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India starts 'visa on arrival' facility for Pakistani senior citizens

Don't know why India need to do all these gestures when its known that they will only get bad results in the end..
Its different because old people cannot jump on a dhingy or run across the LOC Under covering fire, but they can very well be conduits for the terrorists, or carriers, and what makes u think becoming old has automatically decreased their hatred for India and Hindus and their earlier brain washing has lost its effect? and what do you thinkk is the average age of the Mullahs or terror bosses who brainwash these terrorists to carry out attacks?

Again, you are missing the point.

Neither the LeT nor ISI needs these infirm old people to be their conduits, or carriers.

Nor is it intelligent to assume that every single Pakistani hates India and Hindus, or has been brainwashed. For every hundred who get these visas, there will be a mix of a vast majority who bear no malice for India, though they may not be enthusiastic about particular aspects of Indian policy; of people who actually have some hopes of india's example triggering changes, even minor changes in Pakistani polity and those who actively wish ill of India.

It is not sensible to block the 990 in order to block the 10.

I am fully aware of what the recently signed visa relaxation norms are about and not just about old people but about easing travel, visa on arival for business travellers, media folks etc and wasn't this group visa on arrival stopped when Pakistani soldiers beheaded an army jawan? so how is the latest revelation that Pakistan Government actively supports LET militancy against India different to the earlier terrorist incident which prompted the stoppage of visa relaxation?

I see a total mismatch between India's attempts of normalising relations and Pakistan's attempts at continuing proxy wars and killing of Indian Civilians and soldiers.

I also see a total mismatch between India's position in the world today, and that of Pakistan.

In case it hasn't occurred to you before, India has not been successful by imitating Pakistan's actions, or through knee jerk reactions. On the contrary, there is a case for arguing that Pakistan has harmed herself by acting as she did, and unlike India.
Congress has done this as part of their election strategy of muslim appeasement. The same reason why Nitish kumar visited pakistan and kissed a$$.

Congress does not particularly care about the lives of Indians........they have a clear strategy of making more money and winning elections to gain power. Once you understand this simple fact, all their actions will make sense.
Indian policies vis a vis Pakistan are always confused and the citizens are left wondering forever

I don't understand about this discussion. How can a 65 year old person can travel without any help?. This is bullshit and nothing else
if today india announces that any pakistani can migrate to india and settle, there will be at least 150 millions pakistanis in Q.

Tourists to India – Beware.

You could lose your life, be molested, raped and attacked. And the Indian police will do little to help you or investigate the incident.

India’s tourism campaign is called Incredible India.

But the campaign might more aptly be called Incredible Murders, Incredible Rapes & Incredible Attacks
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Some r@ts calling themselves lion won't really transform them into one.

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Incredible India Incredibly Unsafe for Tourists - SearchIndia.com Blog » SearchIndia.com Blog
Some r@ts calling themselves lion won't really transform them into one.

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at least we are diong something about it.
no-muslims in pakistan could get kidnapped and forced to get married like many cases of good looking hindu girls

Curious, why in the heck, would a Pakistani, need to go to India?!

ask kasab and the isi
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