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India to Build 6 Nuclear-Powered Submarines - Navy Chief

Most Aircraft's DO GO for the most powerful engine available. Everything else is a compromise.

K thanks for confirming you are an idiot. No consideration for MTBO, sfc, endurance and numerous other factors that come into play in engine selection. Nope just ignore everything else, go for power!!!

And you basically claim the Arihant, an SSBN to be a 37 knot sprinter.....laughable.

Done talking to you, probably a teenager who thinks numbers on wikipedia is the be all, end all.

Its obvious you are bitter that not one sensible person would believe a 47,000 hp shaft output on a 6000 ton submarine that is a SSBN....that too from a 83 MW reactor....for multiple reasons.

You won't wait and see ( because you know reality is going to bite you in the *** pretty badly)....so you decide to run in your circular logic ad infinitum with 0 technical background to back it up.

But hey if its enjoyable for you, keep on going....and see how many people actually genuinely believe anything you say. Start a twit circus. Has anyone actually supported your claims here?

Maybe you are a daily bhaskar fan or something.

INS Arihant: All you want to know about India’s first nuclear-powered submarine - daily.bhaskar.com

With such quality reporting like:

How does a nuclear submarine works?

and this shoddy copy and paste job:

Length: 111 m (364 ft)[1]
Beam: 15 m (49 ft)[1]
Draft: 11 m (36 ft)[1]
Propulsion: PWR using 40% enriched uranium fuel (80 MWe );[1] one turbine (47,000 hp/70 MW); one shaft; one 7-bladed, high-skew propeller (estimated)

with [1] as a source they simply forgot to mention when they copied it from wikipedia. Comedy.
You can't fabricate nuclear fuel and can fabricate a miniaturized reactor, *all by yourselves*.......... in just one go, that too by not going through the learning curve of designing a totally indigenous world-class diesel-electric submarine......... who are you kidding? Give the credit to Russian design bureau, where it's due, which in this case points to the whole damn submarine.

Most of your *break throughs* are like a transparent glass, from Agni to K series, the whole world can see through them, other than Indian awam, and that too, some highly educated Indian awam. Don't you guys stop at some point and think, why, how, wtf sometimes - or you're fed "indigenous" koolaid from your pre-school days?

Right, they totally designed the whole sub for India, and it's own SLBMs. At the same time it can't even pass through a cruise missile beyond 290km. Save that butt hurt for some where else.

Only thing the defense world sees through is your Chinese drones, N Korean missiles, "JV" jets and tanks, etc
K thanks for confirming you are an idiot. No consideration for MTBO, sfc, endurance and numerous other factors that come into play in engine selection. Nope just ignore everything else, go for power!!!

And you basically claim the Arihant, an SSBN to be a 37 knot sprinter.....laughable.

Done talking to you, probably a teenager who thinks numbers on wikipedia is the be all, end all.

Its obvious you are bitter that not one sensible person would believe a 47,000 hp shaft output on a 6000 ton submarine that is a SSBN....that too from a 83 MW reactor....for multiple reasons.

You won't wait and see ( because you know reality is going to bite you in the *** pretty badly)....so you decide to run in your circular logic ad infinitum with 0 technical background to back it up.

But hey if its enjoyable for you, keep on going....and see how many people actually genuinely believe anything you say. Start a twit circus. Has anyone actually supported your claims here?

Maybe you are a daily bhaskar fan or something.

INS Arihant: All you want to know about India’s first nuclear-powered submarine - daily.bhaskar.com

With such quality reporting like:

How does a nuclear submarine works?

and this shoddy copy and paste job:

Length: 111 m (364 ft)[1]
Beam: 15 m (49 ft)[1]
Draft: 11 m (36 ft)[1]
Propulsion: PWR using 40% enriched uranium fuel (80 MWe );[1] one turbine (47,000 hp/70 MW); one shaft; one 7-bladed, high-skew propeller (estimated)

with [1] as a source they simply forgot to mention when they copied it from wikipedia. Comedy.

