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India pursuing independent foreign policy: Chinese daily

Hmm, you're happy about Germans hiring your workers to work for their companies, produce intellectual property that belongs to Germany and make profit for Germans. This is the same time 25% of Indians are illiterate.

no we are not, but china is still no 1 in recruiting by foreign countries. if some ppl want to go to germany for a few years its good bring intellectual to country.
Hmm, you're happy about Germans hiring your workers to work for their companies, produce intellectual property that belongs to Germany and make profit for Germans. This is the same time 25% of Indians are illiterate.

is it not the same in your country too?
apple hires chinese to make products at cheap.
and i do not need to tell you how they treat these poor workers..
Why would you be setting up consulates in Afghanistan? Why would you hate China?

Reason is, your foreign policy is dictated by the USA.

How many and where we set up consulates is our business we can afford that and have to help bring nation of Afghanistan stand on her feet. What is their to love China? A nation like your occupies her neighbours and forces two child policy and in many cases imposes abortion in the last trimester in tibet and on muslim women. I am talking about Tibet and East Turkmenistan. A country which has been assisting separatism in North East Bharatvarsh. If your country faces the same challenge instigated by your neighbouring country. May I suggest you to compare from historical record the
foreign policy of your country and Bharatvarsh.
Hmm, you're happy about Germans hiring your workers to work for their companies, produce intellectual property that belongs to Germany and make profit for Germans. This is the same time 25% of Indians are illiterate.

You do not get it. They are hiring because of their professionalism and dedication to work as achieved by them in USA and U.K. It is global village my friend and at the end of the day India will gain when the same individuals will gain expertise in the manufacturing and product development field and come back to set up their enterprises. Try to have a big picture in your vision before posting a comment.

india is a stooge of the west. washington directly controls india. india has no, i repeat, NO independent foreign policy. india has been following orders from the americans from day 1. india has no independence or spine.

when washington says comes to 'friends of syria' conference, india follows the orders of their white masters.
when washington says 'look east', india follows the orders from the white man. when the white man says jump, india says how high. how can you have independence when the white man said, you indians will adopt our political system, our legal system, our education system, our language, indians said 'yes my master'.

indiawas a puppet for the british for 100 years and now a puppet of the americans.
india will forever be a puppet.

people's daily is just being diplomatic.
everyone aroud the world knows, india is a western colony.

but funnily ur high IQ editors dont think like that.....
U can eat ur own words.... :P
Who compared Pakistan with India. Read my comment again. Its you who come to Pakistani website to compare yourself. I damn care about you.

Let me rephrase if you Indians dont understand it. What I m saying is that your foreign policy is not independent. If it was so, you would not have to piggyback US to pursue Pakistan Hafiz Saeed. You have still not succeeded and you will not.

Let your arrogant rants keep coming. The reality of your country is that you are happy being an economic back office of the west. You do their trivial stuff. You do their customer service calls. You dont have ideas. Just cheap labour.

I compare this situation with 17th century Africa where white men went to hunt down (literally!) able bodied blacks who can run their fields and their homes. The 20th century west isnt different. It needs educated people to run its services and its industries. Thats why it comes to countires like you to hunt for cheap labour. If you re happy in this slavery, all the power to you.

No country can run independent foreign policy. They have to be dependent on others. After all you blow your chest up here because you run services for the west because of which you get revenue and because of that come to this site to posture how big and how learned you are to teach us poor Pakistanis what we lack!!

If you are so independent as you claim, why cant you settle border disputes with China or Pakistan?

Key to becoming to a good and respected power, which you are not although you are delusional about it, is that you settle disputes in your neighborhood. Look around your neighborhood India and no country is happy with you.

To settle disputes, you need a bigger heart. I m sorry to say you dont have that. Thus you will not become what you want to be.
Cheap labour is something that made china a economic powerhouse.... U can rant somewhere... We dont care what service we do, call centre or IT, it earns us exports or revenues.... We are proud of the fact we have the best services in the world which u dont have.....
India's policy is clearly independent, thats why due to domestic compulsions we were unable to settle border dispputes...
However in 1971 kashmir's dispute could have been settled in india's favour, but soviet president and US president pressurised indira gandhi to leave kashmir issue alone, or else there would have no kashmir dispute now....
We had to concede cos soviet union had helped us in that war...
And last for settling disputes, u cant expect only india to have bigger hearts.....

