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India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes

@Gentelman This is known in Hindu scriptures much earleir than 1400 yeras.

Hell, even speed of light was defined in Hindu scriptures.

Artificial Transmutation, Teleportation, Artificial Rain making, all are defined in our Scriptures. :lol:
Don't come and talk to me that since Science can't prove non-existence of God, so God exists.

Prove me that God exists, instead.

And if you don't agree with Indian textbook, then why should I agree with any thing your book says ? :azn:

For me their are millions of God. Deal with it.
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You are missing the evolution of Man and civilization.

1. Dental structure. Our teeth evolved to eat both meat and plant matter.
Humans were wild people and they didn't know how to farm. So they used to kill animals. They used to eat raw meat. Then cooked. So canines size decreased over the centuries.

2. Digestion. We are able to both tolerate and fully extract nutrients from most plant and animal sources. Exceptions include cellulose and chitin.

Its based on acid present in stomach. Snakes can devour entire animal and their stpomach acid even digest bones. Humans acidity level is quite high so there is no problem. Hope you know about the stomach lining continuoulsy created.

3. Primate Studies. Other primates, our closest living relatives, are also omnivores. This list includes Chimpanzees, Orangutans, and Gorillas.

They are majorly vegetarians. Few eat ants and sometimes small animals. They are behind evolution and can't arm.

4. Nutrients. Strict vegans must carefully watch the source of their food in order to ensure complete nutrition. In the modern world this is relatively easy, however prior to the neolithic, when we were primarily hunter-gatherers,it would have been vital to gather nutrition from whatever source was available, animal or vegetable.

I know Jain people who haven't eaten a single egg, leave aside meat. They are much more healthier than others. Meat is rich in protein but its high in cholesterol and may not provide all nutrients. You can leave on strictly vegetarian diet with proper nutrition but can't do same with meat. Like Vitamin C is available on fruits. That's why sea man used to take lemons even when they had food in form of fishes.

5. Archaeological Evidence.Evidence from our earliest ancestors indicates that we have always consumed meat. This evidence includes bone evidence in proto-hominid fossil sites and coprolites

Archaeological evidence shows the evolution of civilization. When they started farming, the meat dependency reduced. In Indian culture many people didn't even eat meat.

Now let me tell you one thing, exposure to violence and blood like Cutting the heat of Goat, Cow etc. in front of a child makes him less emotional towards violence. He/she accepts violence as part of life for survival.

If you look at the history, the meat eaters have been the ones who caused maximum number of killings. Whether it was Christians or Muslims.

Rapes were part of Muslim invaders and meat eaters.

Christians and Barbarians were also meat eaters.

well In Islam u can't just eat meat..
there are somethings u need to know..
halak things are allowed..
no blood is allowed....
so such animals are allowed which swallow their food..
so such birds are allowed which eat with claws..i.e eagle
no such animal is allowed which eat other animal.
well as rapes issue on muslim invaiders chk our Muhammad Bin Qasim...
people of subcontinent know Islam because of him...
people Became muslim because of theirs behavious...
Same goes for Tariq Bin Ziad and khalid Bin waleed..
About sultan Sulah Ud din ayubi u need to chk out comments by Richard the lion heart...
Islam spread coz of behavious and u suppose people became muslim as muslims were rapiers??
well u need to correct urselve..
the one who rape should be killed by hitting him with snall stones according to Islamic laws...
No rape cases can be seen by those invaders who deserve to be called muslims...
if ur talking about mughals then u can ve right...
as they are just something else..
Akbar was a Mushrik(non-Muslim)....
all kings lifes were outta Islam(expect Arungzaib but he didnot treated non muslims as Islam advised us to as far as i know) or we would be seeing maby libraries and universties and developed India/Pakistan rather than quillas,baghs,minars and mehals. .
@Gentelman So what doesn't act as Muslim is not a Muslim. If a Muslim rapes, he is no longer a Muslim ?

Dude, isn't it face saving ?

Aurangzeb, Ghauri, Ghaznavi, were they Muslims ?

As for libraries, I remember Taj Mahal as National library or Buland Darwaja etc.
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@Gentelman This is known in Hindu scriptures much earleir than 1400 yeras.

Hell, even speed of light was defined in Hindu scriptures.

Artificial Transmutation, Teleportation, Artificial Rain making, all are defined in our Scriptures. :lol:
Don't come and talk to me that since Science can't prove non-existence of God, so God exists.

Prove me that God exists, instead.