LOL..... stop demolishing strawmen to claim any sort of victory.

Engine Power is the first requirement for building ANY aircraft. EVERYTHING else flows from there. If you knew anything about designing anything, you would have know that.

As per all reports Arihant continues to be a 83.5 MW powered Submarine with a 70 MW steam turbine. You can continue to go around in circles claiming all sort of "expertise" and cherry picking to suite you argument. There are plenty of sensible people who believe a 35 MW output for Arihant and all of them have reported it and that is how that figure exist on the internet.

I was not aware that this was a popularity contest :lol: .... now that is something a teenager would claim. You have not been able to substantiate ANY of your claim. All you have shown is an unenviable desire to dismiss what ever you are unable to understand, ignore any circumstantial evidence.

First figure out why your cherished IDRW has pull out the article to which you pointed as a source before trashing others sources. Now that is the real comedy. The mystery of the disappearing article.
Right, they totally designed the whole sub for India, and it's own SLBMs. At the same time it can't even pass through a cruise missile beyond 290km. Save that butt hurt for some where else.

Only thing the defense world sees through is your Chinese drones, N Korean missiles, "JV" jets and tanks, etc

Well said. They dont see the background and pain DRDO went though. While Agni test were failing one after another in last decade, Pak used to boast of perfect shaheen missiles. K-missile program is running for 20 yr. India is 5 yrs behind inducting Nirbhay land, naval and air version of cruise missile.
India manfauctures 95-97% of components used in space rocket indigenously. Space program helped India develop inertial guidance system, all kinds of thrust vector, closed loop control system, propulsion system

They fail to understand that Indian missile program & Indian space program gained through many PHD,Post doc exchange program with Western,Russian academic universities and research centers.
Indian universities & BARC have been researching in nuclear physics since 1930's.

The only thing holding India back was lack of manufacturing capacity.
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India always wanted a larger Submarine, the only constraint was the power of the reactor. I see that constraint being removed, and there's no holding back going for a relatively larger submarine.
Dada,perhaps one day in the future we'll see our own "Typhoon class" version in the I.N. service:pleasantry:.Just imagine a fleet of 5 Typhoon class sub patrolling the length and breadth of the Indian Ocean:devil:
As per all reports Arihant continues to be a 83.5 MW powered Submarine with a 70 MW steam turbine. You can continue to go around in circles claiming all sort of "expertise" and cherry picking to suite you argument. There are plenty of sensible people who believe a 35 MW output for Arihant and all of them have reported it and that is how that figure exist on the internet.

Considering that all major SSN and SSBNs which are twice your arihant's tonnage require much less than 35MW shaft power, your assertion that 35MW powers the SSBN is simply laughable.

Also, no current SSBN in the world ( US/USSR with more than 40 years of history in operating nuclear subs) has speeds anywhere near to 30 knots and neither did they feel the need of it but somehow india which is taking baby steps in designing a nuke reactor felt it prudent to design a reactor having ability to propel the SSBN at speeds of 35 knots+ just in case ?? :lol:

Man you are one incorrigible idiot !
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Dada,perhaps one day in the future we'll see our own "Typhoon class" version in the I.N. service:pleasantry:.Just imagine a fleet of 5 Typhoon class sub patrolling the length and breadth of the Indian Ocean:devil:

Why only Indian ocean?
Considering that all major SSN and SSBNs which are twice your arihant's tonnage require much less than 35MW shaft power, your assertion that 35MW powers the SSBN is simply laughable.

Also, no current SSBN in the world ( US/USSR with more than 40 years of history in operating nuclear subs) has speeds anywhere near to 30 knots and neither did they feel the need of it but somehow india which is taking baby steps in designing a nuke reactor felt it prudent to design a reactor having ability to propel the SSBN at speeds of 35 knots+ just in case ?? :lol:

Man you are one incorrigible idiot !

