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India’s New-Old Carrier Goes to Sea

Article is full of inaccuracies- the Vikramditya will not operate Sea Harriers- they will remain with the Viraat which will remain in service until probably 2018 and when Viraat retires so will the Sea Harriers.

Just to burn a few bums- IN plans to eventually operate 6 CBGs and all ACCs post IAC-1 will most likely be 60-70,000+ tonnes with EMALS for CATOBAR operations. A nuclear-powered carrier in the future isn't out of the question.
Yeah!! just don't forget you r talking about Bangladesh here. We have won against the PAK once, and the PAK has defeated you twice.

Oh yeah ur muslim marcial race have defeated india twice, israel thrice, broke down ussr massacared the serbs in bosnia and the world couldn't do a thing about it, u guys bomb usa using drones everyday, shoot illegal indians crossing on bangladeshi borders everyday and we indians are to scared to even protest, somalia has the worlds most powerful navy, saudiarabia is the worlds most technological place.

See I agree to so many truths u not more than 5.5 fee, fish eating muslim marcial race learn..so next time ur lungi wearing brave marcial race crosses the border and massacares us poor hindus please spare my life as I believe u guys to being the worlds most powerful masters inspite of threw world calling u ppl SH!T..
Any chance India may deploy those carrier against BD?
We may deploy a carrier in Bangladesh!

After it's under seawater.

Before that happens BD will expand a little northward and westward claiming some of her historic
land back. :angel:

Hey guys why don't u guys do this claiming favour we need to dump our old uranium isotope artillery shells somewhere..

Anyways the mighty fish eating muslim army will slowly conquer all their historic lands and on one fine morning the fish eating muslim army would reach the shores of saudi arabia to claim their historic lands and there after entire world will be forced to eat fish from the poddo river to which bandladesh will be the owner..
Hey guys why don't u guys do this claiming favour we need to dump our old uranium isotope artillery shells somewhere..

Anyways the mighty fish eating muslim army will slowly conquer all their historic lands and on one fine morning the fish eating muslim army would reach the shores of saudi arabia to claim their historic lands and there after entire world will be forced to eat fish from the poddo river to which bandladesh will be the owner..

Actually fish is good for health and we export lots of this fish to your w.bengali brothers. They
drol over our hilsa fishes. BTW BD army is not only fish eating but Beef eating (rich in protein) , the same beef that
Indians consider sacred and sell it out at the border for some paisa. Our army is adequately feed unlike protein starved Indian army who
from malnutrition and deficiency of adequate proteins . We are literally helping
millions of your poor citizens out of poverty by this cattle trade albeit illegal. I thing that's why
monmohan babu don't want to stop the illegal trade, considering he is a top class economist.
He understands the importance of BD, that delusional supa pawa indians don't understand.
Be grate full to us that we are buying out your sacred beef. :)

INS Vikramaditya is expected to replace the INS Viraat. This means the Western Command. The Eastern Command has the INS Jalashwa as its flagship. What may happen is once, Vikramaditya joins in, Viraat may be moved to Eastern Command till INS Vikrant comes online.

Indian does not see BD as a threat, nor is India interested in getting in to any tussle with BD. If it were the case, you would see mass deportation and continuous surveillance of Bangladeshis as it happens with Pakistanis in India. The only time the Indian CBG may come near BD or get involved with BD will be during bilateral military exercises of disaster support/relief or during evacuation of Bangladeshis along-with Indians from hotspots round the world.

The Indian CBG has been used for military purposes only towards Pakistan, not Bangladesh. The best case scenario is to have 4 carriers with 2 CBGs operational. Viraat stays in the docks and comes out only during emergencies. 2 CBGs are always deployed.

Also, remember an attack on any CBG, not just Indian, means only 1 thing. Full scale military retaliation. But assume you do want to take down a CBG. Typical CBGs would need to penetrate multiple layers of air defence before being close. This would mean, the opposing army has reconnaisance planes which will not get shot down, satellite capabilities to pinpoint where the carrier is (its like a needle in a hay stack), have network system in place to guide the missile towards the carrier. Typically carrier would not come close to the shore. Assume you have all this, then you need a 1000 km range missile from the shore to take it down. Or you need to send aircraft in harms way to tackle a carrier. Sending a frigate to take down a CBG is like sending a antelope with antlers to take down a pride of lions.
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