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India starts 'visa on arrival' facility for Pakistani senior citizens

Not much better expected of traitorous fuking shemale CONgress Govt.

And your credentials for declaring the government of India traitorous? Are you even remotely in your senses, to make a statement like that? Or do you believe that everything is suspended in cyber-space, including the ability to think? And that only your prejudices operate?

If using foul language were to be an adequate substitute for intelligent analysis, we could happily take over the major industrial and business consultancies by hiring fishwives.

This is a disgusting exhibition of partisan politics, of an Internet Hindu playing out his pet obsessions in full public view.

There is a huge connection. The fact that you (purposefully) try to not see this connection is something that is your personal bias and cannot be fixed.

Like the Serbs, you seem to feel that the entire world is out of step - with you. Perhaps the bias is in you. After all, it is a government elected by the majority that is doing these things, and the hysterical, frothy-mouthed faction whose views you may be articulating has never been responsible for exercising authority but for a short spell in Indian history. From present indications, they are likely to recede even further from any serious prospects by the time that the elections come around.

How you can represent the views of this rabid minority, and still claim that the majority is biased, is possible only under the circumstances that you might think apply in cyberspace.

Pakistan as a nation has been actively supporting terrorism against the Indian Govt since time immemorial, from Kashmiri insurgency to Mumbai to North East to Punjab and so on.

The Pakistan Army has, certainly. The ISI has, certainly, Large segments of the bureaucracy and of society at large may sympathise with this. Fanatic civilians and bigots may have organised themselves into terrorist gangs for the purpose. Granted all this, it is still not national policy in Pakistan to support terrorism. It is also well-known that the civilian administration has repeatedly tried to bring the elements sponsoring terrorism under civilian control, and has been defeated, sometimes by direct military intervention, over decades. Fully half of their history has been spent by the Pakistani people under a dictatorship. And then some idiots want to encourage those elements in that country that have so far actively worked against us, and discourage the elements that have not? Perhaps to you it makes sense. Again, it is difficult for the rest of the world to agree with a lunatic fringe; by definition, it is a lunatic fringe.

Giving the citizens of the very same nation visa-on-arrival is nothing short of selling your country's interests.

How have India's interests been sold? Argue on emotional grounds if you like, if that is what you do best, but what makes you believe that the huge trade that goes on under everybody's noses through the Gulf entrepots should not be made to earn tax rupees for the originating countries? Why should the benefits go to shipping companies and organisations built around channeling trade from one side to another?

India and Pakistan can never be friends, not until Pakistanis stop actively trying to harm India through means of Islamic terrorism.[/quote}

As @Webmaster had pointed out earlier, there is nothing called Islamic terrorism. Just like earlier, there was nothing called Catholic terrorist, although there were terrorists who were Catholics; or Jewish terrorists, although there were terrorists who were Jews. Or Basque terrorists, or Bengali terrorists, or any kind of blanket definition of your kind.

Second, it is not material whether or not visas on arrival - to old people - are issued or not. As already pointed out (and therefore known to you, unless you have difficulty in reading), issuing these visas will not divert the LeT from their activities, nor divert the ISI from supporting them, just as denying visas will not make them start up and commence a terrorist operation. Sadly, this is completely unconnected to terrorism, and does not affect it in either way, either if it is done, or if it abstained from.

[Quote}When they decide to return our part of Pak occupied Kashmir to us (and stop actively funding Islamic terrorism groups), we can maybe talk about this "friendship", but until then moves like this is nothing but stupidity from our Govt.

You might have noticed that Kashmir outside India's control does not particularly want to come under India's control. There is not much to hand back when the people themselves do not want to be handed back. In case you are fuzzy about any part of this reality, you might like to examine the positions of the Argentinean government, the British government and the population of the Falkland Islands. However much Argentina might yearn to occupy those islands, the islanders themselves want none of it. Difficult to absorb a territory that doesn't want to be absorbed.

You might even have noticed that the people of the valley who are Indian administered are not always keen on Indian administration either. What makes you believe that Kashmir is such an open and shut case, even granted the Maharaja's accession, the willing cooperation of Sheikh Abdullah, the elections that have been held, and the existing government composed of the very elements that Sheikh Abdullah brought into the equation in the first place? Even as all these are true, when a people does not want to be ruled by a state, it is difficult to argue that more unwilling people should be brought under that rule. But you manage that rather successfully, largely by ignoring all the facts on the ground.

