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Why are bangladeshis irritated by the fencing of the border?You are saying u support the mass illegal immigrations?
On one hand we are all evil bullies and on the other u are opposed to stopping of immigration from ur lands,contradiction?

I'm a little irritated as to always being described as india bullying bangaldeah.
Tell me in precise terms what steps what india needs to do to assure bangladeshis of their friendship,and not vague terms like bullying and interference which u can't provide any proof of and are just speculations without proof,tell me in terms of projects,joint policy on issues, facilities and joint development projects.
I'm bengali so bangladeshis harbouring hatred towards us is sad for me.

You see, what happens is central government says Bangladeshi goods can enter at lets say 10% tax, in return Bangladesh will also impose 10% tax. What happens is Bangladesh keeps it's promise but state government in India imposes additional tax upon the 10% previously imposed by the central government. That way our goods become uncompetitive, while Indian goods score a home run in Bangladesh. This is just one hypothetical example of what happens.

And this "bully" thing is not the complain of Bangladesh alone, Nepal and Sri Lanka have also said they are tired of this "big brother" attitude of India.
Most of the infrastructure and power projects are still on paper and have not even been started yet. The AL are already behind schedule. There are probably only one or two road projects in Dhaka which are ongoing but these should have been finished 6 months back. As for the rental power projects these are mostly to favour AL business people and actually contribute very little to the grid. The last I heard only two of the rental power projects are actually operational. The nuclear and power plants will not get off the ground for another 10 years and they will only bring new power to the grid after 15 years. The only project which is making any significant progress is the Indian transit facility of which we will derive no benefit since fees are unlikely to be charged.

Well I have to give respect to the fact that you are aware of the "facts on the ground" due to the fact that you are in living in Bangladesh and I am not.

But I will have to respectfully disagree with the progress that is likely to be made over the course of this decade when it comes to infrastructure. Padma Bridge has now been given all required financial support from the major donor agencies and that should start being built soon. It may not be completed by the end of the Awami league term in 2013 but it will happen soon after. While the contracts for the nuclear and coal fired power projects have not been signed, last month a contract for 3 plants with a combined generation capacity of 1.1GW was signed. The factor that gives me the most as regards the finance for these projects is both the stronger projected growth likely over the next five years(~7%) but also the fact that the BD government has been successfully raising more in tax revenues since coming into power as a % of GDP. For the coming financial year the government is likely to hike the amount it's spends on the budget from 16 to 18% of GDP and the IMF projects that this will go to nearly 20% of GDP by 2016. This will mean that additional billions will be available for roads, bridges, power and education, which can be thought of as the fuel that will power the Bangladeshi economy into the furture. Yes corruption will eat into some of this but a lot of extra money will be available to spend.

I know that a lot of Bengalis on this forum do not agree with the Awami League's politics but I am cautiously optimistic that this will be the decade that Bangladesh hit's 8% plus GDP growth and virtually wipes out absolute poverty by it's 50th year of independence in 2021.
Well I have to give respect to the fact that you are aware of the "facts on the ground" due to the fact that you are in living in Bangladesh and I am not.

But I will have to respectfully disagree with the progress that is likely to be made over the course of this decade when it comes to infrastructure. Padma Bridge has now been given all required financial support from the major donor agencies and that should start being built soon. It may not be completed by the end of the Awami league term in 2013 but it will happen soon after. While the contracts for the nuclear and coal fired power projects have not been signed, last month a contract for 3 plants with a combined generation capacity of 1.1GW was signed. The factor that gives me the most as regards the finance for these projects is both the stronger projected growth likely over the next five years(~7%) but also the fact that the BD government has been successfully raising more in tax revenues since coming into power as a % of GDP. For the coming financial year the government is likely to hike the amount it's spends on the budget from 16 to 18% of GDP and the IMF projects that this will go to nearly 20% of GDP by 2016. This will mean that additional billions will be available for roads, bridges, power and education, which can be thought of as the fuel that will power the Bangladeshi economy into the furture. Yes corruption will eat into some of this but a lot of extra money will be available to spend.

I know that a lot of Bengalis on this forum do not agree with the Awami League's politics but I am cautiously optimistic that this will be the decade that Bangladesh hit's 8% plus GDP growth and virtually wipes out absolute poverty by it's 50th year of independence in 2021.

