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India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

You are again saying existence of Muslim in 8th century. I said Rohingyas were not Muslim that time like entire south Asia. Rohingya history did not start with Islam. I think you have some comprehension issue.
1) The term Rohingya was not there in Arakan even before 1950s, roughly speaking. The term is quite related to Muslims there, and not before that.
2) Muslims from outside started to settle in Arakan throughout many Centuries that included Arab, Bengali, Persians and Afghans etc. Excerpts from an authentic edited article:

"Arabs were the earliest people to travel to the east by sea. The Arakanese first received the message of Islam from the ship wracked Arabs in 788 A.D. Such ship-wrecks occurred over and over in the coasts of Arakan and Chittagong.

This Arab presence, with the message of Islam, made up the nucleus of Muslim society in Arakan. Thus in Wesali the Arakanese practised Hinduism, Mahayanist form of Buddhism and Islam. The Burmese military regime affirmed in its official book Sasana Ronwas Htunzepho, published in 1997, “Islam spread and deeply rooted in Arakan since 8th century from where it further spread into interior Burma”. Meanwhile, “the Arab influence increased to such a large extent in Chittagong during mid 10th century AD that a small Muslim kingdom was established in this region, and the ruler of the kingdom was called Sultan. Possibly the area from the east bank of the Meghna River to the Naf was under this Sultan.”
These illegal Bangladeshi are 100 times more security threat than Rohingyas, and there are more than 3 million of these scums living in India.

Actually India has more than 600 million scums who does not know how to use a toilet or wear a chappal. Where will you deport them. MM have some open space and I am sure they may help you out. After all they are your good buddy
Actually India has more than 600 million scums who does not know how to use a toilet or wear a chappal. Where will you deport them. MM have some open space and I am sure they may help you out. After all they are your good buddy

What Indians do in their own country is none of your business.
Actually India has more than 600 million scums who does not know how to use a toilet or wear a chappal. Where will you deport them. MM have some open space and I am sure they may help you out. After all they are your good buddy

Moreover, India will send its billions of bugs into other lands when it sends out the Rohingyas.

What Indians do in their own country is none of your business.
Others have the right to criticize your dirty habits, but it is you who decide to change yourself or not.
India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

For cow worshiping India, the refugees are good only if they are non Muslims.

Modi Wants Bangladeshi Hindus in, Sonowal Wants Muslims Out ...

Hindus from Pakistan, Bangladesh will get to claim Indian citizenship ...

For an "Indian" you sure do have a lot of hate towards your country, a troll perhaps. And no, look around the world, particularly in France and Germany and see what muslim refugees do, so no wonder india doesn't want them.
Bangladesh sees fresh influx of Rohingya from Myanmar
SAM Report, August 17, 2017

This photo taken on July 14, 2017 shows border police standing guard at Tinmay village, Buthidaung township in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine state
Hundreds of Rohingya Muslims have crossed into Bangladesh in recent days following a fresh military build-up in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, community leaders said Wednesday.

They said at least 500 Rohingya had made the difficult journey into Bangladesh, some claiming they had been abused by soldiers in Myanmar.

The latest influx follows a months-long bloody military crackdown on the mainly Muslim minority in Myanmar last year that led tens of thousands to flee across the border. The United Nations has said the violence may amount to ethnic cleansing.

Abu Toyyob said he escaped with his seven-member family as the army vandalised Rohingya houses and detained young men.

“They arrested my younger brother from home and injured my two-year-old son by kicking him with boots,” the 25-year-old told AFP.

“I immediately set off with my family and crossed the Naf two nights ago,” he added, referring to the river that divides the two countries.

Dhaka estimates that nearly 400,000 Rohingya refugees are living in squalid refugee camps and makeshift settlements in the resort district of Cox’s Bazar, which borders Rakhine.

Their numbers swelled last October when more than 70,000 Rohingya villagers began arriving, bringing stories of systematic rape, murder and arson at the hands of Myanmar soldiers.

Bangladesh border guards said they had stepped up patrols after reports of a military build-up on the other side of the river.

Last week, the UN special rapporteur Yanghee Lee voiced alarm at reports that an army battalion had flown into Rakhine to help local authorities boost security in the region.

Buddhist-majority Myanmar has long faced criticism for its treatment of the more than one million Rohingya who live in Rakhine, who are seen as interlopers from Bangladesh, denied citizenship and access to basic rights.

But they are also increasingly unwelcome in Muslim-majority Bangladesh, where police often blame them for crimes such as drug trafficking.

Dhaka has floated the idea of relocating tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees to a remote, flood-prone island off its coast, despite opposition from rights groups.

An official with the UN International Organisation for Migration (IOM), which looks after settlements for unregistered Rohingya refugees, said the organisation was aware of new arrivals.

The numbers were “not as alarming as the October influx,” the official said.

You are again saying existence of Muslim in 8th century. I said Rohingyas were not Muslim that time like entire south Asia. Rohingya history did not start with Islam. I think you have some comprehension issue.

