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India sabotages the future of humanity and planet earth

Why should we drag China in this discussion? :hitwall:

China is off topic here. Please get rid of your obsession with China.

Every time, any issue of India's relation with the global community is raised, Indian members start accusing China unnecessarily. :hitwall:
:china: :pakistan: :usflag:

Great.. communist its about sabotaging the Copenhagen meeting ..Obviously if you read newspapers you know which are the countries involved in it which the thread starter decide to avoid conveniently...Offcource we had our reasons to fight against the western countries because BRIC countries intentions are clear Devalo ped nations also should take some responsibilities not all should be in the shoulders of Devaloping nations..

It was a good example for how devaloping and third world nations can work together and can fight against the hypocrisies of western nations but the thread starter tried to degrade it in to a anti India bashing ...
China is one of the beneficiaries from the agreement between BRIC and developed countries....but when it comes to India bashing.....everything is OK...Right....

Why leave china out of discussion if China is going to be benefited form the agreement and is a party to the agreement...

The US knows who is doing what.

CIA knows how sincere China is in its efforts.

Green efforts spring from Chinese desert

Green efforts spring from Chinese desert - USATODAY.com

And the source is not Xinhua, rather USA today.
India should have walked out of the summit instead of signing a farcical deal. In the last few days, we have had an advisor to Obama claiming to CNN that the US can now challenge India and China on Climate change.

The US and the EU **** up the environment, and the poor people of China and India pay the price? Bloody neo-imperialism at its finest.
India should have walked out of the summit instead of signing a farcical deal. In the last few days, we have had an advisor to Obama claiming to CNN that the US can now challenge India and China on Climate change.

The US and the EU **** up the environment, and the poor people of China and India pay the price? Bloody neo-imperialism at its finest.

Yes and we did a good thing fighting against it hand in hand with other developing countries but unfortunately all these guys see is a chance for Anti-India bashing..Funny thing is that a guy from China is also joined in the band wagon..
India should have walked out of the summit instead of signing a farcical deal. In the last few days, we have had an advisor to Obama claiming to CNN that the US can now challenge India and China on Climate change.

The US and the EU **** up the environment, and the poor people of China and India pay the price? Bloody neo-imperialism at its finest.

I do not think, it would be correct to make an excuse by claiming yourselves developing nation.

You perhaps do not know what harm you are causing to your own environment for the sake of your ego. Instead of blaming others, ensure what initiatives you have taken in this regard.

I am 100% sure, China has done enough and is doing enough and the global community will be satisfied with all the measures China has taken. France has already signed a deal with China. USA is also happy.
:china: :pakistan: :usflag:

And how is neo imperialism relevant here? What is that? :rolleyes:
India has already confirmed it worked with other emerging nations to ensure there were no legally binding targets at the Copenhagen climate talks.

India's Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh earlier faced parliament for the first time since the UN talks, saying the nation had "come out quite well in Copenhagen"."We can be satisfied that we were able to get our way on this issue,"declared Mr Ramesh, who has consistently said India would be one of the countries hardest hit by climate change.

He said India, had emerged as a powerful force and said the group had protected its right to continued economic growth.

Mr Ramesh said India he would continue to work with its allies "to ensure that the interests of developing countries and India in particular are protected in the course of negotiations in 2010 and beyond".

My dear Gasht,

These days India and China are developing economies. And they are developing fast. It is a well known fact that in 50 years they will be the major economic engines of the world. At that time, when India and China and Brazil etc have all the technologies to keep the environment clean and safe despite operating heavy industries, every nation will sing the environment song in unison.

At that time, when Pakistan's economy takes its pace, and begins to set up heavy industries, no one will lend it either the technologies, or the ear to justify its polluting the environment. At that time, Pakistan will be forced to buy such technologies at formidable costs and conditions, or to slow its economic growth considerably, making the lives of its citizens even more miserable. So today, either you join us for your own benefit, or you may just keep out your irresponsible and utterly foolish counterproductive efforts.

Because when the clout of Obama/Brown/Hillary could not do anything, what stone you think your dumb rhetoric on defence.pk is going to move?

Chill out dude, don't give the world a chance to laugh at you, you represent Pakistan here. And so do you, Communist guy. :rolleyes:
I do not think, it would be correct to make an excuse by claiming yourselves developing nation.

You perhaps do not know what harm you are causing to your own environment for the sake of your ego. Instead of blaming others, ensure what initiatives you have taken in this regard.

I am 100% sure, China has done enough and is doing enough and the global community will be satisfied with all the measures China has taken. France has already signed a deal with China. USA is also happy.
:china: :pakistan: :usflag:

And how is neo imperialism relevant here? What is that? :rolleyes:

Come on man ..just put down your anti India glass and look at the situation..its devaloped nations who destroyed most of the environment and now telling us we have bear the burden of it..Why you think along with India countries like China,Brazil and South Africa opposed it??If China is doing enough they should be happily sigh the agreement ..all i see that they were also opposing it..This kind of responsibility in the shoulders of developing nations should be disaster for them..even if it is China or India or Brazil...Devaloped nations has some responsibilities and they should face it ..its nothing to do with Ego..its just your Anti -India sentiments speaking here..
I do not think, it would be correct to make an excuse by claiming yourselves developing nation.