Cheap labour is something that made china a economic powerhouse.... U can rant somewhere... We dont care what service we do, call centre or IT, it earns us exports or revenues.... We are proud of the fact we have the best services in the world which u dont have.....
India's policy is clearly independent, thats why due to domestic compulsions we were unable to settle border dispputes...
However in 1971 kashmir's dispute could have been settled in india's favour, but soviet president and US president pressurised indira gandhi to leave kashmir issue alone, or else there would have no kashmir dispute now....
We had to concede cos soviet union had helped us in that war...
And last for settling disputes, u cant expect only india to have bigger hearts.....

If that article excite you...want more sugar baby ?:azn:

Thought u want more sleeping pills baby after ur own country has let u down :P
Btw, punjabimunda, you have lots of alternate accounts. Can't you serve your ban?

Lol Indians talking about begging bowl... Everyday on TV a white child has to look at an ad about Indian poverty and how to donate.

Some light colored Indians are so embarresed calling themselves Indians that they call themselves Persian :azn:
Well we all know after 9\11, pakistanis in USA started calling themselves as indians even to get petty jobs.....
Who compared Pakistan with India. Read my comment again. Its you who come to Pakistani website to compare yourself. I damn care about you.

Let me rephrase if you Indians dont understand it. What I m saying is that your foreign policy is not independent. If it was so, you would not have to piggyback US to pursue Pakistan Hafiz Saeed. You have still not succeeded and you will not.

Let your arrogant rants keep coming. The reality of your country is that you are happy being an economic back office of the west. You do their trivial stuff. You do their customer service calls. You dont have ideas. Just cheap labour.

I compare this situation with 17th century Africa where white men went to hunt down (literally!) able bodied blacks who can run their fields and their homes. The 20th century west isnt different. It needs educated people to run its services and its industries. Thats why it comes to countires like you to hunt for cheap labour. If you re happy in this slavery, all the power to you.

No country can run independent foreign policy. They have to be dependent on others. After all you blow your chest up here because you run services for the west because of which you get revenue and because of that come to this site to posture how big and how learned you are to teach us poor Pakistanis what we lack!!

If you are so independent as you claim, why cant you settle border disputes with China or Pakistan?

Key to becoming to a good and respected power, which you are not although you are delusional about it, is that you settle disputes in your neighborhood. Look around your neighborhood India and no country is happy with you.

To settle disputes, you need a bigger heart. I m sorry to say you dont have that. Thus you will not become what you want to be.
if we were not independent, we would have not shown our middle finger to the US, when they asked INDIA to stop buying IRANIAN oil.
we have been independent our entire life as a nation since its birth in 1947, on the other hand you have never had your own policy, what ever your alies say you have done it to please them, earlier it was US, now its CHINA, i don't know who is next in pipeline to replace CHINA.
for a few dollars and some weaponary and some diplomatic voice bagging in the international arena your army and civil leaders have sold your nation. realize the above and try to do some thing about it.
Hmm, you're happy about Germans hiring your workers to work for their companies, produce intellectual property that belongs to Germany and make profit for Germans. This is the same time 25% of Indians are illiterate.
while independance, we had only less than 25 % literate population, but now we have only 25% ill-literate population. Its a big feet as for as INDIA is concerned, with such complex cultural divides, more than a 1000 languages and a million customs we have done well and no country in the world has what it takes to show progress with this many divides.
China is a inspiration for us in the manufacturing sector, no doubt about that, but don't take our inspiration as our weakness or inability because if you do then be ready to be surprised.
BEIJING: India has been pursuing an independent foreign policy based on its national interest, including good ties with Beijing, an influential Chinese daily said today, dismissing perception that New Delhi's 'Look East Policy' is aimed at collaborating with US to contain China.