Also, what kind of ret*rded logic is this where anyone above 65 cannot be a terrorism supporter or cannot have links with Islamist ideologies, something our nation has been suffering from for many years now? What was your scientific process of coming up with this theory that Pakistanis who are above 65 years old can only be poor old sick people that need help from India(of all nations in the world), and can absolutely have no links with Islamic terrorist organizations? You might want to start by Googling how old a well known Pakistani terrorist (Hafiz Saeed) is before giving out your dumb theories online and going around calling others dimwitted, when the word is probably more suited for yourself.

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah, now we have it. It is not the dimwitted views held, but being called a dimwit that stung. You might recall that if a bird walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck and lays large eggs like a duck, it is a duck. A good way to avoid being called dimwitted is to avoid behaving, writing and thinking dimwitted. Other shortcuts may or may not be effective.

Your logic that Pakistan will now slip across a bunch of geriatric time bombs is amusing to say the least.

Hafeez Sayeed is old, and he is a terrorist; the third part of the syllogism, that therefore all who are old are terrorists does not hold. Nor is it logical to say that one of the visas granted might be used for terrorism. They are not waiting for visas on arrival, and a terrorist has free access to our public places. We have already seen an American citizen being deployed by the terrorists, for the purpose of spying out the land; we have seen how the Iranians were able to blow up an Israeli diplomat in broad daylight, without apparently the benefit of a visa on arrival. So what is it that we seek to prevent by preventing visas on arrival, the actions of David Headley or the Iranians? Or was the attack on Parliament mounted by a party entering on visa on arrival? Or the murders of Mumbai? Or the blasts in Pune? Or any terrorist activity whatsoever? Considering that they found it easy to commit their acts of terror, why would they need the visa on arrival? What difference does it make, other than give us a gasp of relief, at having successfully countered the ISI by deeply alienating the group asking for change in Pakistan?

You are trying too hard. Polygamy is nothing but a means of exploiting women sexually. Islam permits and encourages this very disgusting behaviour, and polygamy is one of the many sins we civilized people regardless of religion need to get rid of in this world.
Why do you waste time on pustules?

Anyone not entirely dimwitted would have read the bit about this being applied to senior citizens. Those above 65. Those are not terrorists, those are not terrorist backers. Giving these old people visas on arrival will not help the 30,000 or 40,000 who die fighting for their cause within 5 years. Not giving them visas will also not dissuade the fanatics. In short, there is no connection between visas for old people and terrorist fighting measures.

I am fully aware of what the recently signed visa relaxation norms are about and not just about old people but about easing travel, visa on arival for business travellers, media folks etc and wasn't this group visa on arrival stopped when Pakistani soldiers beheaded an army jawan? so how is the latest revelation that Pakistan Government actively supports LET militancy against India different to the earlier terrorist incident which prompted the stoppage of visa relaxation?

I see a total mismatch between India's attempts of normalising relations and Pakistan's attempts at continuing proxy wars and killing of Indian Civilians and soldiers.
Pakistanis should avoid traveling to India and I don't care if there over 65 they should avoid as well.
if today india announces that any pakistani can migrate to india and settle, there will be at least 150 millions pakistanis in Q.
And your credentials for declaring the government of India traitorous? Are you even remotely in your senses, to make a statement like that? Or do you believe that everything is suspended in cyber-space, including the ability to think? And that only your prejudices operate?

If using foul language were to be an adequate substitute for intelligent analysis, we could happily take over the major industrial and business consultancies by hiring fishwives.

This is a disgusting exhibition of partisan politics, of an Internet Hindu playing out his pet obsessions in full public view.

Like the Serbs, you seem to feel that the entire world is out of step - with you. Perhaps the bias is in you. After all, it is a government elected by the majority that is doing these things, and the hysterical, frothy-mouthed faction whose views you may be articulating has never been responsible for exercising authority but for a short spell in Indian history. From present indications, they are likely to recede even further from any serious prospects by the time that the elections come around.

How you can represent the views of this rabid minority, and still claim that the majority is biased, is possible only under the circumstances that you might think apply in cyberspace.

The Pakistan Army has, certainly. The ISI has, certainly, Large segments of the bureaucracy and of society at large may sympathise with this. Fanatic civilians and bigots may have organised themselves into terrorist gangs for the purpose. Granted all this, it is still not national policy in Pakistan to support terrorism. It is also well-known that the civilian administration has repeatedly tried to bring the elements sponsoring terrorism under civilian control, and has been defeated, sometimes by direct military intervention, over decades. Fully half of their history has been spent by the Pakistani people under a dictatorship. And then some idiots want to encourage those elements in that country that have so far actively worked against us, and discourage the elements that have not? Perhaps to you it makes sense. Again, it is difficult for the rest of the world to agree with a lunatic fringe; by definition, it is a lunatic fringe.

