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India pursuing independent foreign policy: Chinese daily

Btw, punjabimunda, you have lots of alternate accounts. Can't you serve your ban?

Lol Indians talking about begging bowl... Everyday on TV a white child has to look at an ad about Indian poverty and how to donate.

Some light colored Indians are so embarresed calling themselves Indians that they call themselves Persian :azn:

Who is this punjabimunda you are talking about while responding to my post?
If in any way you are pointing your finger at me than you should check with the site administrator as to many "lots of accounts" I have. Make sure you have solid proof to back up your claim and stop behaving like ISI and your politicians of your country to accuse others and deny the facts when presented to you.

As far as the poor and hungry children are concerned they exists in most of the nations on earth and I accept their existence in all the South Asians countries including yours. What we do about it should matter and how we address this unfortunate situation is another topic?

In which country have you seen that Indians call themselves Persians? Can you provide me the link to back up your statement?

You could use your foreign reserves to get your nation of of poverty?

You are off topic get back on track.
loll i dont know how ignorant these pakistanis can be?? we have been shouting since long that our policy doesnt depend on anone. we dont give a phuck, we take our interest and then kick them in the ***. even china has now realized that, but these ppl will never cozz i guess their entire country is nothing but a backyard of us where they fire drones iinstead of playing paintball. loll and say we r proxy of usa :rofl:. we refused all their offfers for defence tech. even though we signed the nuclear deal with them but didnt let the america to enter our market even after 5 yrs. reason nuclear deal was just to lift all other trade restrictions on us as a leverage for it, cant u guys see anything. we re getting uranium from australia. we will kick america in the *** too the day we get ahead of them. 25 yrs more thats it. wait and watch.

ok so so how do we invest in infra, science, drdo, defence, space, debt problems. thanks mr economist.

For an person who has a small wiener, you have alot of wet dreams.
India's biggest security threat isn't Pakistan anymore, it's China.

Don't trust the Pakistani nation. If I have my way it will be broken up into five to six nations to put an end to ongoing nuance for last 64 years. They both the same.
Who is this punjabimunda you are talking about while responding to my post?
If in any way you are pointing your finger at me than you should check with the site administrator as to many "lots of accounts" I have. Make sure you have solid proof to back up your claim and stop behaving like ISI and your politicians of your country to accuse others and deny the facts when presented to you.

As far as the poor and hungry children are concerned they exists in most of the nations on earth and I accept their existence in all the South Asians countries including yours. What we do about it should matter and how we address this unfortunate situation is another topic?

In which country have you seen that Indians call themselves Persians? Can you provide me the link to back up your statement?

You are off topic get back on track.

Parkland is punjabimunda and he has 3 accounts (maybe more) out of 2 which are banned.

Indians have this sort of obessesion over being white.

BBC News - India's unbearable lightness of being

Thank God I was born light skinned
Ohohoho, punjabimunda stop acting, you're getting banned in a few hours, so troll all you want now.
ohh so thts the reason why we support whites?? :blink: being fair skinned is not even that bad

It says that Indians hate their skin color and are on search for trying to be white and look white very sad... so that's why dark skinned indians are not allowed in bollywood.
It says that Indians hate their skin color and are on search for trying to be white and look white very sad... so that's why dark skinned indians are not allowed in bollywood.

ohh so how does that apply to 100% of indian population, who are very happy with what they aare?

india is a stooge of the west. washington directly controls india. india has no, i repeat, NO independent foreign policy. india has been following orders from the americans from day 1. india has no independence or spine.

when washington says comes to 'friends of syria' conference, india follows the orders of their white masters.
when washington says 'look east', india follows the orders from the white man. when the white man says jump, india says how high. how can you have independence when the white man said, you indians will adopt our political system, our legal system, our education system, our language, indians said 'yes my master'.

indiawas a puppet for the british for 100 years and now a puppet of the americans.
india will forever be a puppet.

people's daily is just being diplomatic.
everyone aroud the world knows, india is a western colony.

Now it is your turn to get whacked by me. It is your nation who is a stooge to the countries of the West. Without their benevolence you would not have the economy that you have. To do that you have to become their puppet.As a matter of fact India was non aligned for the longest time and still is to certain extent.

India has a compassionate heart towards the Syrian people where as your is a barbaric nation whose only interest is to sell arms and munitions to the butcher of Syrian people that reminds me of Tinnamen Square and recent killing of muslims and Tibetans in the occupied land of theirs respectively.

India is the only former colony of which has not experienced military rule or one party barbaric rule as your is the case. Our legal system might not be perfect but it does deliver the justice compared to your in which defence lawyers are jailed as well. India has over 26 official languages and we get along very well with each other. What is wrong with our education system? We produce some of the best professional in many education fields. they are grabbed by the fortune 500 companies around the world. Now germany is also going to recruit the professionals from India, which speaks for itself the quality of education in India. India was a colony of British as was what is now Pakistan. By the way they also have same legal, political, education and same language in the post secondary. This tells me you did not do your home work before posting on forum. How unprofessional is it?
i think indian foreign policy is good. pakistanis will complain as it is against them
Now it is your turn to get whacked by me. It is your nation who is a stooge to the countries of the West. Without their benevolence you would not have the economy that you have. To do that you have to become their puppet.As a matter of fact India was non aligned for the longest time and still is to certain extent.

India has a compassionate heart towards the Syrian people where as your is a barbaric nation whose only interest is to sell arms and munitions to the butcher of Syrian people that reminds me of Tinnamen Square and recent killing of muslims and Tibetans in the occupied land of theirs respectively.

India is the only former colony of which has not experienced military rule or one party barbaric rule as your is the case. Our legal system might not be perfect but it does deliver the justice compared to your in which defence lawyers are jailed as well. India has over 26 official languages and we get along very well with each other. What is wrong with our education system? We produce some of the best professional in many education fields. they are grabbed by the fortune 500 companies around the world. Now germany is also going to recruit the professionals from India, which speaks for itself the quality of education in India. India was a colony of British as was what is now Pakistan. By the way they also have same legal, political, education and same language in the post secondary. This tells me you did not do your home work before posting on forum. How unprofessional is it?

Hmm, you're happy about Germans hiring your workers to work for their companies, produce intellectual property that belongs to Germany and make profit for Germans. This is the same time 25% of Indians are illiterate.
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