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India says UNSC should have 25 members

The P5 represent more than half of the world's GDP. 95%+ of its nuclear weapons. All paid a heavy, heavy price to defeat fascism in WW2.

Yeah, let's just let every Tom, Dick and Kumar in.

by the way..if that is true,then Taiwan should have the seat of P5,not china...as kuomintang bleed more than CCP bleed.
I don't think Pak considered UNSC when launching it's various attacks. And India didnt bother either when defending.
point being, for India it is simply symbolic, a nice to have. Other than that, we can continue working on our regional objectives regardless of UNSC
Says the UN Charter... Read it.

Fighting and winning a great war earns you a spot on the UNSC, not overpopulation.

well , to be honest I can't see France as winner in any war after WW1 . then why they put France there ? if they want to put a winner country there I guess Finland was a more winner country than France.

and honestly it was not china who won Defeated Japan.
about UNSC the biggest flaw with it is the veto right ,and if they don't fix that then it's useless even if you add another 150 country to it.
well , to be honest I can't see France as winner in any war after WW1 . then why they put France there ? if they want to put a winner country there I guess Finland was a more winner country than France.

and honestly it was not china who won Defeated Japan.

Seriously, I don't think the French care. It was more China than any other country but the US, just like it was more Britain/Russia than any other country besides US that defeated the Nazis.
The P5 represent more than half of the world's GDP. 95%+ of its nuclear weapons. All paid a heavy, heavy price to defeat fascism in WW2.

Yeah, let's just let every Tom, Dick and Kumar in.
Well guess what dude, these aren't the post war eras!!! nor will P5 hold the economic strength they used to for long now:no:
Wake up!! the 50's are over....the west is crumbling wether anyone likes it or not....a new generation of global powers are rising, the first and the foremost of which are China, India and Brazil...
Fighting and winning a great war earns you a spot on the UNSC, not overpopulation.

You should be the last one talking about overpopulation, Red. Which "war" did you fight that got you the spot? Oh wait! The one in which US nuked Japanese, Chiang Kai Shek's forces removed the Japanese soldiers and once they got tired, Mao came out of the jungles, suppressed the real news and took over? No thanks.

The only war you fought in that period was your civil war against a war-weary party that was your own... opportunism doesn't translate into valor, Red. It is simply convenience.

Seriously, I don't think the French care. It was more China than any other country but the US, just like it was more Britain/Russia than any other country besides US that defeated the Nazis.

Wow... you have some funny history books; which never match with the rest of the planet. The biggest contributors in the war against Axis was the Soviets. Their massive loss of soldiers is what enabled UK and US to halt Hitler's juggernaut. I knew communists revised history for their glorification but never knew it was this bad. :blink:
Says the UN Charter... Read it.

Fighting and winning a great war earns you a spot on the UNSC, not overpopulation.
Yeah....then Greece should be a member, it won the greeco- persian war....:P
A seat on the UNSC should be determined by the power and influence held by the countries.....India and Brazil are recommended for a seat because they are the future.
by including them you are insuring the UNSC against having useless members not wielding any effective power, maybe not now but 10-20 years in the future...
Well guess what dude, these aren't the post war eras!!! nor will P5 hold the economic strength they used to for long now:no:
Wake up!! the 50's are over....the west is crumbling wether anyone likes it or not....a new generation of global powers are rising, the first and the foremost of which are China, India and Brazil...

LOL, those are present day stats. Not your silly GDP in PPP. If it was the 1950s, it would be 80% of world GDP and 100% of nukes.

Overpopulation gets you nothing but poverty and starvation, not UNSC P5.
India likes to play the matriarchal role.
India is not a super power by any means, and will not achieve that statue in the foreseeable future, since its needs still match those of the so called third world countries.
While the tip top of the brass of India populace are well educated and experienced people with very high human qualities, the rest seems to lack very far behind in those regards.
In the UNSC India can bring some kind of equilibrium when it comes to "veto" as a leading member of the non-aligned nations.
Your retarded Indian arguments on history don't work since I'm in the US and studied from American history books.

Stalin only survived the Germans with American weapons. Otherwise they were fighting Stalingrad with WW1 weapons.

You should be the last one talking about overpopulation, Red. Which "war" did you fight that got you the spot? Oh wait! The one in which US nuked Japanese, Chiang Kai Shek's forces removed the Japanese soldiers and once they got tired, Mao came out of the jungles, suppressed the real news and took over? No thanks.

The only war you fought in that period was your civil war against a war-weary party that was your own... opportunism doesn't translate into valor, Red. It is simply convenience.

Wow... you have some funny history books; which never match with the rest of the planet. The biggest contributors in the war against Axis was the Soviets. Their massive loss of soldiers is what enabled UK and US to halt Hitler's juggernaut. I knew communists revised history for their glorification but never knew it was this bad. :blink:
LOL, those are present day stats. Not your silly GDP in PPP. If it was the 1950s, it would be 80% of world GDP and 100% of nukes.

Overpopulation gets you nothing but poverty and starvation, not UNSC P5.

really..check China's economic condition in 1950 before making comments... :lol:
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