Thing is if you look from the outsider's point of view you will think AL is doing one heck of a job with all the infrastructure projects, power plants, export growths and so on. But if you were inside the country you would know what kind of havoc AL is causing inside the country, they are pushing the country towards chaos knowingly(caretaker govt issue) and have a blueprint to turn this county into a one party rule, anyone living inside Bangladesh will tell you that. Truth is whatever progress the country has made is because of the private sector (businessmen), neither AL nor BNP have any significant contribution to it. On that ground it is safe to say that the country can achieve whatever it wants to achieve with or without AL or BNP for that matter.
Thing is if you look from the outsider's point of view you will think AL is doing one heck of a job with all the infrastructure projects, power plants, export growths and so on. But if you were inside the country you would know what kind of havoc AL is causing inside the country, they are pushing the country towards chaos knowingly(caretaker govt issue) and have a blueprint to turn this county into a one party rule, anyone living inside Bangladesh will tell you that. Truth is whatever progress the country has made is because of the private sector (businessmen), neither AL nor BNP have any significant contribution to it. On that ground it is safe to say that the country can achieve whatever it wants to achieve with or without AL or BNP for that matter.

Pretty much nothing you have said I can argue with.
Well I have to give respect to the fact that you are aware of the "facts on the ground" due to the fact that you are in living in Bangladesh and I am not.

But I will have to respectfully disagree with the progress that is likely to be made over the course of this decade when it comes to infrastructure. Padma Bridge has now been given all required financial support from the major donor agencies and that should start being built soon. It may not be completed by the end of the Awami league term in 2013 but it will happen soon after. While the contracts for the nuclear and coal fired power projects have not been signed, last month a contract for 3 plants with a combined generation capacity of 1.1GW was signed. The factor that gives me the most as regards the finance for these projects is both the stronger projected growth likely over the next five years(~7%) but also the fact that the BD government has been successfully raising more in tax revenues since coming into power as a % of GDP. For the coming financial year the government is likely to hike the amount it's spends on the budget from 16 to 18% of GDP and the IMF projects that this will go to nearly 20% of GDP by 2016. This will mean that additional billions will be available for roads, bridges, power and education, which can be thought of as the fuel that will power the Bangladeshi economy into the furture. Yes corruption will eat into some of this but a lot of extra money will be available to spend.

I know that a lot of Bengalis on this forum do not agree with the Awami League's politics but I am cautiously optimistic that this will be the decade that Bangladesh hit's 8% plus GDP growth and virtually wipes out absolute poverty by it's 50th year of independence in 2021.

You actually believe what the government says and all those stats? If everything the government had said over the last 20 years had come true we should have an economy the same size as Japan's by now. Government's in BD make promises and manufacture statistics which are not to be believed. We can be hopeful but nothing more. In BD you get used to disappointment.
Well I have to give respect to the fact that you are aware of the "facts on the ground" due to the fact that you are in living in Bangladesh and I am not.

But I will have to respectfully disagree with the progress that is likely to be made over the course of this decade when it comes to infrastructure. Padma Bridge has now been given all required financial support from the major donor agencies and that should start being built soon. It may not be completed by the end of the Awami league term in 2013 but it will happen soon after. While the contracts for the nuclear and coal fired power projects have not been signed, last month a contract for 3 plants with a combined generation capacity of 1.1GW was signed. The factor that gives me the most as regards the finance for these projects is both the stronger projected growth likely over the next five years(~7%) but also the fact that the BD government has been successfully raising more in tax revenues since coming into power as a % of GDP. For the coming financial year the government is likely to hike the amount it's spends on the budget from 16 to 18% of GDP and the IMF projects that this will go to nearly 20% of GDP by 2016. This will mean that additional billions will be available for roads, bridges, power and education, which can be thought of as the fuel that will power the Bangladeshi economy into the furture. Yes corruption will eat into some of this but a lot of extra money will be available to spend.

I know that a lot of Bengalis on this forum do not agree with the Awami League's politics but I am cautiously optimistic that this will be the decade that Bangladesh hit's 8% plus GDP growth and virtually wipes out absolute poverty by it's 50th year of independence in 2021.

@ 8% GDP grouth ??? That too in the hand's of AL ? My foot ! Where are you living ? Are you in UK or some where else.

