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India: should you be China's foe or friend?

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Which country in North America you are talking about?

There are only two countries in NA. Communism elements are rich and palpable all over the two countries.

Do you mind telling us what are the characteristics of Communism?
There are only two countries in NA. Communism elements are rich and palpable all over the two countries.

The Brain power Mr. gpit is impecable, today I have learned there are only two nations that makes up Northern Americas.:disagree::woot:

Do you mind telling us what are the characteristics of Communism?

I know what Communism is, but you still have not answered my question, which country in northern Americas communism is thriving?:what:
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India: China,should i be your foe or friend?
China:India ,you are irrelevant to me!
India:Houston , am i ?
Houston : yes,you are .
India:no, i am the greatest superpower.i can safe the world
Houston :India......are you high?
India:but you promised me, i will always be your sweathart.....
Houston :yes ,you are,but you don't have $ 2000B foreign exchange reserves
India:i want F-22
Houston:(thinking:3B for a 2-H AC).OK,1B for one.
India:no discount for a "free" country like you?
Houston: are you kiding?caste system,religious animosity ,Child abuse...... you should be grateful.
India:OK,OK.but you are killing innocent people and abusing prisoners everyday,Iraq,Afghanistan......
Houston:OK,OK. 1.1B for one F-22
India: thanks!
China:.......(Thinking:狗咬狗,一嘴毛....鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利. )
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India: China,should i be your foe or friend?
China:India ,you are irrelevant to me!
India:Houston , am i ?
Houston : yes,you are .
India:no, i am the greatest superpower.i can safe the world
Houston :India......are you high?
India:but you promised me, i will always be your sweathart.....
Houston :yes ,you are,but you don't have $ 2000B foreign exchange reserves
India:i want F-22
Houston:(thinking:3B for a 2-H AC).OK,1B for one.
India:no discount for a "free" country like you?
Houston: are you kiding?caste system,religious animosity ,Child abuse...... you should be grateful.
India:OK,OK.but you are killing innocent people and abusing prisoners everyday,Iraq,Afghanistan......
Houston:OK,OK. 1.1B for one F-22
India: thanks!
China:.......(Thinking:狗咬狗,一嘴毛....鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利. )

Here is another one of them with great Alpha and beta brain waves. Bravo!!!! what a performance!!!

.. today I have learned there are only two nations that makes up Northern Americas...

You're right. But what I meant is the most significant countries, economically, politically and militarily, and where there are more communism elements than anywhere else in NA. That's the theme of context... and greater people care less trivial stuffs... No one knows how many slips of the tongue my ex-professor made, and that doesn't prevent him from being a renowned memeber of Royal Society of Canada. :tup:

I know what Communism is, but you still have not answered my question, which country in northern Americas communism is thriving?:what:

The most deplorable thing is that it is obvious that you don't know what communism is and you started to attack it recklessly. Please read more:

India: China,should i be your foe or friend?
China:India ,you are irrelevant to me!
India:Houston , am i ?
Houston : yes,you are .
India:no, i am the greatest superpower.i can safe the world
Houston :India......are you high?
India:but you promised me, i will always be your sweathart.....
Houston :yes ,you are,but you don't have $ 2000B foreign exchange reserves
India:i want F-22
Houston:(thinking:3B for a 2-H AC).OK,1B for one.
India:no discount for a "free" country like you?
Houston: are you kiding?caste system,religious animosity ,Child abuse...... you should be grateful.
India:OK,OK.but you are killing innocent people and abusing prisoners everyday,Iraq,Afghanistan......
Houston:OK,OK. 1.1B for one F-22
India: thanks!
China:.......(Thinking:狗咬狗,一嘴毛....鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利. )


You should be a playwriter! Nonetheless, there is some truth.

They will be "friends."

Mostly based on common interests in places like Climate Change talks and WTO trade liberalization talks.

A huge element of economic interests,India will eventually displace America to become a country economically most important to China.Both of them will be heavily integrated economically.

However they will still be rivals,some future areas where there will be rivalry include-
Asean,Africa,Latin America.
Obviously it be more complex with linkages between India and China that are positive in these areas.

In fields like space and technology and even sports(at the moment India is far behind China,with 1 gold medal,but as always India will play the catch up game and be a stronger rival to China to than what America is.The 1 billion population will begin to count soon.) there will be rivalry.

In short they will be 'friendly rivals'.

In future there could the border issues could be resolved but not anytime soon.

A lot would also depend on how the West will view both of the countries together.Would they see both of them as a 'threat'?

At the moment that is not the case,with India's rise sen as something that is harmless,but we will have to see.

In very long run,the two should come closer together if the West 'consolidates' itself to match the East.
Then it will become a straight forward East vs West fight.

But again just speculation.

Even,if there is no 'consolidation',the two should come closer as the world comes closer.