LOL..... more laughable Rubbish claims :lol:

NO SSBN in the world is the size of the Arihant. It is officially the smallest SSBN in the world. Only its a prototype that is built to demonstrate the soundness of the design so that it can be used to power other larger SSBNs and SSN's.

The Russian Papa class. K-162 which was built in 1978 has almost the SAME dimensions as the Arihant and could carry 10 missiles as compred to the 12 in Arihant and could reach up to speeds of 44.7 knots using two Steam Turbines of 60 MW.

Indian design is not a copy paste of what the rest of the world does. Indian Navy used a sensible 35 MW propulsion unit to ensure speed and future repeatability of the same design for other SSN's and SSBN's of larger size.

You might find it hard to believe Indian Navy can think ahead or Indian designers can build such magnificent machines, but I don't. Probably because I am not a Racist like you.
Finally once India manufactures 6 SSBN, the Arihant class will be converted into SSGN.

The Yasen Class SSGN which has a displacement of 8000 Tons has a speed of 35 Knots.
By all sources IAC 2 has been reported to be a Nuk powered AC. It means it would mostly have emals and reacter power research for more than 100MW is on

Arihant 2 shall have 125 MW reactor which is either complete or in advance stage of completion. So 100 MW is absolutely not a problem at all.
Rise of India’s Nuclear Submarine fleet-Aridaman by Year end, 50% Powerful reactor under constructi

Look at the thread.

Arihant 2 shall have 125MW (50% more powerful) reactor.

BARC has started working on New high powered Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) according to BARC Scientist new reactor will be 50% more powerful than 83 MW reactor used on Arihant. BARC want to use it on larger SSBN which will be follow-up on Arihant class and which will require more power since it will bigger platform. Navy also wants bigger PWR for New SSN class of submarines which according to navy requirements will see 100% jump in additional power requirements compared to one used in Arihant class. BARC still not clarified which Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) are in development or different Parallel development are been carried out of PWR for SSBN and SSN.

Source: Rise of India’s Nuclear Submarine fleet-Aridaman by Year end, 50% Powerful reactor under constructi
I still dont understand wwhy are you folks bickering about? If anyone has any issues then why not produce a scientific literature to back their claim? Firstly no arihant can't go 44knots as someone above pointed out, it is absolutely wrong
Secondly pdf link or any other blog link doesn't constitute what is known as credible literature. I mean that guy sudesh chari hasn't attached any links in support of his claims
Rise of India’s Nuclear Submarine fleet-Aridaman by Year end, 50% Powerful reactor under constructi

Look at the thread.

Arihant 2 shall have 125MW (50% more powerful) reactor.

BARC has started working on New high powered Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) according to BARC Scientist new reactor will be 50% more powerful than 83 MW reactor used on Arihant. BARC want to use it on larger SSBN which will be follow-up on Arihant class and which will require more power since it will bigger platform. Navy also wants bigger PWR for New SSN class of submarines which according to navy requirements will see 100% jump in additional power requirements compared to one used in Arihant class. BARC still not clarified which Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) are in development or different Parallel development are been carried out of PWR for SSBN and SSN.

Source: Rise of India’s Nuclear Submarine fleet-Aridaman by Year end, 50% Powerful reactor under constructi

Sadly the article on which the entire PDF mental masturbation took place has been withdrawn by IDRW.

Take a look, http://idrw.org/archives/61186

I take it you do not have any other source ?

I still dont understand wwhy are you folks bickering about? If anyone has any issues then why not produce a scientific literature to back their claim? Firstly no arihant can't go 44knots as someone above pointed out, it is absolutely wrong
Secondly pdf link or any other blog link doesn't constitute what is known as credible literature. I mean that guy sudesh chari hasn't attached any links in support of his claims

I would also like to point out that Arihant also cannot travel in deep space and fire photon torpedo, its absolutely wrong.
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