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India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes

You are still in textbook "mutala e Pakistan" mindset. I am sure you have memorized "14 points of Qaid e Azam" word by word, can you write it down here.
I also memorized "Pakistan studies" and got 48/50 marks in F.Sc. I did so to get admission in Medical college but you seem to be still under that magic.

I also remember babur massacred pashtuns and lodhi sided with Mahrana Sanga to fight babur...
i had a different view about khusal khan's , i found his real philosophy when i read his work and worth to be read .........
Iqbal had great respect for Khushal Khan and named him real father of Afghan nation ......

I also remember babur massacred pashtuns and lodhi sided with Mahrana Sanga to fight babur...

yar it was all for power ............ lodhis were trying to save there rule .........
this report is overall based on religious mindset....
scientific facts have nothing to do with this report....
So those pashtuns who fought with Aurangzaib to maintain their independence were all bloody traitors?
Khushal khan khattak , a national poet of Afghanistan, whose admirer was allama iqbal, was a traitor like mir jafar to your Aurangzaib?

These niazis of mianwali are seraiki speaking punjabi-pathans. We pashtuns simply call them "punjabian" while punjabis call them "punjabi-pathan", racially they are pashtuns mixed with jats and awans.
well i am from Makarwal where pashtoo is spoken and khattaks are dominant no , yea part of Mianwali district ...... and have relatives there too , hahhaha now u are making buss ......
i have my relatives in Afghanistan too and i am used to buzzes that u people make .............
Niazis in Mianwali speak a mixture of pashtoo and siriki .... so is are the recent Afghan migrants living there ...... are they Punjabi ? and even north of mianwali all speak pashtoo but can speak siriki too so are those living in Dikhan .
u are really a jealous when u had no answer ........
These niazis of mianwali are seraiki speaking punjabi-pathans. We pashtuns simply call them "punjabian" while punjabis call them "punjabi-pathan", racially they are pashtuns mixed with jats and awans.[/QUOTE]

well u need to mind your language , and jets and awan live there but they have community of their own , and there are no juts in my area , here only marwat , niazi and khattak lives and speak Pashtoo but can understand siriki too ............ and even those living in south don't marry in other casts , and have maintained a distinct culture , so u need to visit there before making jealous statements........... no of Niazi living in afghansitan is more than in Pakistan ..... there religious minister is Yousaf Niazi so have proved what u are jealous kid...
Ahmed Shah abdali is hero of all Muslims , So is Sher Shah suri .......
so is Mahmood Ghaznavi (non pashtoon) , so is shah bud din Ghauri ( non pashtoon ) ............
so is Babur ............. so is Salahud din Ayubi (kurd) ..............
he hero is a hero there are no bounds of race or anything else ...........
Philosophy of Bacha Khan about peace is respected and so is of Quaid e Azam ..............
so these personalities need no bound .......

I read that Babur made pyramids of the skulls of Pashtuns at Bajaur Fort.
You can teach people not to eat meat and by logic the indian hindus present that since Muslims eat meat hence they are more sexually powerful means the grass eaters are less powerful when it comes to this ability
and less violence? ohh who killed thousands of Sikhs ? seems the Indian Hindus had to eat cow meat for gaining power to kill them right?
1 billion Hindus in India and 1.5 billion Muslims in whole world. Who is sexually more powerful ? :D

As for violence, you remember 1984 Sikhs murdered but what about people killed by Muslims, well start from 2001, 3000 in 9/11, then 40,000 in your country by Islamic terrorists. :lol:
this report is overall based on religious mindset....
scientific facts have nothing to do with this report....
Existence of God is based on religious mindset.
Scientifically not proven, but you believe in No god but one God, i.e. Allah.
And the Last Prophet be Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
Then why do you believe it if its not scientifically proven ?
Interesting this is new...Not at all scientifically correct! But worth a good laugh :D
I read that Babur made pyramids of the skulls of Pashtuns at Bajaur Fort.
sher Shah suri killed many Punjabis , and other indians ........
well there is no such story all hindu Propaganda ......
how can a man with 90% Pashtoon army ?????
Humans are biologically omnivores not herbivores, reasons are,
1. Dental structure. Our teeth evolved to eat both meat and plant matter.
2. Digestion. We are able to both tolerate and fully extract nutrients from most plant and animal sources. Exceptions include cellulose and chitin.
3. Primate Studies. Other primates, our closest living relatives, are also omnivores. This list includes Chimpanzees, Orangutans, and Gorillas.
4. Nutrients. Strict vegans must carefully watch the source of their food in order to ensure complete nutrition. In the modern world this is relatively easy, however prior to the neolithic, when we were primarily hunter-gatherers,it would have been vital to gather nutrition from whatever source was available, animal or vegetable.
5. Archaeological Evidence.Evidence from our earliest ancestors indicates that we have always consumed meat. This evidence includes bone evidence in proto-hominid fossil sites and coprolites
You are missing the evolution of Man and civilization.

