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India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

well i don't know why u guys boast of your so called geographic importance.Do u know the reason of your "geographic importance" is a shame for your country but u guys are proud of it.!!!

Afghanistan is Land lock country that's why Pakistan importance is more..... This is the only reason we are in better position then India..... That is only reason America help us..... That is our advantage against India
This guy is waiting for ages to send Afghanistan back to Taliban rule, hope god gives you what you are wishing for Afghanistan. You fully deserve it, since you think bad about Afghanistan.

I don't think bad about afghanistan, afghanis are my brothers in faith......think what you want, or what suite you better, but it gonna happen at any cost. Because every muh'min believe in this prophecy !!!
He very likely to become defense secretary:

Senate clears way for Hagel confirmation vote

Anyway's he's going to be in an important position and the more "allies" Pakistan can have in U.S government, the better

Pakistan will certainly have advantage with this Hagel joker joining Pakistan pasand Kerry brigade.

But crux of the matters is that which we Indians seem to overlook is the fact that even if Hagel and Kerry on our side it would n't have meant that our Pak centric woes would have disappeared. India must realise that Yankee will not fight wars for us. Pakistan is Yankee creation to keep bogged down in the Subcontient.
This Time if Taliban\nightwalkers if they dare cross LOC then IA would have their head on spikes for the whole world to see. Unlike 89 now LOC heavyly fenced and IA fully prepared to take on these taliban barbarians.

If terrorists from Pakistan infiltrate into India, IA is capable to deal with them. We will respond as required. I have no mercy for terrorists.

In Afghanistan Non Pashutans are firmly with India and Iran would never go against Indian interests and since China plans to mine Afghanistan so it is also in their interest that Afghanistan remains peaceful.

Now you are acting like spokesperson of Non Pashtuns.

But yes, i agree China, Pakistan, Iran all want a stable peaceful Afghanistan. We Indians also want a peaceful Afghanistan. But funding terrorists of TTP and BLA to smash Pakistan. Is this the right thing we Indians are doing? Looks like we are sowing seeds of bad blood that will harm India-Pak relations in future.

The blood of innocent Pakistanis killed by TTP and BLA is on the hands of India. Not something i am proud of.

Indian interest would be attacked by Pak proxyies then India has sufficent assets in Afghanistan to make it impossible for China to mine Afghanistan.

You are right. Indians have sufficient assets in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan for NOW. But will those assets still be there after US withdrawal? I see Pakistan military wiping out Indian assets easily after NATO leaves Afghanistan.
Why your people says no country can be a superpower without pakistan's assistance.???is Afganistan such a important country.???

LOL again your lack of Knowledge..... Why are you putting billion of $$ in Afghanistan if it has no importance to you.... Read Czar786 comment no 67 what India is doing everyone know that..... Indian establishment is not that much dumb that it will not take a chance to destabilize Pakistan when Pakistan western border are open for it.....
If terrorists from Pakistan infiltrate into India, IA is capable to deal with them. We will respond as required. I have no mercy for terrorists.

Now you are acting like spokesperson of Non Pashtuns.

But yes, i agree China, Pakistan, Iran all want a stable peaceful Afghanistan. We Indians also want a peaceful Afghanistan. But funding terrorists of TTP and BLA to smash Pakistan. Is this the right thing we Indians are doing? Looks like we are sowing seeds of bad blood that will harm India-Pak relations in future.

The blood of innocent Pakistanis killed by TTP and BLA is on the hands of India. Not something i am proud of.

You are right. Indians have sufficient assets in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan for NOW. But will those assets still be there after US withdrawal? I see Pakistan military wiping out Indian assets easily after NATO leaves Afghanistan.

