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Rochdale grooming: Five men convicted of historical child sex offences

White girls whose parents didn't give a toss about them were given free booze, cigarettes and cash in return for sex.

It used to be called prostitution but I suppose victim of a grooming gang makes them feel better.

First you’re no Englishman, your use of the language is a clear indicator. Possibly you’re a desi wannabe.

Second, you’re justifying pedophilia you sick individual.

Because he is involved in grooming himself, or knows people who are and takes full pride in it.
That’s may well be the case, I think.
White girls whose parents didn't give a toss about them were given free booze, cigarettes and cash in return for sex.

It used to be called prostitution but I suppose victim of a grooming gang makes them feel better.

They come from broken families and have been let down by the state .
Young children / teenagers have nothing to do , youth clubs , scouts / guides , boxing clubs , community centres have all shut down in the inner cities just due to greed .
These kids need help but no one gives a ****
Parents are drunk / drug addicts on welfare spending all their social on getting shit faced .

These peadophiles need to be shot or hanged but U.K. laws are weak .

Last month I pulled into a petrol station around midnight for some fuel and there was a young white english girl with a scarf on her head and a strong drink in a plastic cup standing there .

I told her in no pleasant terms to **** off home and informed the police .
Did they arrive , not while I was there .
It is now up to communities to patrol there areas as no one gives a ****
Fcuk it lets do whatabouttery, what have they done about white sex tourism to countries like Thailand

Do you think white people give a monkeys *** about it?

Let the police sort it out
It's up to the Thais do something about criminal activity in their country.
Young children / teenagers have nothing to do , youth clubs , scouts / guides , boxing clubs , community centres
Those are also filled with predators, child sex abuse is ingrained in British society.

Surprised you ask considering how well known this is…..

There’s stuff from as far back as 1997;

New legislation comes into force in Britain on Monday extending the jurisdiction of British courts to cover acts of child sex abuse committed by UK citizens overseas.
The Foreign Secretary's initiative follows the 1996 Sexual Offences Conspiracy and Incitement Act, which made it illegal for any Britons to incite others or to conspire to commit sexual offences against children abroad.
British men are among many foreigners who flock to the Philippines for sex with children.

One of the two British men jailed in the Phillipines for child sex offences

Two of the three foreigners so far convicted for child abuse in a Philippine government get-tough policy have been British. Steven Mitchell, 44, is serving 17 years for sexual activities with small boys and Michael Clarke, 50, is serving 16 years for organising sex tours.
UNICEF estimates that there are 60,000 child prostitutes in the Philippines and many of the 200 brothels in the notorious Angeles City offer children for sex.
The British Embassy in Manila last year organised a two-week course led by Scotland Yard detectives into techniques to investigate cases of child abuse.
Subsequently, the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation set up an anti-child abuse division - the first squad dedicated to fighting child abuse in the country.
Later this year, Britain is organising a four-week course to train a team of Philippine national Police instructors on how to investigate both child abuse and violence against women as well as how to run their own courses.
The Embassy has already developed a system for intelligence exchange between the British and Philippine police. Now the UK police pass on warnings when known and suspected paedophiles and other serious criminals travel to the Philippines.

Children are being put at risk by the Government's failure to deal with British paedophiles overseas, according to a new report being published today.

Sex offenders are able to travel the world abusing children virtually unchecked, according to the report, which accuses Britain of turning a blind eye to the activities of child molesters abroad. While British authorities await the return on Tuesday of convicted paedophile Gary Glitter after his release from prison in Vietnam, the report from Ecpat (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) accuses the Government of ignoring scores of similar offenders who are abusing children in countries that are often unable to police their activities.

It concludes that, despite increased reporting of sex offenders who are arrested for child abuse abroad, the Government has failed to combat child sex tourism. The report states there is a "clear pattern with repeat offenders travelling from country to country and flagrantly avoiding the stringent sex offender management mechanisms in the UK".

Although Glitter will be met by police on his return to Britain and put on the sex offenders' register, many other paedophiles remain abroad with little or no checks on their activities, according to Ecpat, which represents Britain's biggest children's charities. In one case, a sex offender was able to return to the UK and escape arrest despite an Interpol warrant for his capture.

Although Britain has laws to prosecute for offences committed abroad, these have been used in only a handful of sex tourism cases during the past decade and none since 2005. Yet in the past two years alone, more than 25 Britons have been arrested by foreign police for child sex offences, 15 of which were in Thailand.

While thousands of football hooligans are subject to travel bans, only five foreign travel orders have ever been issued against known sex offenders. More joint investigations are needed, as well as more agreements with countries to make it easier to bring sex offenders back to the UK, say campaigners. "The Government is turning a blind eye to the activities of British sex offenders abroad," said Christine Beddoe, author of the Ecpat report.

Jim Gamble, chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre admitted: "Britons who travel abroad to abuse children in the belief that they can evade justice are a UK problem, and we have a duty to protect every child, everywhere.

The Government announced yesterday that it is to speed up its plans to close a loophole that requires paedophiles to tell police their travel plans only if they are going abroad for more than three days. A Home Office spokesperson said: "From the autumn, we also intend to make registered sex offenders notify the police of any travel abroad."

Offenders overseas

John Maurice Praill, 77, was arrested in Thailand in March for abusing an eight-year-old boy and released on bail. He has been arrested several times for similar offences. Campaigners say that the Government must control the activities abroad of paedophiles such as Praill and Gary Glitter.

Even research as to why it happens;

Child sex tourism (CST), which is defined by the United Nations as “the exploitation of children for sexual purposes by people who travel locally or internationally to engage in sexual activities with children” (p.5) [4], accounts for a part of these earnings. While South-East Asia, Central America and Brazil are designated as countries with a long history of CST, with emerging destinations in South America, South, North-West, and East Africa, India and Mongolia, CST ‘users’ mostly originate from developed countries including European and North American countries, as well as Russia, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand [5].

Furthermore, CST is linked to the field of child and human trafficking

You probably won't see these incidents reported in the tabloids.
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You probably won't see these incidents reported in the tabloids.

Yes but why do you think that is? Aside the big cases of Gary Glitter, Richard Huckle etc.
What a disgusting thing to say man...

Entirely accurate, bruv

It's up to the Thais do something about criminal activity in their country.

Exactly, no one else gives a fcuk, sex tourism is a major thing, do you think white people give a fcuk about it?????

It's a police matter, let the police sort it out
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