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India’s Muslims. Growing, and neglected.

The growing challenge for India would be to keep a track on fundos who can easily exploit this backwardness and incite victimization feelings. Honestly why muslims are backward around the world is due to their own persistence in living a backward lifestyle rather than going forward with this society. This turns them into social outcasts nothing else.!
The growing challenge for India would be to keep a track on fundos who can easily exploit this backwardness and incite victimization feelings. Honestly why muslims are backward around the world is due to their own persistence in living a backward lifestyle rather than going forward with this society. This turns them into social outcasts nothing else.!

true sir.also(no offence) but most of the muslims live in less or middle developed countries,africa,afghanistan etc..
thus,most of them are more vulnerable to extremism both for religion and money.they are the most prone to extremism.

christians and jews live in the developed countries,thus having extremely low chance of extremism.

most of the hindus stay in india,thus on an average living on 5500$ per year,thus leaving a small chance of extremism.
How many Pakistanis here have u seen advocating Pakistani hindus to leave the country? and compare them to u gutless hindu islamophobes on this thread opening talking abt indian muslims to leave india....LOL @ U and ur likes!

u have just killed them or forcibly converted them
From where you got the impression that indian muslim wants last chance to go to pakistan .HELL NO that is the last place in our mind

And why indian muslim wants to divide their country ,the people who wanted their separate home land already got it[Pakistan]

We will live here and die here this is our home land and we choose to be indian by choice not by chance.

It is your fellow Indians trying to kick you guys out, I only said there is no room for you in Pakistan neither is anyone there going to welcome you guys with open arms.

sorry, if pakistan created as homeland for all muslims in indian subcontinent refuses the muslims of india, then there is no point of pakistan. when pak was created 25% of indias land was given for 20% muslim population. thats a good deal for muslims.
So indian muslims have right to pakistan else pak should cease to exist.

no this is not about love-hate between hindu and muslim. Its out of love for indian muslims that we demand their right to go to pakistan. if they are denied this right, then the point of pak is not there anymore

Sorry to burst your bubble but there ain't one man in the government India who has the gall to try and force Pakistan to accept the Muslims in India. Of course you are welcome to try to cease the existence of Pakistan clown boy.
u have just killed them or forcibly converted them

Oh yes and you couldn't even save your fellow hindus :rolleyes: but somehow you are going to force Pakistan to accept your Muslims?? :omghaha: :omghaha:
Typical Offtopic rants with no substance.:lol:We don't have any problem with Dalits,there are no Muslim untouchables,Red corridor is well taken care off and Saffron terrorists are largely a myth.Let me be very clear what I meant to say here,Indian Muslims's are none of your concern,neither are the Dalits.

When needlessly drag Pakistan into thread, when Hindus talk about throwing Indian Muslims into Pakistan than surely that's our concern - Pakistan has no place for Indians. Muslims who opted and supported separate country are already in Pakistan or Bangladesh - rest are those who opted for Hindu Union.

And for dalits & untouchable muslims, red corridor little goolge search will help.
First admit that Hindus hate Indian Muslims and don't want them in India only than you can talk about responsibility of Pakistan.

Islamic republic of Pakistan is created for Muslims of Sub-Continent.

Time Barrier is no excuse for Islamic republic of Pakistan.
Pakistan was made for Muslims of the subcontinent and those who chose to come over became Pakistanis. Muslims of the Republic of India made their choice and if they want a new home now they will have to carve one out of their own country, there is neither room for them in Pakistan nor will they even be given said choice to come over.

Islamic republic of Pakistan is the Land for Muslims who do not want to stay under Non-Muslim Majority (Hindu) to Worship Allah and stay in Peace.

Consider it is a Contingent Laibility of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

I don't know if Allah has that much place to accommodate 180 Million Pakistanis in Jahannam.

