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India strikes back at nuclear protesters

Most of these anti-national funds come from missionaries and christian charities. It is a common fact that most of these christian organizations get a lot of "charity" money to fund anti-national activities in India. Bitter and harsh it may sound but this is the truth that most of us don't have the courage to face.

I apologize Teshering....I let my emotions get the best of me...I am Catholic from Kerala.... and I understand the stance on anti conversion. Ihave heard of some issues...but I feel all Christians are getting a bad rap from an irresponsible gov;t. Nobody praises the good work Christians have done in Kerala and other places. Nobody expects praise but it hurts when folks accuse us of anitnationalism..... I just get a little ill tempered again sorry....and the Tibetan thing was a one time experience....no offence meant
Indian GDP in the 18th century 27% of the world - now it is around 2% of the world GDP - 30% population is under the BPL today.

We have the oppurtunity to turn around the economy and be second largest by 2050 in the world and reduce our poverty levels.

To accomplish that we need energy for the economy to grow - So if someone prevents this from happening - I would call him anti-national.
He is a Sikkimese..as much Indian as you and me.

What were the protestors doing till 90% of the work was completed,20K crores spent and commisioning just months away ?.

Mayira pudunkitu irundanga ?

I heard its 8 hrs minimum powercut in Coimbatore. In Tirupur almost 90% of the factories are functioning at 30-40% capacity only. We will be getting 1000 MW from the KNPP. Still you dont want it ?

Let me tell you how these protests started...everything was going fine till that Fukushima disaster happened..immediately the western countries (particularly from US ) which did not get much of the nuclear pie saw an opportunity to derail the Russian project and started funding the NGOs to protest.

I saw/read all the anti-KNPP articles in Kumudham, Aananda Vikatan by these self-styled activists and frankly they were just hot pile of BS...no factual stories, no scientific backing..nothing. Just hyping the fear in people and playing upon them. C'mon Fkushima was 60s technology with direct exposure to open ocean...but Kudankulam is the latest tech from Russia and shielded from the open ocean by Lanka. Comparing them is like comparing pigs with horses.

If we educated people cant see through this charade by the NGOs what chances have the uneducated fisher folk, housewives have got..for them whatever the karthar-samy (priest-father) says is the final and believe it without asking a quetion.

Yeah but any area on the tip of India is still vulnerable. In fact, The Tsunami gets worse in a constricted area...where the power would multiply. Sri Lanks landmass did help matters for the last tsunami. Nobody is claiming science and stories....the people want answers and they demand to have their questions answered. Read up Wikipedia on this reactor and on the bottom, there is a list of questions specifically 3 which are important dealing with their lives. The uneducated are used to being taken advantage of, its clear why they convert. When they are given knowledge, they become empowered. The Gov;t thought they could steam roll the process because they are uneducated and minorities. But they sure got a surprise when such low rungs of society fight back. If the reactor is so important put it in the backyard of the CM or in Dehli. Till then answer their questions....what so fuking hard about answering a few damn questions? Why the hell is the govt taking so long. The ony crooks and anti nationals are the politicans like Pawar and such. And you have the gall to blame NGO's. Cheap BJP/Congress tactic....you guys are such sheep....no proof whatsoever is presented...they arrest a German national who is protesting lie that ties anything to the protests. He could have just as easily acted on his own accord.

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------

Indian GDP in the 18th century 27% of the world - now it is around 2% of the world GDP - 30% population is under the BPL today.

We have the oppurtunity to turn around the economy and be second largest by 2050 in the world and reduce our poverty levels.

To accomplish that we need energy for the economy to grow - So if someone prevents this from happening - I would call him anti-national.

Wrong....what India needs more than electricity is strong gov;t first and foremost. Before you call anyone a Anti-nationalist plz look at our leaders closely.....Maywati, Laloo, Pawar, etc....the list is too bloody long...that;s where this anger and fingers should be pointed at......
Yeah Tibetan...I know...I have met plenty of his type....the funny thing is in India they are kind and sweet....once they move out of the country...they do not wish to be associated with India and in fact put us down...FACT at least the ones that I have come to know...smacks off hypocrisy

Thank-God you are not standing in front of me. I would have smacked that cheek off your face.

Wrong....what India needs more than electricity is strong gov;t first and foremost. Before you call anyone a Anti-nationalist plz look at our leaders closely.....Maywati, Laloo, Pawar, etc....the list is too bloody long...that;s where this anger and fingers should be pointed at......

That is another area we need to address and this will not happen unless people stop worrying about the day to day life and start thinking. That will happen only when their poverty goes away.
That is another area we need to address and this will not happen unless people stop worrying about the day to day life and start thinking. That will happen only when their poverty goes away.

Poverty is not only due to lack of electricity while I do see the connection. Education is fundamental..... but you made a good point..

---------- Post added at 07:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ----------

Thank-God you are not standing in front of me. I would have smacked that cheek off your face.