Some uncertain variables include like Chinese democracy and Indian policies.
hmmm feel like their just too much compition between the two like gas and stuff not saying they'll be enermies but probably strategic competitors
The communism died long back and there are no real communist countries except few exception of self proclaimed Communist countries. So living in past and keeping hope alive for future communist world is not a bad idea.:D

Yes i back ya..!!! I believe communism can survive only through dictator ship and not through democracy...!! Unless and until communism is removed from china there is always a threat from china to India as we are not dealing with people of china but the single party cartel of china..!!! Who have the whole authority to control and hypnotize their people to think in the way they want them to.!!
To say the truth, the real enemy of India is India itself.

India is still too weak to be considered a potential enemy of China. If there is no nuclear war, which I always oppose, it will take just 3-5 months for China to occupy the whole subcontinent as the experience of 1962 war shows us. But China is not an aggressive country. Had China been so, she could have kept all the lands occupied in 1962. China returned all the occupied land, army equipments, prisoners of war, though India did not give back anything.

According to you "India is still too weak to be considered a potential enemy of China", what about Taiwan babe?:hitwall:
To say the truth, the real enemy of India is India itself.

India is still too weak to be considered a potential enemy of China. If there is no nuclear war, which I always oppose, it will take just 3-5 months for China to occupy the whole subcontinent as the experience of 1962 war shows us. But China is not an aggressive country. Had China been so, she could have kept all the lands occupied in 1962. China returned all the occupied land, army equipments, prisoners of war, though India did not give back anything.

Brother 1962 is past.It will not be easy.
In 1962, partly supported by the Soviet Union, Indian troops invaded the area. A border war broke out. India swiftly lost, but China's military pulled out of the disputed areas to minimize the impact of the war and to avoid superpowers becoming involved.

A slight correction when did this happen i mean the Indian Invasion ?

China has hoped India would withdraw from the territories. But India has controlled them since and many Indian nationals have migrated there, with one large part of the territories becoming an Indian state - Arunachal Pradesh - that China does not recognize.
For the sake of solidarity among developing countries, the then-Chinese government under Mao Zedong showed tolerance towards India, just as it ceded the sovereignty of a small area to North Korea and rented out an island to Vietnam, both of which were so-called brothers of the "great family of socialism".

lol :rofl::rofl:
China wants to become 'mutual friend' of India, Pak: China Daily

BEIJING: Advocating closer Sino-India ties on lines of China's relations with Pakistan, a leading state-run newspaper today said an 'Asia century' will remain only a dream until the two giants treat each other with mutual trust and respect. China wants to build close ties with India like that of its "all weather friendship" with Pakistan and if Beijing could become "mutual friend of the Asian rivals" it could contribute more to regional peace and stability, the China Daily said in a commentary.

"India has always harboured a grudge over China's all-weather friendship with Pakistan. The China-Pakistan relationship is based on mutual trust and mutual support in nation building and international cooperation," it said.

It said to maintain a peaceful external environment, China also wants to build closer ties with India.

"If China could become a mutual friend to the two Asian rivals, it will contribute more to regional peace and stability. This will eventually serve India's interests as well," it said.

The paper said India needs to show "real sincerity" in forging a more friendly relationship with China.

"An Asia century will remain only a dream until the two Asian giants can treat each other with mutual trust and respect," it said.

The article appeared just days after External Affairs Minister S M Krishna's visit to Beijing.

The article titled "Gnawing issues in China-India relations," also highlighted the growing economic exchange between the two countries, pointing out that the first two months of the year saw a 55 per cent increase in bilateral trade as compared to 2009.

This year also marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between India and China.

"All this seems to show that the relationship between the world's two most populous countries is faring well and will grow even stronger. Behind this promising picture, however, a few gnawing issues are still standing in the way between the two titans," it said.

"If not handled properly, the road ahead for them would not be as smooth as expected," it said referring to the unresolved boundary dispute across the 2,000 km border.

"Many confrontations between countries have been ignited by disputes in their border area. The two sides should quicken their steps on demarcation consultations that began in the 1980s," it said.
According to you "India is still too weak to be considered a potential enemy of China", what about Taiwan babe?:hitwall:

If one to one, India is still one league behind China. As for Taiwan, they are one league behind India.
If one to one, India is still one league behind China. As for Taiwan, they are one league behind India.

You've never experienced India. India is behind SUDAN, and that is a TRUE FACT!!! There is not a single nation in the world that is behind India, how can there be when you consider these startling revelations:

-- Bharat murders more of its own people than any nation in the world!

-- Bharat has 2 million who die of hunger (largely due to their brahmin policies) EACH year!

-- Bharat alone has nearly HALF of the worlds destitute who live under $2/day, and MORE THAN HALF of those with <$1/day!

-- Bharat has chronic pathological propaganda that it uses to try to deceive its unwitting citizens (successfully) and outside world (un-successfully)!

-- Bharat has the technological, scientific and industrial know-how equivalent to Nigeria only!

So to say that Taiwan (which is one of the world's top-notch scientific and technological center) is a notch behind India, is well, ridiculous.
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