And if you don't agree with Indian textbook, then why should I agree with any thing your book says ? :azn:

For me their are millions of God. Deal with it.

soo u think i can represent Islam???
i am not that worthy..
while there was also a god named Muhammad Bin Qasim if he didnot crushed his idle and stooped people from worshipping him...It's History....
well idle worshipping is from ancient time...
This universe couldnot exist if there were even 2 gods...
all things wouldnot be in that order...
soo teleportation??hahhh
the things u r discussing were common things of that time....
chk out that time sire.....
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@Gentelman So what doesn't act as Muslim is not a Muslim. If a Muslim rapes, he is no longer a Muslim ?

Dude, isn't it face saving ?

Aurangzeb, Ghauri, Ghaznavi, were they Muslims ?

As for libraries, I remember Taj Mahal as National library or Buland Darwaja etc.

a destroyed tank remains tank but cant be used same with a soo called Muslim.....:coffee:
those people ur talking about were feminist..
killed many innocents just for power and land while its hadees the one who killed one man killed all the humanity...
and in Islam kill for kill is rule when one kill knowing what he is doing....
those peoples were known as muslims because their parents were muslims...
A Muslim is one who admit somethings i.e angles,akhrit,4holy books,One God etc from heart according to Muslim defination...
soo how do u know those people admit all these from heart???
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a destroyed tank remains tank but cant be used same with a soo called Muslim.....:coffee:
those people ur talking about were feminist..killed many innocents just for power and land while its hadees the one who killed one man killed all the humanity...and in Islam kill for kill is rule when one kill knowing what he is doing....those peoples were known as muslims because their parents were muslims...A Muslim is one who admit somethings i.e angles,akhrit,4holy books,One God etc from heart according to Muslim defination...soo how do u know those people admit all these from heart???
Then why Ahmediyas are constitutionally declared Non-Muslims in Pakistan. In their national ID card and Passports, they have to sign that their Prophet is Imposter of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and they are non-Muslims ?
You are missing the evolution of Man and civilization.

1. Dental structure. Our teeth evolved to eat both meat and plant matter.
Humans were wild people and they didn't know how to farm. So they used to kill animals. They used to eat raw meat. Then cooked. So canines size decreased over the centuries.

2. Digestion. We are able to both tolerate and fully extract nutrients from most plant and animal sources. Exceptions include cellulose and chitin.

Its based on acid present in stomach. Snakes can devour entire animal and their stpomach acid even digest bones. Humans acidity level is quite high so there is no problem. Hope you know about the stomach lining continuoulsy created.

3. Primate Studies. Other primates, our closest living relatives, are also omnivores. This list includes Chimpanzees, Orangutans, and Gorillas.

They are majorly vegetarians. Few eat ants and sometimes small animals. They are behind evolution and can't arm.

4. Nutrients. Strict vegans must carefully watch the source of their food in order to ensure complete nutrition. In the modern world this is relatively easy, however prior to the neolithic, when we were primarily hunter-gatherers,it would have been vital to gather nutrition from whatever source was available, animal or vegetable.

I know Jain people who haven't eaten a single egg, leave aside meat. They are much more healthier than others. Meat is rich in protein but its high in cholesterol and may not provide all nutrients. You can leave on strictly vegetarian diet with proper nutrition but can't do same with meat. Like Vitamin C is available on fruits. That's why sea man used to take lemons even when they had food in form of fishes.

5. Archaeological Evidence.Evidence from our earliest ancestors indicates that we have always consumed meat. This evidence includes bone evidence in proto-hominid fossil sites and coprolites

Archaeological evidence shows the evolution of civilization. When they started farming, the meat dependency reduced. In Indian culture many people didn't even eat meat.

Now let me tell you one thing, exposure to violence and blood like Cutting the heat of Goat, Cow etc. in front of a child makes him less emotional towards violence. He/she accepts violence as part of life for survival.

If you look at the history, the meat eaters have been the ones who caused maximum number of killings. Whether it was Christians or Muslims.

Rapes were part of Muslim invaders and meat eaters.

Christians and Barbarians were also meat eaters.

O.K. I want to ask you a question. Is vegetarian life style part of hinduism? Because i thought hindus only avoid eating beef as cow is sacred to them. But what about mutton and chicken?

You are missing the evolution of Man and civilization.

1. Dental structure. Our teeth evolved to eat both meat and plant matter.
Humans were wild people and they didn't know how to farm. So they used to kill animals. They used to eat raw meat. Then cooked. So canines size decreased over the centuries.

2. Digestion. We are able to both tolerate and fully extract nutrients from most plant and animal sources. Exceptions include cellulose and chitin.