Podee pulaa inda amma smack cheyadah,,,,pureee....

You smack wouldnt amount to much....if you you 6 ft under..
We have one near the CM's home - Kalpakkam and one in the economic capital of India - Trombay.

I was being sarcastic....the truth of the matter is that our politicans have milked so much money away from India, they and their future generations can live like kings in foreign lands...
Yeah but any area on the tip of India is still vulnerable. In fact, The Tsunami gets worse in a constricted area...where the power would multiply. Sri Lanks landmass did help matters for the last tsunami. Nobody is claiming science and stories....

Then it means you still dont know that the areas in tip of India were the least affected by the Tsunami and even if the epicenter of tsunami chnages they will remain unaffected due to their shielding by Lanka.


the people want answers and they demand to have their questions answered.

They have got the answers they demanded, but now Uthaya Kumar, the guy leading the protests has now diverted the protests into a blanket ban on nuclear power. The bottom line of those protestors is simple. They will not listen to any reasoning. If they get answers for one set of questions they will just raise another unrelated bunch and frankly, we people of Tamil Nadu, are also fed up of their chicanery.

We are not ready to live in 8 hours of darkness daily for the fear of some mythical accident that may/may not happen in the distant future.

The uneducated are used to being taken advantage of, its clear why they convert.

That is hardly a fraction. The rest were just taken advantage of and converted because of that. Now instead of the upper caste taing advnatage of them the church and its different facets take advantage of them.

When they are given knowledge, they become empowered.

I read through the 'knowledge' they were given in the local papers, magazines where these anti-nuclear activists and they were just steaming pile of BS. No truth in it. Just wild allegations, exaggerations without any scientific backing.

The Gov;t thought they could steam roll the process because they are uneducated and minorities. But they sure got a surprise when such low rungs of society fight back.

LMAO...you dont know what is 'steamrolling' especially in context of Jayalalitha. How she handled the striking Govt officials in 2003..that was steam rolling. The Govt , both state and Central have been patient in listening to the villagers and instituting committees to allay fears. But these NGOs are just jumping from one issue to another and misleading the simple-minded village with the sole intention of blocking the plant without any reasonable solutions/stance and they left no choice except to be cracked upon, hard.

If the reactor is so important put it in the backyard of the CM or in Dehli.

Where do you think Kalpakkam is..?

Till then answer their questions....what so fuking hard about answering a few damn questions? Why the hell is the govt taking so long. The ony crooks and anti nationals are the politicans like Pawar and such. And you have the gall to blame NGO's. Cheap BJP/Congress tactic....you guys are such sheep....no proof whatsoever is presented...they arrest a German national who is protesting lie that ties anything to the protests. He could have just as easily acted on his own accord.

You dont know sh!t you are talking about. I'm from TN and I know what these so-called NGOs are capable of and what is the ground reality.
Then it means you still dont know that the areas in tip of India were the least affected by the Tsunami and even if the epicenter of tsunami chnages they will remain unaffected due to their shielding by Lanka.


They have got the answers they demanded, but now Uthaya Kumar, the guy leading the protests has now diverted the protests into a blanket ban on nuclear power. The bottom line of those protestors is simple. They will not listen to any reasoning. If they get answers for one set of questions they will just raise another unrelated bunch and frankly, we people of Tamil Nadu, are also fed up of their chicanery.

We are not ready to live in 8 hours of darkness daily for the fear of some mythical accident that may/may not happen in the distant future.

That is hardly a fraction. The rest were just taken advantage of and converted because of that. Now instead of the upper caste taing advnatage of them the church and its different facets take advantage of them.

I read through the 'knowledge' they were given in the local papers, magazines where these anti-nuclear activists and they were just steaming pile of BS. No truth in it. Just wild allegations, exaggerations without any scientific backing.

LMAO...you dont know what is 'steamrolling' especially in context of Jayalalitha. How she handles the striking Govt officials in 2004..that was steam rolling. The Govt , both state and Central have been patient in listening to the villagers and instituting committees to allay fears. But these NGOs are just jumping from one issue to another without the sole intention of blocking the plant without any reasonable solutions/stance and they left no choice except to be cracked upon, hard.

Where do you think Kalpakkam is..?

You dont know sh!t you are talking about. I'm from TN and I know what these so-called NGOs are capable of and what is the ground reality.

LMAO...what so you take the Tsunami of 2004 and predict any future event will happen in such a specific manner LOL plz you dont know ****.....just imagine if it it happens on the other sides then what?The narrow strip between Sri lanka would in fact suffer more. Kalpakkam....read my other post..plz...I was being saracstic even such acts have little effect on politicans who too rich off corruption they can fly away to their other properties. How well do you understnad English. The knowledge I was referring to was not related to the nuclea reactors. It was a general theme of uplifting ppl. I also referred you idiots to a list of questions prepared by them that were in all honestly pretty fair. One simply asked where was the water for such a reactor going to be sourced from. What is that too difficult to answer for the gov;t? if so, then a reactor is the lesst of our problems. Readin comprehension is. No aswer till now. As for a blanket ban, I dont agree with but it could be some propaganda BS. In fact, the gov;t has not provided no proof. I can say whatever I want then.