"India lately held a trilateral dialogue with the United States and Japan, and it has also close contacts with Vietnam, Myanmar and some other Southeast Asian countries," an article in the state-run People's Daily Online said today on India's Look East policy.

"However, it cannot be deemed as collaboration of the United States and India. India has been pursuing the independent foreign policy and mainly considers its own interests," it said

The article said "it is hard to imagine that India will completely follow the foreign policies of the United States".

"India has an all-round diplomatic policy and it both maintain relations with the United States" and takes account of "relations with other countries".

It said India keeps "a close contact with Russia, Japan and the European Union countries and its relation with China is also positive," it said.

Stating that India had submitted "positive proposals" at the recently held BRICS summit in New Delhi, the daily said "it is groundless to think its Look East Policy' and the American strategy of eastward transfer are converging", it said.

The daily said while the strategy of eastward transfer "catered to the psychology of India's misgivings and precautions against China, it "also manifested its enthusiasm".

The article is second such write up by Chinese state-run think tanks in recent months, acknowledging that New Delhi was pursuing an independent policy, dismissing earlier perceptions that India's East Asia push into Beijing's neighbourhood was aimed at containing China.

India pursuing independent foreign policy: Chinese daily - The Economic Times

this is very true

India has a true independent foreign policy

for example, refusal to stop oil purchase from Iran,rejecting US fighter in MRCA etc.

India's foreign policy has earned her many major powers as allies around globe :)

in some cases, we also keep good relations with our rivals for our interests

for example china and India are rivals but both co operate on many issues and try to limit US influence in region as some sources suggest
Who compared Pakistan with India. Read my comment again. Its you who come to Pakistani website to compare yourself. I damn care about you.

Why reply then ?

What I m saying is that your foreign policy is not independent. If it was so, you would not have to piggyback US to pursue Pakistan Hafiz Saeed.

You are confusing independent foreign policy with influence beyond borders.

You have still not succeeded and you will not.

Some people believed the same about Illyas Kashmiri.

Let your arrogant rants keep coming. The reality of your country is that you are happy being an economic back office of the west. You do their trivial stuff. You do their customer service calls. You dont have ideas. Just cheap labour.

Lot of ignorance but i"ll summarize my reply in simple sentence.

Our biggest export partner is UAE and our largest trading partner GCC

GCC-India FTA ‘on right track’

I compare this situation with 17th century Africa where white men went to hunt down (literally!) able bodied blacks who can run their fields and their homes.

So the colonial scramble for Africa was about Human labour? ignorance about history again.

The 20th century west isnt different. It needs educated people to run its services and its industries. Thats why it comes to countires like you to hunt for cheap labour. If you re happy in this slavery, all the power to you.

If you are referring to brain drain , then its case for every developing nation where the brightest make to developed countries or the West for better opportunity.

And you yourself are an example of it if the Canadian flag in your profile shows your current place.

For India they are retuning back,

Reverse brain drain a reality in economically booming India

No country can run independent foreign policy. They have to be dependent on others. After all you blow your chest up here because you run services for the west because of which you get revenue and because of that come to this site to posture how big and how learned you are to teach us poor Pakistanis what we lack!!

Agree with the bolded part

If you are so independent as you claim, why cant you settle border disputes with China or Pakistan?

Key to becoming to a good and respected power, which you are not although you are delusional about it, is that you settle disputes in your neighborhood. Look around your neighborhood India and no country is happy with you.

How is that you equate an independent foreign policy to settling border disputes? unless you are stating that India under pressure from a foreign entity is trying to stall the resolution of disputes.

To settle disputes, you need a bigger heart. I m sorry to say you dont have that. Thus you will not become what you want to be.

Yes ,We Indians don't suffer from Cardiomegaly.

To settle disputes, you need a good level of assurance one on the other side will keep up the agreements
So you're saying you don't hate China? Doesn't seem like it from the comments from Indians here.

Um, you can't suport BLA from so far away. :rofl:

if our relations with PRC are bit cold since 1947, reason is China's support to Pakistan and claim on AP

but we co operate on several issues

its a rivalry cum complicated game for power in the region where these 2 nations are rivals and partners too
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