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India strikes back at nuclear protesters

^^ Traitors is more likely the better name for these scum. I wish they are stripped off their passports and kicked out of the country.

Whatever happened to proving one's guilt? India shouldnt be called worlds largest Democracy but instead worlds largest Banana Republic

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

I dont understand what the reason for some INDIANS to go gaga when some one protest over some thing which they feel is dangerous for their livelyhood.
Those who are calling these protesters should go and see how big the protest is and if you think of deporting or killing them you have to kill the people of over a dozen village population and the district of nagarcoil.

Come on guys, will you all accept if the INDIAN goverment erect a Nuclear power plant near your home. will you not fear of radiation leack affecting your next generation, will you not fear of malfarmed babies, etc.

Don't be naive to your own country men.

Exactly its very easy for all these paster on this forum to talk smack yet none live next door to one these reactors. Then they are taking shots on the NGO;s yet they haven;t read the Wikileaks threas on this forum.
ermmm.... this make no sense... All Indians and yet not so aligned???

Point 1... I think we should hear the protest and behave as a civilized country

2nd Point... If it's not in out vested interest then ignore it... since democratic society will always go agains crusade

last point... whats the heck.. this is soo damn normal man... people will have speeches.. opinion... support... and over and above religion and nationalism lies humanity... how easily we tend to forget them isnt it?
Most of these anti-national funds come from missionaries and christian charities. It is a common fact that most of these christian organizations get a lot of "charity" money to fund anti-national activities in India. Bitter and harsh it may sound but this is the truth that most of us don't have the courage to face.

What proof and facts do you have to back your claims? Shows us some proof. Maybe folks don;t preach such nonsense and crap because they have a clear head are waiting for the facts to come out. How come we don;t mention crap or do **** about money being poured in from the Gulf to Islamic charities or the money being pushed into Hindutava agendas and groups? They do more harm than good. Oh wait I guess terrorism is okay as long as such organizations dont; get in the way of developmentof the nation, right?

One thing is clear....the increasing hate that Hindu groups have been pushing towards India's minorities is quite evident. India better be careful....first it was tribals/dalits, then Sikhs, then Muslims and now CHristians...at this pace there wont be a nation. The tone and mood of many members is border line disgusting.....I know better than to judge and blame the actions of a few on entire group.

It really irks me that conversion is such a huge factor .....why blame Christians only?
One thing is clear....the increasing hate that Hindu groups have been pushing towards India's minorities is quite evident. India better be careful....first it was tribals/dalits, then Sikhs, then Muslims and now CHristians...at this pace there wont be a nation. The tone and mood of many members is border line disgusting.....I know better than to judge and blame the actions of a few on entire group.

It really irks me that conversion is such a huge factor .....why blame Christians only?

Tshering is not a Hindu.
ermmm.... this make no sense... All Indians and yet not so aligned???

Point 1... I think we should hear the protest and behave as a civilized country

2nd Point... If it's not in out vested interest then ignore it... since democratic society will always go agains crusade

last point... whats the heck.. this is soo damn normal man... people will have speeches.. opinion... support... and over and above religion and nationalism lies humanity... how easily we tend to forget them isnt it?

This is a farce...I see your location so I don;t know what you are trying to prove. Just jumping on the bandwagon of hate? One thing i will agree with you is that as a democracy we need to hear ppl's voices. Whats being done is typical throughout India.....just one of many examples of a corrupt shitty gov;t ...take the harassment and attacks on Pawar's chappal smacker.....Shining India....Im really pissed...off you Hindus up North are the main f-king problem holding back the growth of the rest of the country. According to Wikileaks, The US Ambassador said the South and West could be growing easily 13% if it wasn;t held back by you idiots...so much for holding the development of the nation back right!
Tshering is not a Hindu.

Yeah Tibetan...I know...I have met plenty of his type....the funny thing is in India they are kind and sweet....once they move out of the country...they do not wish to be associated with India and in fact put us down...FACT at least the ones that I have come to know...smacks off hypocrisy
The need for the power-plant is genuine.........But the below quote worries me........

".......who fear a Fukushima-style meltdown at the Kudankulam facility, built in an area of coastal Tamil Nadu devastated by the 2004 Asian tsunami."

