytime India buys new arms and techs, or places them anyway around India, people in general tend to use hype it either as a provocation to Pakistan, to have a reason to buy more arms and techs too, or that India is trying to match China like in this case. The simple facts that India is only modernising its forces by replacing nearly 50 years old Mig with MMRCA for example is often downplayed, just like placing reacting to the Chinese movements in Tibet should be nothing surprising as well. There are always 2 sides of the story and they all should be taken to account when discussing things like this!
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