Either Place has to be made from Islamic Republic of Pakistan or Bangladesh. As I said, the ball is in your Court.
The condition of the muslms will remain backward till they allow themselves to be used as a vote bank by "secular" parties. It is in the vested interest of these "secular" parties that the muslims should remain uneducated and backward so that they keep on voting enmasse for them.

the influential mullas also take part in the backwardness of Muslims. I remember that there was a strong opposition to Polio drops in the Muslim areas because some Mullas had said that these drops will cause impotence. And very recently the Muslims fought hard against making Right to Education compulsary in Madarsaas. If the root cause of problems is lack of education then the Muslims should have demanded strict enforcement of Right to Education instead of opposing the same

Right to Education Act against Muslim interests: AIMPLB - Times Of India
Pakistan was made for Muslims who wanted a separate homeland.Those who stayed back wanted to be Indians and are Indians.

A Muslim cannot attain Jannat between Idol Worshiping Dirty Kuffars.

They need Peace in Dar al Islam which can be provided by Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

You should watch what you say on an international Pakistani forum read by people internationally.

Do you think one cares about International Community?

I presume that you are Hindu.

A Dharmic Indic.

Would you care to be given the option to go to Nepal which is a Hindu dominated country? No?

It would be absorbed into India soon.

Presumably because you are Indian first and then Hindu? Same applies to your fellow Indians who are Muslims

Ask any India Muslim: Allah or Indian?

Is he ready to die for Allah or India?

Is he Slave of Allah or India?

You will get your answers.
We Indian Muslim will love to die in india from our Hindu Brother rather then get killed by mad TTP or LEJ in Pakistan.
There is no such condition in India that we cannot handle we always made bad decision voting for congress but time is changing and i don't mind Voting for BJP or some other parties who will treat every body same not base on their caste and condition and give equal oppurtunity no special treatment.

It is your fellow Indians trying to kick you guys out, I only said there is no room for you in Pakistan neither is anyone there going to welcome you guys with open arms.
A Muslim cannot attain Jannat between Idol Worshiping Dirty Kuffars.

They need Peace in Dar al Islam which can be provided by Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Do you think one cares about International Community?

A Dharmic Indic.

It would be absorbed into India soon.

Ask any India Muslim: Allah or Indian?

Is he ready to die for Allah or India?

Is he lave of Allah or India?

You will get your answers.

So, you hold hindus in this regard? ?
Dar al-Islam - A term used by Muslim scholars to refer to countries where Islam can be practiced safely.
And India is dar al islam bcoz in indian constitution allow all religion to practice their religion [Freedom of Religion]

A Muslim cannot attain Jannat between Idol Worshiping Dirty Kuffars.

They need Peace in Dar al Islam which can be provided by Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Thats Funny Nepal is independent Country and people like you make them nervouse thats why they are in China's basket

It would be absorbed into India soon.

For a muslim Religion is more important so definately ALLAh First and islam teaches a muslim to be Very patrotic and protect it from enemy even if the enemy is muslim.SO my religion tells me to die and kill to protect the mother land i.e India.

Ask any India Muslim: Allah or Indian?

Is he ready to die for Allah or India?

Is he lave of Allah or India?

You will get your answers.
Lol.... u gutlesss hindu islamophobe!

If an Indian Muslim comes to your house and says his life is in danger, would you refuse him for shelter in your house?

Dar al-Islam - A term used by Muslim scholars to refer to countries where Islam can be practiced safely.
And India is dar al islam bcoz in indian constitution allow all religion to practice their religion [Freedom of Religion]

Dar al Islam = Where there is complete Islam - All are Muslims and everything is practiced as per Islamic Law.

Well Muslims have not forgiven their dream of Dar al Islam in India.

Indian Muslim Patriotic is first of all Haraam Activity as per Islam. That is why Muslims refuse to sing Vande Mataram which means Bowing to Motherland.

You can only bow down in front of Allah not some India. Period.

For a muslim Religion is more important so definately ALLAh First and islam teaches a muslim to be Very patrotic and protect it from enemy even if the enemy is muslim.SO my religion tells me to die and kill for the mother land i.e India.

Nationalism and Patriotism are Kuffar Ideologies nowhere mentioned in Islam.

You are doing Taqqiyah, the intention of a Muslim is always Dar al Islam, since they are born with the only purpose in his world i.e. to spread the message of Allah.
I too want the same but waiting for my father to become PM of India................

Instead of Haj Subsidy, that money could better be utilized for a one way ticket of Samjhouta Express for Muslims who seek Peace and not comfortable under Dirty Kuffars.
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