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India To Deploy Brahmos Cruise missiles To counter China Threats.

perhaps you do not know the role of weapons in maintaining peace?

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------

but why you are looking so happy with India and China issue to badon ke beech me tang nahi marte.
Sir if we are not that big why is most of you Army Airforce and Navy is deployed against us what are you afraid of Sir ?
Sir if we are not that big why is most of you Army Airforce and Navy is deployed against us what are you afraid of Sir ?

afraid of you? other than having nukes your nothing but mere gnats to us and even that nuclear threat will die down since India is building missiles defense and even laser based missile defense you guys are belligerent and will start a war at any cost and just like always we will finish the war you guys start it we end it this has happened several times after your failed preemptive strikes on us e.g operation gibraltar, operation chengiz khan, Kargil etc in the aftermath of each you guys ended up losing

we do not deploy most anything towards you guys we are a large force and i guarantee force levels are much higher in the east then in the west.
afraid of you? other than having nukes your nothing but mere gnats to us and even that nuclear threat will die down since India is building missiles defense and even laser based missile defense you guys are belligerent and will start a war at any cost and just like always we will finish the war you guys start it we end it this has happened several times after your failed preemptive strikes on us e.g operation gibraltar, operation chengiz khan, Kargil etc in the aftermath of each you guys ended up losing

we do not deploy most anything towards you guys we are a large force and i guarantee force levels are much higher in the east then in the west.

Indian Air Force losing edge to Pakistan Air Force (Indian Defense Intelligence Report) Part 1.flv - YouTube
Sir than why is your defence department so afraid of losing edge ?

this is what you have to back up your baseless claims? these are just a bunch of zealous reporters over speculating on the current situation on the air force besides even if force numbers in our AF slip there is no way you guys can catch up to us MMRCA/LCAMK2/FGFA etc will all be in IAF service by 2020 not to mention even if our airforce is incapable to fight in a war our navy 150+ ships plus strong can easily blockade your shores and bomb your port cities at will

besides your defense minister is the one that says Pakistan cannot match India your media claims that Pakistan would easily get its a$$ kicked should a war happen in the subcontinent take a look

Pakistan can never win a war with India - By Pakitani Journalist Najam Sethi -1.flv - YouTube

We cannot match India militarily: Pakistan defence minister - YouTube

Result of INDIA - PAKISTAN atomic war......... - YouTube

and even this idiot Zaid Hamid is not so retarded he even agrees

Pakistan Is WEAKER Than India - Zaid Hamid - YouTube
The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) which you are talking about inst a "Binding Law" its a voluntary group of 34 countries who have pledged to respect the guide lines. Even the scope of punishment for the rule breakers within the group haven't been stipulated clearly. Well, US being the superpower we assume its opinion has the highest stand in it.
So generally as long as the selective influential countries doesn't protest the deals, beyond the rules 'could' happen for it has happened with US and her allies with missiles ranging even more than 1000kms.
Where are you living?? lol let assume this is true, then Pak have more advantages, it means Pak will easily get large variety's of
supersonic technology from china.Your, Ever funniest statement i read.
"nehur is long gone" and u guys still think u can win on us...!! dont matter its a brahmos or a steel pin u cant win on us...!!

The main mission of brahmos will be to destroy the strategic points like, bridges, rail tracks, Runways,SAM systems etc
and also it will gives the backup for forwarding soldiers into the enemies territory.
So 250KM range is quite enough to do its mission. It is not designed to attack the mainland like shanghai or beijing, as every missiles has its own characteristics
Sir if we are not that big why is most of you Army Airforce and Navy is deployed against us what are you afraid of Sir ?
because you are the one who really irritates us(every time at border) and apply cheap tactics(quote if u want examples) and threaten to use nukes and dirty bombs . The answer to your question is "We dont want to take more than a month to defeat you"
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