How have India's interests been sold? Argue on emotional grounds if you like, if that is what you do best, but what makes you believe that the huge trade that goes on under everybody's noses through the Gulf entrepots should not be made to earn tax rupees for the originating countries? Why should the benefits go to shipping companies and organisations built around channeling trade from one side to another?

You might have noticed that Kashmir outside India's control does not particularly want to come under India's control. There is not much to hand back when the people themselves do not want to be handed back. In case you are fuzzy about any part of this reality, you might like to examine the positions of the Argentinean government, the British government and the population of the Falkland Islands. However much Argentina might yearn to occupy those islands, the islanders themselves want none of it. Difficult to absorb a territory that doesn't want to be absorbed.

You might even have noticed that the people of the valley who are Indian administered are not always keen on Indian administration either. What makes you believe that Kashmir is such an open and shut case, even granted the Maharaja's accession, the willing cooperation of Sheikh Abdullah, the elections that have been held, and the existing government composed of the very elements that Sheikh Abdullah brought into the equation in the first place? Even as all these are true, when a people does not want to be ruled by a state, it is difficult to argue that more unwilling people should be brought under that rule. But you manage that rather successfully, largely by ignoring all the facts on the ground.

Ah, now we have it. It is not the dimwitted views held, but being called a dimwit that stung. You might recall that if a bird walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck and lays large eggs like a duck, it is a duck. A good way to avoid being called dimwitted is to avoid behaving, writing and thinking dimwitted. Other shortcuts may or may not be effective.

Your logic that Pakistan will now slip across a bunch of geriatric time bombs is amusing to sa

Hafeez Sayeed is old, and he is a terrorist; the third part of the syllogism, that therefore all who are old are terrorists does not hold. Nor is it logical to say that one of the visas granted might be used for terrorism. They are not waiting for visas on arrival, and a terrorist has free access to our public places. We have already seen an American citizen being deployed by the terrorists, for the purpose of spying out the land; we have seen how the Iranians were able to blow up an Israeli diplomat in broad daylight, without apparently theSo what is it that we seek to prevent by preventing visas on arrival, the actions of David Headley or the Iranians?

Its different because old people cannot jump on a dhingy or run across the LOC Under covering fire, but they can very well be conduits for the terrorists, or carriers, and what makes u think becoming old has automatically decreased their hatred for India and Hindus and their earlier brain washing has lost its effect? and what do you thinkk is the average age of the Mullahs or terror bosses who brainwash these terrorists to carry out attacks?
Traitor manmohan singh have done it again..........:hitwall:

Even Hafeez Saeed qualifies for Indian visa. :angel:
Usually I don't quote on religion but I would like to say that Hinduism is one of the most flexible religion. Infact it is said to be a way of life rather than a religion. We are not stuck with cultural practices and rules evolved 1400 years ago in a far off land. We do and will always change along with the times. We do not consider anything as sacrosanct till the end of the world

Yeah even I think so. Hinduism is more a philosophy than a religion. And if someone wants to point, that how come people are creating trouble in the name of religion, or attacking other sects in the name of Hinduism (like people point about Saffron terror) then I must say that there are goons in every part of society, in every sect, every religion and country and it's not constricted to a particular and it has nothing to do with religion.
such a pity that @Icewolf can't entertain us no more.
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if you can spread this message to all pakistanis we indians will be eternally grateful

Quite a contrast.....No?

Our Army, Navy, coast guard, BSF etc are toiling 24/7 to keep certain Pakistani's away from India and Manmohan eases visa norms on the other hand. :D
I think visa has nothing to do with terrorists as terrorists don't come with visa and undergo security checks. No one is asking to relax security checks and it should be thorough for everyone, whoever is coming to India from whichever country. So I don't think that should matter. But relaxation of visa is essential as it will increase people to people contact and give a proper picture of the people of one country to another. I think most of the people of both the country wants peace and friendly relations except a handful of hate mongers. Only the proper portrayal is necessary now, which is lacking , resulting in all these hatred.
if today india announces that any pakistani can migrate to india and settle, there will be at least 150 millions pakistanis in Q.

Very delusional, reality is vast majority don't want to go to "Incredible India" besides funny how this comes after your tourism is down by a quarter.
Very delusional, reality is vast majority don't want to go to "Incredible India" besides funny how this comes after your tourism is down by a quarter.

Why did you left Pakistan & what happened to your Bangladeshi Flag.
Very delusional, reality is vast majority don't want to go to "Incredible India" besides funny how this comes after your tourism is down by a quarter.

tourism is different, settling down is different. india offers much better livelihood prospects and safety of life than pakistan.
ask your own frieends . pretend that you are so disgusted with pak and tell them tht its better to move to india.. and let me konw what they think.
ok this is for people liveing in pakistan not us.

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