But I guess.......keeping in mind our present power shortage........we have no other choice but to go ahead with the project.
The need for the power-plant is genuine.........But the below quote worries me........

".......who fear a Fukushima-style meltdown at the Kudankulam facility, built in an area of coastal Tamil Nadu devastated by the 2004 Asian tsunami."

But I guess.......keeping in mind our present power shortage........we have no other choice but to go ahead with the project.

Dude this is exactly my point...but you have some self proclaimed experts on this site who say this plant is yrs ahead, state of the art, bla, blah......the fact is that mother nature is completely unpredictable......Even the scientists stated more testing should be done. Even one poster had the the brains to point out Kalam said it was safe....Kalam is a f-king missile engineer!!! No doubt india needs power to keep the economy going....but more options need to be put forth and energy needs should be met by a variety of sources not just nuclear. I put out some interesting info regarding how China is implementing both green and nuclear energy to quench its hunger for energy. India should do more.

The problem is that the gov;t is trying to rush this thru coz the Russians are threatening to pull the plug.......thats the FACT ignore what all this other **** is all about....NGO's, foreign money, etc is all smoke to blow up your A$$...the bottom line is money and Russia! But half the idiots believe everything they read....
What proof and facts do you have to back your claims? Shows us some proof. Maybe folks don;t preach such nonsense and crap because they have a clear head are waiting for the facts to come out.

Conversionaries (those who convert people for money) are the worst of the worst scum - worse than jihadis, atleast the jihadis make their hate open and known so that you know who you are facing - when they exploit people who are disadvantaged or in grief and push their agenda upon them in the garb of helping them.

Read this, this happened during the Tsunami in Tamil Nadu - Conversion attempts in the time of grief - Rediff.com India News

How come we don;t mention crap or do **** about money being poured in from the Gulf to Islamic charities

Mention it. Who stops you ?

or the money being pushed into Hindutava agendas and groups?

Hindutva boogeyman again ? LOL...

They do more harm than good. Oh wait I guess terrorism is okay as long as such organizations dont; get in the way of developmentof the nation, right?

Getting in the way of economic development and that too for religious motives is economic terrorism.

One thing is clear....the increasing hate that Hindu groups have been pushing towards India's minorities is quite evident. India better be careful....first it was tribals/dalits, then Sikhs, then Muslims and now CHristians...at this pace there wont be a nation.

Dude dont poop sh!t. What tribals/dalits/Sikhs ? Right wing groups like RSS/VHP are as involved int ribal development and empowerment as the missionaries and in addition they also dont force their religion on others. The tribals are mostly not Hindus.They are animists. Contrast this to the missionaries who in return for their help demand the tribals convert to christianity and teach sh! about Hindus and Hindu Gods.

Ok what about Sikhs ? Sikh groups are not like the missionaries going out and converting people. They do genuine service, irrespective of religion and I am first hand witness to that.

The tone and mood of many members is border line disgusting.....I know better than to judge and blame the actions of a few on entire group.

It really irks me that conversion is such a huge factor .....why blame Christians only?

India is a civilizational entity, its civilization deriving itself and feeding the Hindu culture and way of life. Without that civilization to bind the four corners there is no India. And that civilization exists only if the Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Sikhims, Jainism & Buddhism) are in the absolute majority.

Secondly the new converts are the most fanatic of the lot, out there trying to prove they are the mot devout believers and that always includes not just practising their faith but also heaping sh!t on other faiths, most notably Hinduism.
.....the fact is that mother nature is completely unpredictable......Even the scientists stated more testing should be done. ...

But the fact is there is theoretically no possiblity of a tsunami in Thuthukudi/Thirunelveli because Lanka completely shields them. In 2004 also there was no big damage, certainly not enough to destroy a state of art nuclear plant.

Remember in TN the three districts which took most damage were Nagapatinam, Cuddalore and Chennai. Of that the Kalpakkam plant was directly hit by Tsunami waves but there was not a single issue with it. If there is no problem with an old reactor which got directly hit by the tidal waves how can a new reactor built in with much more safety features in an area shielded from the open ocean be affected by it..? Can't the people have enough brain to think through it ?

