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India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

Does anyone know how much effort and time would be required to integrate the sensors and complete the package, i.e., what is the residual work involved? The AESA radar should be ready, I suppose.
Indian members please post more technical details and analysis...
where is Dr.Somnath now?
1.Radar Detection Range for 2 sq m target is 200 km in Normal Mode and 300 km in Extended Mode.
2.Scanning 120 deg in azimuth on either side and 2.5 deg in elebation up or down.
3.Resolution 200 m in range, 1.5 deg in Azimuth.
4.Accuracy 30 m in Range, 0.5 deg in Azimuth, 2 deg in Elevation.

Seems like 240 degrees active tracking, can be expanded to >300 degrees if we use the
same methods of construction and modular arrays as Ericsson Erieye of Sweden.

Maximum of 300km detection range for 2m^2 target is impressive, its possible that
it could be above 400km for higher RCS targets. All active fighters
in the subconitnent and Asia-pacific cannot achieve >2m^2 RCS in full load, so we're at
max advantage here. Good.

LSTAR long-range solid state active
aperture array radar | idp.justthe80.com
Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Prying plane makes a quiet touchdown at Bangalore


^^^ really? I'm surprised there wasn't all the pomp and show that normally accompanies these things. Maybe in 6 months time when CABS have integrated the radar and systems.







The Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) system, India’s most-awaited eye-in-the-sky aircraft, touched down at HAL airport on Wednesday night. On its arrival, the prying plane built on a modified Embraer platform (EMB-145I), was given a water canon welcome. Over 200 people, including scientists, engineers and technicians were present at the airport when the plane landed close to midnight.
Military sources tell Express that the aircraft flew through three continents over last the five days. On its arrival in Bangalore, it was officially received by the AEW&C development and user teams led Centre for Air Borne Systems (CABS) director S Christopher.
The aircraft was piloted by a flight crew consisting of two pilots, each from Embraer and the Indian Air force (IAF), along with one technician from Embraer. As reported by Express earlier, the aircraft left Embraer’s headquarters in São José dos Campos, Brazil, on August 17. “Before leaving Brazil, the acceptance of the aircraft was completed over a period of 15 days at the Embraer facilities by a team of officials from India,” sources said.
Before landing in Bangalore, the EMB-145I had its last refueling at Ahmedabad on Wednesday. “We tracked every moment of its flight including at Casablanca, Alexandria and Dubai. It is a big day for military aviation scientists,” sources said.
The aircraft was ferried from Brazil with several mission system external components being built by the Defence Research and Development Organisation, including the Active Electronically-Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with passive electronics fitted on to the platform.
The focus now shifts to the integration of the DRDO-developed mission systems on to the platform, which will be followed by development flight trials in India beginning of 2013. The next aircraft is expected to arrive in December 2012.
Post-midnight, the yet-to-be-named aircraft was undergoing a series of emigration and customs clearances at HAL airport. “We have taken the plane into our hangar and the entire area is now cordoned off,” sources said. The security around HAL airport and CABS facility was high all through Wednesday, ahead of the EMB-145I’s historical landing in Bangalore.

Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Prying plane makes a quiet touchdown at Bangalore
^^^ really? I'm surprised there wasn't all the pomp and show that normally accompanies these things. Maybe in 6 months time when CABS have integrated the radar and systems.

The less noise they make the more successfull they'll be. Remember the test flight of the LCH
TD-2 that flew with digital camo (first attack helo in world with that), was kept very silent. And the
LCH project is shaping up quite well. Let's keep these PSU guys silent, they work better that way.
Sometimes actions speak a thousand words.

DRDO and their moods.
The less noise they make the more successfull they'll be. Remember the test flight of the LCH
TD-2 that flew with digital camo (first attack helo in world with that), was kept very silent. And the
LCH project is shaping up quite well. Let's keep these PSU guys silent, they work better that way.
Sometimes actions speak a thousand words.

DRDO and their moods.

True and less ammunition for ignorant fools to use to criticize India.
Wow what a timing, one day attack on Pakistani AEW&C and the other day indiuction in indian airfirce??? I am 200% sure inaida is involved in attack on Kamra Airbase. Pakistan should respond tit for tat.

and What are you waiting for, coward ?
Typical Keyboard troll

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