The US and other parts of the world have a more extensive history than India and they are not getting a positive response on nuclear activity. France is uncomparable to India for a vairety of reasons.

Plz Hindus have done more harm than good to their own. Sorry if can digest the facts.

As for ppl getting tired....well if you dont; know the facts about nuclear energy then its easy to get upset. Nobody is forcing anyone to convert by force fool. Wy shoud they trust the gov;t if the govt is not willing to even police their own corruption and enact tougher laws. Oh but the govt is so quick to enforce this issue.......bollocks
I dont understand what the reason for some INDIANS to go gaga when some one protest over some thing which they feel is dangerous for their livelyhood.
Those who are calling these protesters should go and see how big the protest is and if you think of deporting or killing them you have to kill the people of over a dozen village population and the district of nagarcoil.

Come on guys, will you all accept if the INDIAN goverment erect a Nuclear power plant near your home. will you not fear of radiation leack affecting your next generation, will you not fear of malfarmed babies, etc.

Don't be naive to your own country men.

Well well well, what do we have here. Reminds me of the protest people of Kerala were making in regards to the Mullaperiyar dam and the guys from TN advocating the dam was safe even though 3 million people stand to lose their lives if it ever collapsed. Come on now, at least this is a spanking new facility built with the latest technology and not some 117 year old rickety dam about to burst.
Double faced, double standards I presume from you guys.
Well well well, what do we have here. Reminds me of the protest people of Kerala were making in regards to the Mullaperiyar dam and the guys from TN advocating the dam was safe even though 3 million people stand to lose their lives if it ever collapsed. Come on now, at least this is a spanking new facility built with the latest technology and not some 117 year old rickety dam about to burst.
Double faced, double standards I presume from you guys.

Whatever it is...don;t be fooled by high tech and spanking new nonsense. India does not even have the resources to deal with a nuclear diaster aftermath. Thats is a key pressing concern. After seeing how we botched up 26/11, I have no faith unless we fundamentally overhaul the entire system. I can be very hard and sore on India but its only becase its not too late. India is in a better position to embrace change now than later.

Here;s a link about Japan...

********.com - Journalists tour Fukushima nuclear power plant

Read the comments as well. Im tired of hearing you guys jump on these poor ppl. If its really NGO's fine but don;t let that delude you to a core issue which is safety. YOu can spin it any way you like...India does not have the resources to deal with such a disaster. To do think otherwise, invites greater problems. Day by day, Im starting to think you guys are delusional or have no value on life. Sad really. In the pursuit of development, you guys would kill your kill/endanger our ppl. It speaks volumes about our military tactics and why they are so flawed....Damn wake up
Whatever it is...don;t be fooled by high tech and spanking new nonsense. India does not even have the resources to deal with a nuclear diaster aftermath. Thats is a key pressing concern. After seeing how we botched up 26/11, I have no faith unless we fundamentally overhaul the entire system. I can be very hard and sore on India but its only becase its not too late. India is in a better position to embrace change now than later.

Here;s a link about Japan...

********.com - Journalists tour Fukushima nuclear power plant

Read the comments as well. Im tired of hearing you guys jump on these poor ppl. If its really NGO's fine but don;t let that delude you to a core issue which is safety. YOu can spin it any way you like...India does not have the resources to deal with such a disaster. To do think otherwise, invites greater problems. Day by day, Im starting to think you guys are delusional or have no value on life. Sad really. In the pursuit of development, you guys would kill your kill/endanger our ppl. It speaks volumes about our military tactics and why they are so flawed....Damn wake up

Indeed, you are just backing up my comment. India doesn't have the resources nor the administrative efficiency to deal with a major disaster, be it nuclear or a burst dam. And if Indian spanking new and latest technology cannot save you, then how do you think that some minor maintenance work(mind you, Indian repair works :P) done on a 117 year old dam would save people living in that area.

I'm not against anyone here, the protesters if their concerns are valid deserves to voice against the nuclear plants. I'm just saying that some people here are double faced and have double standards.
Good on MMS, true to his word.

Need to get RAW/IB/local ATS involved and kick these f£$kers out, they are directly holding India back and hindering the development of MILLIONS of Indians.
Wasn't there a thread on this forum, about Tamil Nadu having 8-hour power cuts every day?

And now in Tamil Nadu there is so much opposition to new power plants being built?

Among tamil nadu's 80 million population the protesters constitute 50000 so mathematically 0.0625 percentage..... among them
95 percent are poor uneducated fisherman families brainwashed by some A** H**ES.

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