You perhaps do not know what harm you are causing to your own environment for the sake of your ego. Instead of blaming others, ensure what initiatives you have taken in this regard.

I am 100% sure, China has done enough and is doing enough and the global community will be satisfied with all the measures China has taken. France has already signed a deal with China. USA is also happy.
:china: :pakistan: :usflag:

And how is neo imperialism relevant here? What is that? :rolleyes:

Hey can you tell us the TOP 5 Polluter country? :rofl: China is 2nd lol even after Major steps taken by China still it stay above India in polluting.
Eyewitness: How China sabotaged climate talks

'Intentionally humiliated': Lynas says China set out to snub and shift blame onto US President Barack Obama. (AFP: Attila Kisbenedek )

While China's Premier Wen Jiabao insisted his government had played an "important and constructive" role, the talks in the Danish capital ended with a political accord rather than a binding agreement.

Mark Lynas, who was attached to the Maldives delegation, described what he saw at the talks as "profoundly shocking".

"I am certain that had the Chinese not been in the room, we would have left Copenhagen with a deal that had environmentalists popping champagne corks in every corner of the world," he wrote in the The Guardian.

"The truth is this: China wrecked the talks, intentionally humiliated Barack Obama, and insisted on an awful 'deal' so Western leaders would walk away carrying the blame.

He says Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and other Western leaders were visibly upset when China started "removing all the numbers that mattered" in the final talks, including emissions cuts by developed countries of 80 per cent by 2050

"'Why can't we even mention our own targets?' demanded a furious [German Premier] Angela Merkel.

"Australia's prime minister, Kevin Rudd, was annoyed enough to bang his microphone. Brazil's representative too pointed out the illogicality of China's position. Why should rich countries not announce even this unilateral cut?

"The Chinese delegate said no, and I watched, aghast, as Merkel threw up her hands in despair and conceded the point. Now we know why - because China bet, correctly, that Obama would get the blame for the Copenhagen accord's lack of ambition.

"But I saw Obama fighting desperately to salvage a deal, and the Chinese delegate saying "no", over and over again."

Lynas says the 2020 peaking year was then "replaced by woolly language" and the global 50 per cent cuts by 2050 were also removed.

"No-one else, perhaps with the exceptions of India and Saudi Arabia, wanted this to happen," Lynas said.

'Took the bait'

Lynas fears "the truth about what actually happened is in danger of being lost amid the spin and inevitable mutual recriminations".

"China's strategy was simple: block the open negotiations for two weeks, and then ensure that the closed-door deal made it look as if the west had failed the world's poor once again. And sure enough, the aid agencies, civil society movements and environmental groups all took the bait," he said.

"The failure was 'the inevitable result of rich countries refusing adequately and fairly to shoulder their overwhelming responsibility', said Christian Aid. 'Rich countries have bullied developing nations,' fumed Friends of the Earth International.

"All very predictable, but the complete opposite of the truth."

He is dismissive of the role played by Sudanese delegate Lumumba Di-Aping, who negotiated on behalf of China and developing countries, accusing Sudan of behaving as China's puppet and helping to create the "perfect stitch-up".

Lynas also said China carried out a clear diplomatic snub at the talks.

"The Chinese premier, Wen Jinbao, did not deign to attend the meetings personally, instead sending a second-tier official in the country's foreign ministry to sit opposite Obama himself," he said.

"The diplomatic snub was obvious and brutal, as was the practical implication: several times during the session, the world's most powerful heads of state were forced to wait around as the Chinese delegate went off to make telephone calls to his 'superiors'."

India's stance

India has already confirmed it worked with China and other emerging nations to ensure there were no legally binding targets at the talks.

India's Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh earlier faced parliament for the first time since the UN talks, saying the nation had "come out quite well in Copenhagen".

"We can be satisfied that we were able to get our way on this issue," declared Mr Ramesh, who has consistently said India would be one of the countries hardest hit by climate change.

He said India, China, South Africa and Brazil had emerged as a powerful force and said the group had protected its right to continued economic growth.

Mr Ramesh said India would continue to work with its allies "to ensure that the interests of developing countries and India in particular are protected in the course of negotiations in 2010 and beyond".

Britain's blame

Britain has also said the meeting was lurched into farce and pointed the finger of blame at Beijing.

While British Prime Minister Gordon Brown refrained f.r.om naming countries, his climate change minister Ed Miliband said China had led a group of countries that "hijacked" the negotiations which had at times presented "a farcical picture to the public".

"We did not get an agreement on 50 per cent reductions in global emissions by 2050 or on 80 per cent reductions by developed countries," he wrote in The Guardian.

"Both were vetoed by China, despite the support of a coalition of developed and the vast majority of developing countries."