They started the process since 18th century yet could not finish it. Islam is too hard to wipe out. Ibelive in next 50 years Rohingyas will get their own autonomous region inside mm or outside depends how a$$hole Burmese could be.
Regarding NE ... asssam should join BD and AP to China Monipur and Naga to MM to have a prosperous life. They have no future under Indian occupation

Myanmar is taking out Rohaniyas. Rohaniya refugees are proof of success of Myanmar policy.

Talk about wet dreams and chutzpah. Why would Assam and NE India join Bangladesh especially when 30-50% of Bangladesh is going to go underwater ?

hindu extremists in india joined force with Myanmar buddhist extremist against Bangladesh (this thread and sample of indian comments, media and political spectrum bares it all). That puts Bangladesh in precarious position in dealing with two extremism. There is no easy answer for Bangladesh - neither secular not extreme position suits Bangladesh. Bangladesh needs nationalist stand that neither awami league nor BNP nor any other party on fringe can carry forward. Defense forces or good part of its leadership are turned into mercenary.

Fresh thinking and strategy are needed.

Your article is 20 years too late.

India has no control over Myanmar. Neither do Hindu extremists in India. India tried pressure on Myanmar with respect to human rights in the 1990s. it did not work because your sugar daddy China supplied them with everything. India reversed course on Myanmar to counter China.

I like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis pride them on strategic location (whatever it means)
Myanmar is the real deal on strategic location.

Bangladesh has no answer on Myanmar. Two big boys on the block China and India will try to curry favors with the ruling regime in Myanmar. In response to growing Indian and Chinese influence USA has moderated their stance to engage Myanmar leadership
I notice you conveniently included Indian Muslims under the broad category of Muslims in your statement.

We are not obligated to and do not wish to protect foreign Muslim citizens in our country. We will deport them. They can do anything they please outside our borders. They can live or they can die. It does not matter to us either ways.

I did not add anything. I pointed out the implication of this Indian government action and the responses of the Indian posters. In fact, your comment is not different from the others;

"We are not obligated to and do not wish to protect foreign Muslim citizens in our country."

Why should we? we give them protection they will start demolishing our demographics, we have enough Muslims in itself...

They are also a security risk, if you are so worried then take them to Pakistan!

Haha. Yup, that is not racist at all.
I did not add anything. I pointed out the implication of this Indian government action and the responses of the Indian posters. In fact, your comment is not different from the others;

"We are not obligated to and do not wish to protect foreign Muslim citizens in our country."
Different or not is irrelevant. There is no place for these people in our land.
I did not add anything. I pointed out the implication of this Indian government action and the responses of the Indian posters. In fact, your comment is not different from the others;

"We are not obligated to and do not wish to protect foreign Muslim citizens in our country."

Haha. Yup, that is not racist at all.

Indeed its not racist's our resources are stretched to the limit! Our population consists of a healthy population of Muslims thriving, we do not need to infuse more and burden the state with more resources. If you cant understand that, then god help you!
They are mostly immigrants from what is now Bangladesh who went there during the British colonial rule. Why doesn't Bangladesh accept them?
I absolutely agree with you. Few months ago, I watched a doco on Aussie tv regarding their plight, and now I wish that I should have switched my tv off, what I saw will stay with me forever. They are Muslims and Muslim countries should do more for them. I hope India does not deport them.
Rights groups urge India not to deport Rohingya
BGB on alert
Agence France-Presse . New Delhi | Published: 00:05, Aug 18,2017 | Updated: 01:14, Aug 18,2017

Rights groups urged India Thursday to abide by its international legal obligations after the government said it was looking to deport tens of thousands of Rohingya migrants.

India’s junior home minister Kiren Rijiju told parliament last week the government had asked state authorities to identify and deport the Rohingya, a stateless ethnic minority who mostly live in neighbouring Myanmar, where they face discrimination and violence.

In recent years, thousands have fled across the border to Bangladesh and on to other countries including India, which does not recognise them as refugees even though the United Nations says they are.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said India should abide by its international obligations.
‘Indian authorities should abide by India’s international legal obligations and not forcibly return any Rohingya to Burma without first fairly evaluating their claims as refugees,’ said Meenakshi Ganguly, the South Asia director at Human Rights Watch, in a statement on Thursday.

The number of Rohingya migrants has swelled in recent years. Rijiju said in a written response to parliament that around 40,000 were living illegally in India.
Thousands fled Myanmar after a military crackdown last October in Rakhine state launched in response to an armed attack on border posts.

Witnesses brought stories of soldiers raping and murdering Rohingya and of entire villages being burned to the ground in a campaign the UN has said may amount to ethnic cleansing.
‘Characterising Rohingya refugees and asylum-seekers as illegal immigrants... takes no account of the reasons why they had to flee their homes and the grave risks they may face if forcibly returned,’ said Raghu Menon, advocacy manager at Amnesty International India.

‘Indian authorities are well aware of the human rights violations Rohingya Muslims have had to face in Myanmar and it would be outrageous to abandon them to their fates.’
Despite being home to thousands of refugees, India is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.

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