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India stands up for Iran

I believe the histrionics of its leader notwithstanding, Iran is a reasonably stable and responsible military power. I also believe that far from being something that needs to be stopped, it is essential that Iran becomes a nuclear power in the greater global interest of a more stable middle east. it would bring much needed balance to not only the Christian-Jewish-Islamic power equation, but also the intra-Islamic power dynamics in the region.
it may be just a political or show off move.India had voted against Iran in UNSC.They will never prefer Iran over US as Chanakya Said"Do not make friend to a weaker or poor person,they can not give you anything"
it may be just a political or show off move.India had voted against Iran in UNSC.They will never prefer Iran over US as Chanakya Said"Do not make friend to a weaker or poor person,they can not give you anything"

It is not necessarily a zero-sum game of choosing one over the other, much as the US might want it to be. I believe a nuclear Iran is in India's interests as an important cornerstone (and counterweight) of India's look-West policy.
it may be just a political or show off move.India had voted against Iran in UNSC.They will never prefer Iran over US as Chanakya Said"Do not make friend to a weaker or poor person,they can not give you anything"

Look buddy, India voted against Iran just as China and Russia too voted against Iran. So they too prefer US over Iran since they too are the followers of the great Chanakya, right? What an incredible sense of reasoning you have?

India's Iran vote implied that we as a nation are as yet not strong enough to resist the pressures and arm twisting of the most powerful nations on Earth. Do you remember how quickly Russia dropped its long standing ally, Iraq like a hot potato in the late 80s/90s when the western nations pressurised it? And now, Russia and China abstained in the motion against Libya when actually they wanted to veto it. It is not betrayal of Iran or Libya but an acceptance of the reality of power equations between nations. Tell me why did your government release Davis?

What Chanakya said 2300 years ago was realpolitiks, the principles of which hold true even today but it was very basic. The brand of realpolitiks followed today by nations around the world are very refined and subtle.

---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

It is not necessarily a zero-sum game of choosing one over the other, much as the US might want it to be. I believe a nuclear Iran is in India's interests as an important cornerstone (and counterweight) of India's look-West policy.

I endorse that.
Actually Iran has helped India on numerous occasions in the OIC - by blocking Pakistani resolutions on Kashmir. India enjoys warm ties with the Iranians - indeed it enjoys ancient ties. Geopolitical realities might induce India to vote against Iran once in a while but I am sure it is with some quid pro quo with Iran.
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