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India says UNSC should have 25 members

LOL, those are present day stats. Not your silly GDP in PPP. If it was the 1950s, it would be 80% of world GDP and 100% of nukes.

Overpopulation gets you nothing but poverty and starvation, not UNSC P5.

Can u explan me what exactly got u the seat in 1979?
The matter was simple...
U played to US tune to help them contain soviet, and so daddy rewarded u with a seat !!!
Isn't this funny that 5 members of the UNSC who are 'determined' to keep the world's 'peace' are top 5 arms dealers in the world?

5 permanent states in UNSC who all of them doesn't have a good record in the past,having VETO power shows how cruel our world is.
Someone tell me what any good UNSC has done during it's existence?
the UN, being a toothless organization, should simply be dissolved

Its just like my local Resident's association. Its pretty much useless, but gives us a platform when dealing with Municipality.
Can u explan me what exactly got u the seat in 1979?
The matter was simple...
U played to US tune to help them contain soviet, and so daddy rewarded u with a seat !!!

It was and always will be China's seat. And Indians can overpopulate until they are oozing out of India, but you still will not have earned a seat.
India likes to play the matriarchal role.
India is not a super power by any means, and will not achieve that statue in the foreseeable future, since its needs still match those of the so called third world countries.

India has always been seen as a lady and has been exploited and treated as one by all the big powers throughout history. Indeed it comes only natural that india takes the matriarchal role in terms of leadership, but never the alpha male it dreams to be.

Look at how Indian Prime Minster shakes hand.

Yeah, check US and Russia in the 1950s. LOL learn to add.

They were much better off than China. US during the 1950s was the single biggest industrial power in the world while Chinese was to embark one of the greatest disaster known to man..The Great Leap forward.
No need to expand SC, just do away with damned veto. Then Syrian crisis would be over with a NATO airstrike, and Palestine would be a sovereign state by now. And Tibet and Turkestan finally get their UN recognition.

Excellent suggestion by Korean. Simple majority solves small issues. Two third majority to solve majot issues like Palestine etc.
It was and always will be China's seat. And Indians can overpopulate until they are oozing out of India, but you still will not have earned a seat.

You got the seat by default. You or your CCP did not earned it.
Your retarded Indian arguments on history don't work since I'm in the US and studied from American history books.

Stalin only survived the Germans with American weapons. Otherwise they were fighting Stalingrad with WW1 weapons.

I think u became retarded studying american history particularly on WW2!!!
Where is the proof US provided weapons?
The main reason for german defeat was SCORCHED EARTH POLICY ADOPTED BY THE RUSSIANS!
They were much better off than China. US during the 1950s was the single biggest industrial power in the world while Chinese was to embark one of the greatest disaster known to man..The Great Leap forward.

Buddy, learn to add. Even if China was zero in the 1950s, US alone made up more than 40% of World GDP.
I think u became retarded studying american history particularly on WW2!!!
Where is the proof US provided weapons?
The main reason for german defeat was SCORCHED EARTH POLICY ADOPTED BY THE RUSSIANS!

It was the Russian Winter coupled with the dogged resistance of the Russians that eventually destroyed the Nazis. Did you forgot the 20 million deaths?
It was and always will be China's seat. And Indians can overpopulate until they are oozing out of India, but you still will not have earned a seat.

I think papa left u in the lurch when chinese president himself committed that they will support india for the UNSC seat !!!
And seeing ur reply for my reply, u shouldnt blame that india is playing to US tune or for somebody, knowing exactly how u got the seat !!
Buddy, learn to add. Even if China was zero in the 1950s, US alone made up more than 40% of World GDP.

So I can also say that India was a great power during the 1950s eventhough our output was minimal...So what? US compensated for it? What type of twisted logic is this.
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