You seem to be Ashamed of yr Pakistani passport that's why you seem to be hiding behind Indian flag.:P
telling statements from the incoming defense minister, but hardly something we did not already know

It is no secret that India and Pakistan creates problems for each other in Afghanistan. Hagel seems to have forgotten the bombing of Indian consulate in Kabul

and made no mention of "indian consulates" near our border which sure as hell were not issuing tourist visas to afghans! :laugh:

nor did he go into specifics about covert, nefarious activities of "imposter refugees" who tried to exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabliities of poor suffering refugees of Afghanistan (at Kohat, Peshawar and elsewhere) --trying to get them to do anti-State work against Pakistan

yes youre right that at this point this is all no secret but at least someone within Obama cabinet has the courage to go on record about it....not that it will be a game-changer of any sorts.

everyone knows that on a broader strategic level certain circles in Washington are adament about establishing a listening post of sorts in the region while also trying to keep/contain Chinese influence and reach under control
This only means that US is involved in destabilising Pakistan as they allowed India to use Afghanistan. And its obvious that US knew about it.

Very bad of the US. We will wait for an official response from Hagel.

Funny thing is reactions from some pakistanis - ask them about what top american officials have said about pakistan and ISI, and they will immediately ask for proof :)
It's funny how....

If a source makes an anti India statement then it's the holy truth
If the same source makes an anti Pakistan statement then its a lie - Panetta as defense secretary said a lot about Pakistan - which must surely was false because they were anti Pakistan.

Whatever. The locals prefer us over you guys anytime. It will be fun to watch when the hunter becomes the hunted !

the locals are busy killing eachother and have been for some decades now; once the dust settles and there is at least some semblance of normalcy (versus regionalism, war-lordism and constantly shifting alliances and loyalties) Afghans of all walks of life will hopefully be guided on the proper path and realize that Pakistan sacrificed more for Afghans than any other country -- from the time we helped liberate them from soviets to today whereby we are more dedicated towards intra-Afghan reconciliation than Afghans themselves are

there are some suspicions at times on both sides but hopefully just a temporary hiccup. Afghanistan and Pakistan are neighbours and have a sort of symbiotic relationship even if it's been dysfunctional at times (mildly stated)

whereas indian is a distant land with little or no connection whatsoever; history will prove that she chose the wrong guys to try propping up and support! :)
You got this right I am the inspector to find Chut Ka booth like you guys who don't have any idea WTF going around and afraid to tell the truth and the truth is what i say .

Yes, I believe you entirely.
You surely must be the "Best Sanitary Inspector". But neither CIA or RAW employ that kinda professionals. :astagh:

Anyway have fun in USA?? :rofl:

Czar786, you are the dumbest indian i have ever seen.!!!you don't have any knowledge of strategic affairs.

Oh i c you are mad bcoz i took your title Mr Dumb AS* :lol:.
So tell me what the Fcuk we are in AF don't bull**** about development and education.

Czar786, you are the dumbest indian i have ever seen.!!!you don't have any knowledge of strategic affairs.
telling statements from the incoming defense minister, but hardly something we did not already know

Funny how the words of the the CIA chief Panetta are ignored by Pakistanis...I suppose Pakistan's collusion with "non-state" actors must be accepted by them...


and made no mention of "indian consulates" near our border which sure as hell were not issuing tourist visas to afghans! :laugh:

Indian consulates are not only for issuing visas but also protecting the interests of Indian nationals and laborers working in those areas...interpret protecting "Indian interests" as you want..its irrelevant unless other nations believe your rhetoric

the locals are busy killing eachother and have been for some decades now; once the dust settles and there is at least some semblance of normalcy (versus regionalism, war-lordism and constantly shifting alliances and loyalties) that Pakistan sacrificed more for Afghans than any other country -- from the time we helped liberate them from soviets to today whereby we are more dedicated towards intra-Afghan reconciliation than Afghans themselves are

Seems the Afghans dont share your views....and at the end of the day, if this were true...why so much negativity from the Afghans towards Pak when Pakistan claims to have such deep ethnic and religious bonds with them?
I know what he really meant - what he actually said was that India financed development and infrastructure in Afghanistan - which was a problem for Pakistan.
There are no Americans in Kashmir...

But the Israelis are....in any case, neither is Afghanistan a disputed territory.

It's funny how....

If a source makes an anti India statement then it's the holy truth
If the same source makes an anti Pakistan statement then its a lie - Panetta as defense secretary said a lot about Pakistan - which must surely was false because they were anti Pakistan.

And it's not exactly Pakistanis who portray to be snow-white.... nothing to do with errrr ....clean and dry cream. !! :eek:

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