Its based on acid present in stomach. Snakes can devour entire animal and their stpomach acid even digest bones. Humans acidity level is quite high so there is no problem. Hope you know about the stomach lining continuoulsy created.

3. Primate Studies. Other primates, our closest living relatives, are also omnivores. This list includes Chimpanzees, Orangutans, and Gorillas.

They are majorly vegetarians. Few eat ants and sometimes small animals. They are behind evolution and can't arm.

4. Nutrients. Strict vegans must carefully watch the source of their food in order to ensure complete nutrition. In the modern world this is relatively easy, however prior to the neolithic, when we were primarily hunter-gatherers,it would have been vital to gather nutrition from whatever source was available, animal or vegetable.

I know Jain people who haven't eaten a single egg, leave aside meat. They are much more healthier than others. Meat is rich in protein but its high in cholesterol and may not provide all nutrients. You can leave on strictly vegetarian diet with proper nutrition but can't do same with meat. Like Vitamin C is available on fruits. That's why sea man used to take lemons even when they had food in form of fishes.

5. Archaeological Evidence.Evidence from our earliest ancestors indicates that we have always consumed meat. This evidence includes bone evidence in proto-hominid fossil sites and coprolites

Archaeological evidence shows the evolution of civilization. When they started farming, the meat dependency reduced. In Indian culture many people didn't even eat meat.

Now let me tell you one thing, exposure to violence and blood like Cutting the heat of Goat, Cow etc. in front of a child makes him less emotional towards violence. He/she accepts violence as part of life for survival.

If you look at the history, the meat eaters have been the ones who caused maximum number of killings. Whether it was Christians or Muslims.

Rapes were part of Muslim invaders and meat eaters.

Christians and Barbarians were also meat eaters.

O.K. I want to ask you a question. Is vegetarian life style part of hinduism? Because i thought hindus only avoid eating beef as cow is sacred to them. But what about mutton and chicken?
O.K. I want to ask you a question. Is vegetarian life style part of hinduism? Because i thought hindus only avoid eating beef as cow is sacred to them. But what about mutton and chicken?

O.K. I want to ask you a question. Is vegetarian life style part of hinduism? Because i thought hindus only avoid eating beef as cow is sacred to them. But what about mutton and chicken?

Its about the value of life of living organism that people prefer not to kill them and eat them. Followed in Hinduism, Jainism. Certain school of thoughts expect not to eat meat in Hindusim while others don't. Hindus like Bengalis or other who live along seacoasts have fish as staple diet
O.K. I want to ask you a question. Is vegetarian life style part of hinduism? Because i thought hindus only avoid eating beef as cow is sacred to them. But what about mutton and chicken?O.K. I want to ask you a question. Is vegetarian life style part of hinduism? Because i thought hindus only avoid eating beef as cow is sacred to them. But what about mutton and chicken?
Sir, in Hinduism the eating of meat is not allowed. But many eat because of culture and previous eating habit.

Any type of violence, killing animals and eating it are prohibited.

Like I said, it depends on what is available. One can catch a fish any day, but to eat grain, one has to sow the seeds, take care of farm and then eat it after harvest.

Fruit diet is also considered in Hinduism. Fasting is also considered in Hinduism. Thing is many things are associated with religion for betterment of one's health.

Cows are considered sacred and you won't see mutton and chicken eaten by any Brahmin or Hindu who strictly follows it.

I am Khastriya and they eat meat. Remember that they are the warrior class.

My point is that the Idea of Consumption of An Animal can alter psychology of a child. Many Hindus can't even see beheading of a goat which you may have seen in your child hood.

But think about this, if people don't eat meat that much, many species won't have gone extinct.

Do you know Chinese kills Tiger for their Bones. Japanese kills Dolphin. We have Whale population on decline. Shark too ?

All because of Human's taste buds loving it.

My Father is in forest department and I know what effect animal population have of poaching and killing of many animals.
I also remember babur massacred pashtuns and lodhi sided with Mahrana Sanga to fight babur...

