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India successfully tests anti satellite weapon. Low earth orbit satellite destroyed.

Does India use the kinetic-kill vehicle (KKV) to destroy the satellite?
This is such a shameful thing by Indians to be happy about. There is so much poverty in India and people are dying in streets due to starvation. There are no sanitation facilities, no transport or any basic things for the poor. The GDP per capita is extremely poor.

Just look where your government is spending money on instead of the poor... on fucking space weapons for **** sake. This is disgraceful.
Well , the air raids didn't have cemented favourable outcome , modi uncle had to do something to keep the patriotic pot boiling. Else people will ask different set of questions in coming elections.
what worries me more are the petrol prices going sky high immediately after the elections are over...i am predicting it will cross over Rs 90/ lt in the first 3 months itself.
Does India use the kinetic-kill vehicle (KKV) to destroy the satellite?
Yes it was a kinetic kill vehicle, not a explosive vehicle. Satellites can't be destroyed with explosive vehicles as the speed of explosion is much lower than the speed of the satellite in orbit which is close to 7.7km/s at 300km orbit. So, even a small delay in 1 millisecond will make the warhead miss by 7-8 metres and explosion will be too slow for the shrapnels to catch up. Kinetic kill is the only way to kill a satellite
Modi needs a boost. Alot of failures on domestic front. Farmer and urban majority have not seen the benefits of "world beating" gdp numbers.
The farmers have turned against him. That is problematic for him.
Resembles the Israeli Arrow missile. I strongly suspect India acquired Israeli missile components to make this A-Sat.
This is such a shameful thing by Indians to be happy about. There is so much poverty in India and people are dying in streets due to starvation. There are no sanitation facilities, no transport or any basic things for the poor. The GDP per capita is extremely poor.

Just look where your government is spending money on instead of the poor... on fucking space weapons for **** sake. This is disgraceful.

Our GDP per capita is almost a $1000 more than yours. Itna jellan hai tum lok lololol

Does India use the kinetic-kill vehicle (KKV) to destroy the satellite?

Something like this was very expected by Pakistan and their allies. The expectation was that India would again line up all her military on the Pakistani border but that didn't quite happen. However a big dramatic show was expected from the Indians and Lo and Behold!

People don't understand the amount of damage Pakistan did to the Indian military in broad day light without blinking. The Indians lost many of their very sensitive and supposedly secret installations, quite a few Indian airbases were bombed and blown to smithereens, many of their seniors officers were injured or worse. Not only that the message Pakistan sent to the Indian high command was, "Bring it on". The Indians replied with absolute silence.

The Indians went crying to the super powers of the day instead to do something against Pakistan. But they mostly found shoulders being shrugged at them. Pakistan didn't want a war to start but the fact that the Indians ran away from a real fight when challenged sent a loud message to all the important capitals around the world.

A war in this region is not suitable for Pakistan or any of their friends at this point in time. But the enemy did not expect such a brutal thrashing and didn't know what to do when Pakistan challenged India to a fight to death.

I personally still do not believe the Indians actually conducted any such tests. It was a claim made by Modi just like that mythical creature called Surjikalsitirike.
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Something like this was very expected by Pakistan and their allies. The expectation was that India would again line up all her military on the Pakistani border but that didn't quite happen. However a big dramatic show was expected from the Indians and Lo and Behold!

People don't understand the amount of damage Pakistan did to the Indian military in broad day light without blinking. The Indians lost many of their very sensitive and supposedly secret installations, quite a few Indian airbases were bombed and blown to smithereens, many of their seniors officers were injured or worse. Not only that the message Pakistan sent to the Indian high command was, "Bring it on". The Indians replied with absolute silence.

The Indians went crying to the super powers of the day instead to do something against Pakistan. But they mostly found shoulders being shrugged at them. Pakistan didn't want a war to start but the fact that the Indians ran away from a real fight when challenged sent a loud message to all the important capitals around the world.

A war in this region is not suitable for Pakistan or any of their friends at this point in time. But the enemy did not expect such a brutal thrashing and didn't know what to do when Pakistan challenged India to a fight to death.

I personally still do not believe the Indians actually conducted any such tests. It was a claim made by Modi just like that mythical creature called Surjikalsitirike.

Well I agree with your points. Its no real threat to Pakistan. This tech is easily acquired by various international suppliers. It is safer for the region and world if Modi tries to pander to his domestic audience this way. Congrats India.
Our GDP per capita is almost a $1000 more than yours. Itna jellan hai tum lok lololol
Pathetic. Koei kisi sei ni jal rha. Your benchmark is a freaking 3rd world country and you call yourself Superpower 2020? You should be ashamed commending action of such government which instead of spending the money of education of its citizens and other facilities, they spent it on building useless space weapons.
Pathetic. Koei kisi sei ni jal rha. Your benchmark is a freaking 3rd world country and you call yourself Superpower 2020? You should be ashamed commending action of such government which instead of spending the money of education of its citizens and other facilities, they spent it on building useless space weapons.
Tens of millions of people are lifted out of poverty every year. electrification and access to sanitation has also increased over the last five years. I am pretty sure your country is taking similar steps right? Because Pakistan also has a pretty large military.
Tens of millions of people are lifted out of poverty every year. electrification and access to sanitation has also increased over the last five years. I am pretty sure your country is taking similar steps right? Because Pakistan also has a pretty large military.
Pakistan is different to India. We are surrounded by hostile neighbours and threat of Afghani taliban invading our land. Constant insurgencies by RAW sponsored TTP and Balochi separatists in Balochistan. Also constant threat of war on Kashmir border. Also our economy is minuscule compared to yours. So Pakistan is forced to spend money on military.

But difference is, your country is not forced to. You don't have any threat of foreign forces invading your country. Your government should be spending a hundred times more on education and basic stuff like lowering taxes that helps your people instead of wasting money on military.
Pakistan is different to India. We are surrounded by hostile neighbours and threat of Afghani taliban invading our land. Constant insurgencies by RAW sponsored TTP and Balochi separatists in Balochistan. Also constant threat of war on Kashmir border. Also our economy is minuscule compared to yours. So Pakistan is forced to spend money on military.

But difference is, your country is not forced to. You don't have any threat of foreign forces invading your country. Your government should be spending a hundred times more on education and basic stuff like lowering taxes that helps your people instead of wasting money on military.
We do have two hostile neighbors, and they happen to compose most of our land borders and both claim our territory. So we have to do what is necessary for our security. India spends a tiny percent of its GDP on defence, so its not like the Indian government is denying its people essential services.
We do have two hostile neighbors, and they happen to compose most of our land borders and both claim our territory. So we have to do what is necessary for our security. India spends a tiny percent of its GDP on defence, so its not like the Indian government is denying its people essential services.
Both claim your territory in same area of Kashmir while Pakistan is threatened from Kashmir side, Afghanistan side as well as Iran side. So stop comparing your country with Pakistan.

You people need to change your mind and need to stop being so war hungry. If India's government spent adequate amount of money on their people, some parts of area would look like proper developed countries one but they don't. Tiny GDP spent on defence doesn't comes in these stupid space program. For **** sake the point is billions of dollars were wasted on this space weapon which is absolutely useless instead of spending it on the welfare of people. It's a pity that both BJP and Congress are incompetent parties.
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