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India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

One would need to utilise the grey matter to comprehend, nowhere did i mention the return of Taliban nor do i have any sympathy for these scum bags, perception is that post 2014, Pakistan will make sure the regime in Kabul is in no way hostile towards Islamabad.....the ground reality that some seem oblivious to is that like Nepal, Afghanistan is land locked thus has to rely on the neighbouring states and India doesn't share a common border with the subject, like in Nepal, China is also making a foothold in Afghanistan...once the cookie crumbles, what are the options left for India. !!

What exactly do you mean by the highlighted part if not to imply that using proxy's against the current govt in Kabul would be the way to bully Afghanistan? Mind you as long as Iran exists...Afghans will always have an alternate supply route to the seas...
Halting trade? for a soft spot the Afghans have towards Indians?
What about your own trade routes to CARs?
Pakistan cannot weild its once successful strategy of supporting Taliban to pressure Afghanistan as well since the Americans and NATO have drawn down their troops NOT abandoned their presence....

It is Pakistan that needs to get innovative past 2014.....not the other way around...
Indirect message to Indians " Times up" pack your bags and get out.
TTP bastards are also desperate for peace talks.
Off course they take my advice who else have inside info on AF :D .I am the best in what i do :pop:.

Spending billions of Dollar to bleed Pakistan with 1000 cuts don't you see Joker .
When our people don't have sulabh shauchalaya to take a Sh**.

Have you just taken over the CIA and RAW and set their agenda; Mr Joker!! :rofl:

Hope you will be successful in your grandiose plans before Nato leaves Afghanistan. :astagh:
And actually Pakistan responded to what you did in East Pakistan. Anyways lets see if ISI would do what it is supposed to do after 2014. They should do it.

If that is the case then whatever is happening is happening for good.!1948 and 1965 was not initiated by India. Do whatever you want to do we will pay it with interest. You know we are baniya hindus.

Indirect message to Indians " Times up" pack your bags and get out.
TTP bastards are also desperate for peace talks.

If I am not wrong GOP and Talibs were eager to have peace talk before as well and we all know what happened after that..
Off course they take my advice who else have inside info on AF :D .I am the best in what i do :pop:.

Spending billions of Dollar to bleed Pakistan with 1000 cuts don't you see Joker .
When our people don't have sulabh shauchalaya to take a Sh**.

Yes, I believe you entirely.
You surely must be the "Best Sanitary Inspector". But neither CIA or RAW employ that kinda professionals. :astagh:

Anyway have fun in USA?? :rofl:
If this was said about Pakistan instead of India, the Indians would be treating this as if they were words in a holy book.

Anyways I'm sure he's more knowledgeable about the situation in Afghanistan than Indian internet soliders
I never mentioned a repeat of 1971 is possible.

Many Indians do think its repetition is possible.

Your Govt attempted exploiting BJP Govt in 1999.

Kargil episode didn't go well for Pakistan

No need to go for limited war like Kargil. Exploiting fault lines in India is better when you have extremists in the central govt.

Why after 2014.. Scared of Americans ? :D

Less focus of western border. More focus on eastern border.

If that is the case then whatever is happening is happening for good.!1948 and 1965 was not initiated by India. Do whatever you want to do we will pay it with interest. You know we are baniya hindus.

Well you have your version of history. We believe that India is responsible for exporting and promoting terrorism in Pakistan and it is India who started this proxy war stuff. We might have to respond in the same manner after 2014. Just need more Bhatkals. That's it.
4kkk ya,you r saying that Afganistan's only hope is Pakistan????? Ranks 13 in failed nation index...?? does pakistan have any hope for itself that how and till when it will survive in this planet.????? Or you are just a stupid follower of a monkey in red cap.!!!

LOL don't troll.... first go and have some lesson of geographic importance of Pakistan to understand my comment.... There 35-40 Lacs Afghans living here we know them better then you.....

Same Taliban who are killing you...:omghaha:

Those funded Taliban are now asking for Talks..... we will finish them
No body is begging taliban.They are not in position to take afghanistan like before and they are completely wiped out from many areas.
U.S wants to get their troops with war stuff back as there is no meaning of keeping them there in such extent.While they will keep 1000o or more and they are enough to train jihadis against pakistan and keep you under foot :omghaha:

USA position is so bad that Taliban are now attacking them in there basses don't read Indian newspaper pick up any Afghan paper and you will know the real condition of Afghanistan who is in which position......:cheers:
Czar786, you are the dumbest indian i have ever seen.!!!you don't have any knowledge of strategic affairs.

Czar786, you are the dumbest indian i have ever seen.!!!you don't have any knowledge of strategic affairs.

What makes you think he is Indian or American or Kenyan or Somalian? :azn:

About the dumb bit; no comments.
Whatever. The locals prefer us over you guys anytime. It will be fun to watch when the hunter becomes the hunted !

I think you will fail while Zardari and team will not be around.
If this was said about Pakistan instead of India, the Indians would be treating this as if they were words in a holy book.

Anyways I'm sure he's more knowledgeable about the situation in Afghanistan than Indian internet soliders

knowledgeble yes...convincing...NO

So far no one else has come out in support of his statement...

Truth in politics is what most people believe...NOT what may actually be happening (and please for gods sake do not take this as some sort of admission of guilt)
The point is....as long as the world and majority of American govt and people think our role in Afghanistan is positive...there is very little Pakistanis or Hagel can do about it...
Well you have your version of history. We believe that India is responsible for exporting and promoting terrorism in Pakistan and it is India who started this proxy war stuff. We might have to respond in the same manner after 2014. Just need more Bhatkals. That's it.

Ever Wonder why there has hardly any terror attacks in BJP ruled states. Why yr Bhatkals dude been unable to do anything in Gujarat. UPA goverement in order to appease Sunnis is not taking required action against the IM sleeper cells. But when BJP comes to power in 2014 things will very different.
knowledgeble yes...convincing...NO

So far no one else has come out in support of his statement...

Truth in politics is what most people believe...NOT what may actually be happening (and please for gods sake do not take this as some sort of admission of guilt)
The point is....as long as the world and majority of American govt and people think our role in Afghanistan is positive...there is very little Pakistanis or Hagel can do about it...

He very likely to become defense secretary:

Senate clears way for Hagel confirmation vote

Anyway's he's going to be in an important position and the more "allies" Pakistan can have in U.S government, the better
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