1. Dental structure. Our teeth evolved to eat both meat and plant matter.
Humans were wild people and they didn't know how to farm. So they used to kill animals. They used to eat raw meat. Then cooked. So canines size decreased over the centuries.

2. Digestion. We are able to both tolerate and fully extract nutrients from most plant and animal sources. Exceptions include cellulose and chitin.

Its based on acid present in stomach. Snakes can devour entire animal and their stpomach acid even digest bones. Humans acidity level is quite high so there is no problem. Hope you know about the stomach lining continuoulsy created.

3. Primate Studies. Other primates, our closest living relatives, are also omnivores. This list includes Chimpanzees, Orangutans, and Gorillas.

They are majorly vegetarians. Few eat ants and sometimes small animals. They are behind evolution and can't arm.

4. Nutrients. Strict vegans must carefully watch the source of their food in order to ensure complete nutrition. In the modern world this is relatively easy, however prior to the neolithic, when we were primarily hunter-gatherers,it would have been vital to gather nutrition from whatever source was available, animal or vegetable.

I know Jain people who haven't eaten a single egg, leave aside meat. They are much more healthier than others. Meat is rich in protein but its high in cholesterol and may not provide all nutrients. You can leave on strictly vegetarian diet with proper nutrition but can't do same with meat. Like Vitamin C is available on fruits. That's why sea man used to take lemons even when they had food in form of fishes.

5. Archaeological Evidence.Evidence from our earliest ancestors indicates that we have always consumed meat. This evidence includes bone evidence in proto-hominid fossil sites and coprolites

Archaeological evidence shows the evolution of civilization. When they started farming, the meat dependency reduced. In Indian culture many people didn't even eat meat.

Now let me tell you one thing, exposure to violence and blood like Cutting the heat of Goat, Cow etc. in front of a child makes him less emotional towards violence. He/she accepts violence as part of life for survival.

If you look at the history, the meat eaters have been the ones who caused maximum number of killings. Whether it was Christians or Muslims.

Rapes were part of Muslim invaders and meat eaters.

Christians and Barbarians were also meat eaters.
Interesting this is new...Not at all scientifically correct! But worth a good laugh :D
Many things are not scientifically proven like existence of God and Religious figures like Jesus making water into wine and walking on Water.

But people believe it. What if someone laughs at your religion ?

And as for scientific reasons.

Exposure to violence, conditioning of human brain, sexual release found in many psychopaths by violence and rape is Psychologically and Biologically proven.If you want I can cite from American Journals on Psychology and Social conditioning.
Existence of God is based on religious mindset.
Scientifically not proven, but you believe in No god but one God, i.e. Allah.
And the Last Prophet be Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
Then why do you believe it if its not scientifically proven ?

is here anyone theory that proves anything scientifically written in Quran wrong???
ni not one...
today science admit that eating with fingers is good for health(sunah)..
science admit that drinking water before eating good for health(hadees)
science admit that all system of birth of child in quran is fully right..
Quran discussed astrology,geology fossils and much more scientifically....
sleeping and hybernation experiments are on basic of quran...
quran 1400 years before said all things are revolving around each other and now science is discovering that sun is also revolving...E=mc2 is also based on waqie-e-mairag(quran)...
whine and pig are proven very harmful for us both physically and mentally....
prove one thing scientifically wrong of Quran which was here on Earth 1400 years before when there was bo science(practical) .
can anyone create a surah like that shortest surah of Quran??
an open challenge to alls till one human being exist on this earth...
qaran told you that there is a moon...which is revolving around earth and earth is revolving around sun..
Quran told u that earth is not flat..
quran told u that water is 3/4th and land is 1/4th...
Quran explained about earthquake....
It is a book of righteousnes for those who care for right..
Islam differenciated in those who lay eggs have iner ears and those who milk their young ones have outer ears(Hazrat Ali)..
Science is now being proved wrong bt not Quran.....
Well Allah is one...
there are symptoms just we have to observe and we will ourselves admit this....
well i will not discuss this issue here as it would be change into full fledged war...

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