Although we are going off-topic but still...if you read babur-nama , he says that he is quite pissed at unruly , arrogant pashtuns who dont want to be subdued. To punish them he massacred them and built pyramids of their skulls in present day KPK...he relishes at the sight when the arrested pashtun sardars were beaten with shoes and sand thrown at their heads and eyes. He further mentions that he took care of even pathans who were settled in Punjab....that babur is our hero?
Rajput mahraja Rana singa and ibrahim lodhi were enemies. Babur first defeated ibrahim lodhi and then the heavy drinker like him declares jihad on rana sanga and fight him at panipat.
Pashtuns/Afghans got humiliated and defeated by Mughals, they never forget it. From babur to aurangzaib there was contineous uprising of Pashtuns against mughals both in india and in their homeland. Mughals were careful, they kept Afghans away from mughal nobility and army which consisted of Turanis, persians and rajputs. A major exception was Khan jahan lodhi, A grandson of pashtun traitor daulat khan lodhi who invited and supported babur, was member of mughal court. He was never fully trusted , shahjahan massacred his entire family and clan and beheaded him....
Pashtuns in india rose to prominence only after weakening of mughals after aurangzaib death, they formed numerous independent states in rohilkhand, farukhabad, bhopal, jonagadh, tonk etc
This is a private book written by a christian.It has nothing to do with hindu religion. Hindu religion don't forbid eating meat except of that of cow considered holy.

I don't understand the logic of using it in schools? Do you?

Also it says volumes about the monitoring system in place for schools which use the textbook. They can just buy any textbook and use it for their students. It was sold in schools-maybe it was non-government but the government had to verify what was being taught.

The point is both nations have a lot to do in the field of education to make it balanced and ensure it does not attack the minority beliefs. Saying eating meat leads to sex crimes is exactly the same thing as saying Muslims are liars and sex criminals-which is where @KS's diatribes come from-his education system. :lol:

He called me a liar for believing different statistics from him. :woot:
India often feels superior in every regard. Just wanted to tell you guys still much needs to be done for the complete security of the branch of Ansars left in India.
Aurangzaib is not seen as hero by Pashtuns,....and another lie from you, dilras banu aka rabia durrani was not pashtun, she was from safavid dynasty of iran, daughter of mirza badiu zaman safvi who was great grandson of shah ismail safvi of iran. Word durrani mean "pearly one", nadir shah was also called durrani. Abdalis adopted it much later in 18th century. Break this habit of bullshyting in every post.
You said your ancestors were awarded some land by mughals in lucknow, is this the reason that you are on purpose murdering history , cheering so much for mughals, painting false mughal-pashtun brotherhood.

We disagree here. She was a Pashtun who was Persianized-Safavids ruled all of Afghanistan then and Persian language was imposed heavily and it can be seen in Afghanistan even today-by that logic no one would ever be a Pashtun. If you don't believe check who Durranis are and whether even .0001% calls themselves Iranian. Your anti-Pakistanism leads you to find every such post and push the Pakistan vs Pashtuns narrative using history. It is a fact that Mughals used Persianized Pashtuns very heavily once in their nation.

I have nothing against Mir Chakar, Roshaniya, Hur movement, Raja Dahir, heer ranjha, waris shah or anyone in Pakistani history. You want to perpetuate war against other ethnic groups on the basis of your stupidity. If you think Pashtuns were always at war with others find out where Rohillas lived and how heavily they intermarried with local mughal subjects.
People have often criticized Pakistan's books now and then. The point was to show that the same applies if you go searching to almost ANY country.

I believe this thread proves a very solid purpose which a lot of Indians do not understand. It is clear Indians have a lot of preconceived notions about Pakistan and everyone of them is highly negative. The point of this thread is perhaps to point out that there are issues of similar nature in India too. So both nations have a lot to do about treating their minorities properly. This is an alternative view which the Indians should actually value.

We guys saw it yaar, both parents of mine were born in Lucknow and many of my fathers last name people are in Hyderabad deccan as well. So don't take offense at minor things and work to rectify problems. Denial can only please the heart but it cannot solve a problem.
Then why Ahmediyas are constitutionally declared Non-Muslims in Pakistan. In their national ID card and Passports, they have to sign that their Prophet is Imposter of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and they are non-Muslims ?

The basic two believes of Muslims are:
1.There is no God but Allah...
2.Hazrat Muhammad(SAWW)is last prophet of Allah.....
It is clear in Quran that Hazrat Muhammad is last prophet and in previous holy books even the symptoms to last prophet e.g mohr-e-naboat etc were given.....
and people were told that he is the last one....
Well about Qadianis I will just say that had you read their book??
over and all
chk it out i don't wanna hurt anyone's feeling once u chk it and u will have the reality.....:coffee:
lets give u a clue...
Divide and Conquer
A christian
clerk of British
Supported by British
says he is a prophet
well i will just says that saying him a prophet u r degrading all other prophets....
he hasnot anyone of quality of prophet...i.e previous life free of sins,all life is a model for others to follow,true person....
Well just chk the history..
this is not such a complicated issue that you can't get it...
British were behind it to divide Muslims.

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