China, the world's top polluter, doggedly resisted pressure for outside scrutiny of its emissions.

Eyewitness: How China sabotaged climate talks - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Like it or not, India and China are inextricably linked together on issues of economy and thus environment. What they managed to get away with is the protection of their new found economic growth. Developed countries have been trying to bully the developing ones into cutting more than their fair share of industrial growth. And since China is more dependent on CO2 creating manufacturing Industries, it had to be the lead opponent of setting goals to cut emissions which would have hit its primary sector harder.

Nothing like the flashy title of the thread suggests.
My cute cuddly Communist, I bet your a$$ you have no idea how strange and ridiculous you look like in the eyes of the mature clout on this forum. Allow me to help you open your eyes. (Warning: wear a pair shades, such sudden change in perspective might blind you!)

I do not think, it would be correct to make an excuse by claiming yourselves developing nation.

Sorry dude, it is not we, it is the world that is calling us a developing nation. And if we are not a developing nation, what is there to fear, because heavy carbon emitting industries are a prerequisite to be a developing nation. So don't fear man, it's all good ;)

You perhaps do not know what harm you are causing to your own environment for the sake of your ego. Instead of blaming others, ensure what initiatives you have taken in this regard.

I am 100% sure, China has done enough and is doing enough and the global community will be satisfied with all the measures China has taken. France has already signed a deal with China. USA is also happy.
:china: :pakistan: :usflag:

Well, you are so right there. It is not only you, but the whole world and even the dates and numbers sing the gospel for China...

Now if you can go beyond the apple pie to a pie chart, you will see China has the greatest share in this pie!

But that is not the problem... The problem is... If Indians had not held the talks on their own with Obama & party in the absence of the Chinese, the Chinese would have lost their endeared position in Copenhagen.

What would that mean? Losing a position? - It would mean that China would be forced cut its emission of greenhouse gases (specifically CO2).

How would that impact China & India - China's economy runs on its manufacturing bases that are responsible for world's highest carbon-di-oxide emission.

For India - India's is a services based economy, and India would still keep marching forward at the same pace.

Result - In the words of the Chinese officials - they are "grateful to the Indian representatives that held the position even in the absence of their Chinese counterparts. This gesture of Indians is a step forward in the solidarity between both the neighboring nations".

But the story of this thread does not stop here. Pakistan also has many heavy industries, which are already struggling to keep their manufacturing bases alive. Just imagine what would happen if the Copenhagen talks end in the favor of the West?

This is what the Pakistani newspapers had to say: -

Pakistan will also be attending this December's talks in Copenhagen. It remains an opportunity for this Islamic Republic to take a role of leadership on the issue of internationally binding emission reductions as a means of making the international community wake up to its over-arching moral obligations. This is certainly an area where Pakistan can rally support from other developing countries to speak with one voice on the historical and international responsibilities industrialized nations have towards the poor of developing countries.

Now, if you do understand pie, you can as well eat it.:taz:
Hey can you tell us the TOP 5 Polluter country? :rofl: China is 2nd lol even after Major steps taken by China still it stay above India in polluting.


US feels OK with China. :chilli:

We do not need to be concerned with Indian perspectives.
sadly US does not think of india that way...

We do not need to be concerned with Indian perspectives.

Have you gone insane or something?

India's perspective is already with the Chinese, and the Chinese and Indians are helping each other with all their might in Copenhagen.

US feels OK with China. :chilli:

Oh yes, there you got it so right! Obama was so happy with the Chinese, that he and Hillary gatecrashed the talks between Indians and Chinese, angrily asking them not to hold secret talks. In response to this sweet gesture of Obama, the Chinese walked out and later sent their diplomats instead of ministers, just to show their 'happiness' to the American gesture.

Yes, the Americans feel very very O.K. with the Chinese. :rofl:

Tell me seriously, do ever read news?

Seriously, please be serious.:P
Oh yes, there you got it so right! Obama was so happy with the Chinese, that he and Hillary gatecrashed the talks between Indians and Chinese, angrily asking them not to hold secret talks. In response to this sweet gesture of Obama, the Chinese walked out and later sent their diplomats instead of ministers, just to show their 'happiness' to the American gesture.

Yes, the Americans feel very very O.K. with the Chinese. :rofl:

Tell me seriously, do ever read news?

Seriously, please be serious.:P

Even much before the Copenhagen meet...

China and US held secret talks on climate change deal | World news | guardian.co.uk
Why should we drag China in this discussion? :hitwall:

China is off topic here. Please get rid of your obsession with China.

Every time, any issue of India's relation with the global community is raised, Indian members start accusing China unnecessarily. :hitwall:
:china: :pakistan: :usflag:

China is dragged because she is part of the problem and has bigger share then India. So to make it easy for you to understand, let me try to give a simple analogy.

If 2 people A and B kill someone while A gives major blows. It is wrong to blame B but ignore A. Hope this helps. So all you guys are doing is since India is your enemy you are point at India, but leaving China. Also you forget that Pakistan itself will benefit from it.
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