And if you people want to play it safe why should Chennai people have a nuke reacor in their backyard..? why should Neyveli people have NLC in their backyard..? Or for that matter why should any Indian allow a nuke reactor in his district ?

Is 8-10 hrs powercut not enough for you (assuming you are from Tamil Nadu)..? Try spending the summer with these powercuts..Almost all the industries are in the verge of shutdown or functioning only at 30-40% for want of power...Almost 1000 MW of the power from KNPP is for TN which will go a long way in bridging the deficit and reducing the power cuts.

The problem is that the gov;t is trying to rush this thru coz the Russians are threatening to pull the plug.......thats the FACT ignore what all this other **** is all about....NGO's, foreign money, etc is all smoke to blow up your A$$...the bottom line is money and Russia! But half the idiots believe everything they read....

What were you people doing till commissioning of the reactor and almost 20K crore has been spent on it ? These protests by the missionary groups and other NGO are plain economic terrorism and have to be dealt as such.
Dude this is exactly my point...but you have some self proclaimed experts on this site who say this plant is yrs ahead, state of the art, bla, blah......the fact is that mother nature is completely unpredictable......Even the scientists stated more testing should be done. Even one poster had the the brains to point out Kalam said it was safe....Kalam is a f-king missile engineer!!! No doubt india needs power to keep the economy going....but more options need to be put forth and energy needs should be met by a variety of sources not just nuclear. I put out some interesting info regarding how China is implementing both green and nuclear energy to quench its hunger for energy. India should do more.

The problem is that the gov;t is trying to rush this thru coz the Russians are threatening to pull the plug.......thats the FACT ignore what all this other **** is all about....NGO's, foreign money, etc is all smoke to blow up your A$$...the bottom line is money and Russia! But half the idiots believe everything they read....
Your concern is genuine.....but you are giving this issue an unnecessary Hindutva turn......

The govt. has gone on record saying that foreigners are behind the opposition and also frozen accounts of some charities....

BUT, fortunately/unfortunately, the Congress party is not known to support radical Hinduism in any form......
Therefore it must have some prima facie evidence based on which it took action.....

It is mere co-incidence that the population living near the project site is christian majority......
Yeah Tibetan...I know...I have met plenty of his type....

He is a Sikkimese..as much Indian as you and me.

I am not against the KKNPP, all I am saying is that its obligatory for the Government of INADIA to create new lviing space and township faraway from the sight of the Nuclear plant.

What were the protestors doing till 90% of the work was completed,20K crores spent and commisioning just months away ?.

Mayira pudunkitu irundanga ?

I heard its 8 hrs minimum powercut in Coimbatore. In Tirupur almost 90% of the factories are functioning at 30-40% capacity only. We will be getting 1000 MW from the KNPP. Still you dont want it ?

Let me tell you how these protests started...everything was going fine till that Fukushima disaster happened..immediately the western countries (particularly from US ) which did not get much of the nuclear pie saw an opportunity to derail the Russian project and started funding the NGOs to protest.

I saw/read all the anti-KNPP articles in Kumudham, Aananda Vikatan by these self-styled activists and frankly they were just hot pile of BS...no factual stories, no scientific backing..nothing. Just hyping the fear in people and playing upon them. C'mon Fkushima was 60s technology with direct exposure to open ocean...but Kudankulam is the latest tech from Russia and shielded from the open ocean by Lanka. Comparing them is like comparing pigs with horses.

If we educated people cant see through this charade by the NGOs what chances have the uneducated fisher folk, housewives have got..for them whatever the karthar-samy (priest-father) says is the final and believe it without asking a quetion.
Yeah Tibetan...I know...I have met plenty of his type....the funny thing is in India they are kind and sweet....once they move out of the country...they do not wish to be associated with India and in fact put us down...FACT at least the ones that I have come to know...smacks off hypocrisy

You don't know him. We are all behind internet. And please, no personal attacks.
Yeah Tibetan...I know...I have met plenty of his type....the funny thing is in India they are kind and sweet....once they move out of the country...they do not wish to be associated with India and in fact put us down...FACT at least the ones that I have come to know...smacks off hypocrisy

This is uncalled for

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