@ Never believe AL. AL's govt is always very fast in talking but on ground it is doing some think else. See, some of the actual fact in Bangladesh under AL's govt:
1. Presently, all the contracts are being given to the AL lobby. Genuine contracters are all gone/finished.
2. I fully agree with Munshi that all the rental power plans are being given to the AL business man. In the true sense power sector will not raise in this way.
3. What ever AL is doing is only to give leverage to India almost in all sectors. AL is going to increase vehicle car tax on the Japaese car. On the other hand facilities are likely to to Indian motor cars. Already I see in the street of Dhaka lot of advatisement of Ambassator cars.
4. Roads are been constructed/repaired only in those areas where the Indian goods would move.
5. Our judiciery is already 100 % netralised (specially appellite division).
6. More than 450 BCS officers are being made OSD. Soon govt is planning to recruit 64,000 1st and 2nd class officers on the basis of political consideration without any written text. Govt is also planning to modify the rule and regulations on this issue.
Roads and other infrastructure has not improved where the Biharis lives.

No wonder Al Zakira and M akmal feel so bitter and find solace only in Religion!

And they don't even have their language Urdu recognised!
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Roads and other infrastructure has not improved where the Biharis lives.

No wonder Al Zakira and M akmal feel so bitter and find solace only in Religion!

And they don't even have their language Urdu recognised!

I don't agree with this treatment of Biharis :cry:

I don't know about Md Akmal, but I heard Al-Zakir is Syhleti.

Myself? I am Chittagongian of Indian/Iranian ancestry.
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I don't agree with this treatment of Biharis :cry:

I don't know about Md Akmal, but I heard Al-Zakir is Syhleti.

Myself? I am Chittagongian of Indian/Iranian ancestry.

My heart bleeds for these poor chaps.

It does not matter where you all come from.

Are the Biharis confined and cannot go to Sylhet or Chittagong or Mymensingh?

The concern that you all show towards BD, indicates your love.

For Christ's sake, forget where you come from, help them.

I just saw this video.

I will tell the Church here to help them through the Church there.

I am told BD does not take it amiss when the Church help the poorest of the poor which the Bengladeshi, owing to various reasons, cannot do.
I am sure someone could write a Book on the plight of these Biharis and donate the money to the Biharis.

That would indicate how serious they are concerned about their loved Motherland.

I believe their are prolific writers that abound!
Many people have written books on the situation of these people, and how sadly government has handled it. As far as i knew, Government of Bangladesh offered them citizenship long time back but many of them did not accept them. And they are not confined to any place, problem is they are technically refugees and for that they are denied many civic liberties and rights; and since this has been going on for the last 40 years their communities have fallen quite backwards.

You have to understand that many of these problems are more complex than they look, and government might just be saying their part of the story, esp. when it is AL dealing with people of Bihari descent. I personally believe government has not done enough and it is time we treat all people living inside Bangladesh territory equally and respectfully.
Are these Bihari chap identifying themselves with the Bangladeshi way of life and culture or are they maintain that they are not Bangladeshis.

I saw a video where a Bihari stated that they were not Bangladeshis and instead were Paksitanis and they should be repatriated.
They still want to go back to Pakistan, but GoP has no interest in bringing them back. And i really dont know what you mean by the Bangladeshi way of life or Bihari way of life as they are pretty much identical to one another; only difference is they speak urdu along with bangla. It has been 40 years since the war and most of the living biharis were born after the war, so you use your logic. And what that Bihari chap said was technically correct as Bihari people are not citizens of Bangladesh or of Bengali descent for that matter. The Bihari people are quite proud of their identity, no problems with that, but being proud of their identity wont get them cookies, esp in Bangladesh.
Roads and other infrastructure has not improved where the Biharis lives.

No wonder Al Zakira and M akmal feel so bitter and find solace only in Religion!

And they don't even have their language Urdu recognised!
WOW ! What a deviant Croc-tear by a boisterous INDO star, especially correlating it with Bihari's misfortune that narrated by Altaf Kalia in Bharat. If Kargil-claim's rebuttal wasn't enough then citation of Bihari Holaucast by Bharat-Rakshakers in 1946 would further demean Malauns. And none but BR's prodigies(RAWAMY Bastards) in 70-71 started 2nd Holaucast of Biharis in East PAK (Stateless in Bangladesh and Pakistan), the impact of it unfortunately continued even these days .
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