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India Placing Sukhoi's near Pak Border

acha acha, Tell me a Single arms deal struck by Pak which was stopped by India, G-3 stopped?? F-16s stopped?? ur beloved Friend Russia Stopped from giving us RD-93?? U-214s were stopped?? Local Production of G-3 was stopped???
How much of Diplomatic Leverage & Indian Voice in international Community worked??
At least we don't show illogical concerns, now stop ranting please..

We have not stopped anyone from giving those to you... We never raised our voices over what you said... We are just cncerned over the aid given to u by USA, and ofcourse the predator drones.. and your future AID would be on table aswell...
PAKISTAN has no technology,no mony.. so u can neither lease nor build... jut piss ....lol :rofl::rofl:

& still India sacred :smokin:

Don't make this thread dirty with ur Ideas

Where is Webby???
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We have not stopped anyone from giving those to you... We never raised our voices over what you said... We are just cncerned over the aid given to u by USA, and ofcourse the predator drones.. and your future AID would be on table aswell...

Thanks for admitting that all your yelling and crying is not working on international forums.
Haha, its not ancient Hindu saying...its infact an old Afgan saying.

There is nothing hindu about it.

It must be some imaginative pakistani fanboy who is responsible for adding the phrase "Oh Lord Shiva" to this afgan folklore .

emo,was that u who did this honorable thing??;)

Trivia:This quote, in its original form was also uttered by an Afgan character in Sylvester Stallone starer Rambo III.

PS: There was a car bomb blast in Peshawar today.It looks like some Afgans are busy giving more credence above old addage inside pakistan.

Opps No i read it some where this way :D
Sorry if its wrong

BTW They are mis lead Afghans & ur fellow Indians are talking about Landing IA in Afgh, this was for them, excluding "lord Siva Part" :D

I m really Sorry if "lord Shiva" part is wrong...
I do not believe, that in an event of surgical air strikes within Pakistan (on any front), Pakistan will respond with nuclear weapons.

IMO, Pakistan air force will respond (in addition to confronting the incoming bogies) with firing its stand-off weapons against the airbase that the aircraft took off from. Considering the fact that we're already in possession of H2, H4 and Ra'ad, that seems like a natural response to me.

Dear friend!
its not on your , belives! i mean defence of pakistan!
belive me, the fingers on the bottons are, more thn ready to do that! after all , whts the point , minimam DETERENCE?
we, doesnt made them for showing in the prads, they were meant to do the DAM BUSSINESS!:smokin:
Deterrence is never based upon such hair triggers.

Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state, and if the attack is well within its conventional response threshold - Pakistan will never resort to a non-conventional attack. Which is why we've an Army, Air Force and Navy.
Deterrence is never based upon such hair triggers.

Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state, and if the attack is well within its conventional response threshold - Pakistan will never resort to a non-conventional attack. Which is why we've an Army, Air Force and Navy.

yes, dear ! kused young sir!
but there is no, balance of power!
we cant wait, for another long war, its not in PAKISTAN,s intersts, to wage a conventional war , with a over numbered ENEMY!
DETERRENCE theory was bassed on that!:smokin:

Any such war, won't be long. But intense, short and with very precise targets in mind. Our response, given the way PAF came about earlier this year, will be in the exact same vein.
Gals and guys let me give you first hand information from Afghanistan :)
The Mujahideen have shot down three Chinooks in a limited time period. But the outside world only knows about one. The US said that it was destroyed by US airstrike after it went down so that Mujahideen could not use the heli.

According to the first hand information the anti-NATO fighters in Afghanistan have killed almost all the US soldiers in that Heli hence US destoryed the heli after it was downed by fighters' firing, so that weapons could not fell in the hands of the fighters.

Any such war, won't be long. But intense, short and with very precise targets in mind. Our response, given the way PAF came about earlier this year, will be in the exact same vein.

dear, sir
dont expect, every thing will happen , same as it happened in the recent past, that was just a, bird & PAF put a lock on it!
after, tht COAS showed that pic, to ADMRL mulen , & said " next time it will, be brought down, for sure"

if ever IAF , even think for a second, to have a go, on us with all its might, it will be a N-DAY for INDIA!:pop:
This news doesn't bring something horrifying or new! If somebody have something he can use any time and any where! If india like to bring them on LOC and on international borde on forward air bases, we know how to handel them!!!
Actually we are scared for what ??? i know ...

If we shotdown any Su30 once again india will cry like a baby and will raise issue in the Unitednation that ... PAF shootdown our aircraft. Our figther jets on daily routine flight on the border lol!! Where is USa where is Isreal please come with India and will try to make Pakistan is a Terrorist State thy shotdown our aircraft pakistan Army is terrorist thy shotdown our everything... lolzzzzzzz :rofl::rofl:
Actually we are scared for what ??? i know ...

If we shotdown any Su30 once again india will cry like a baby and will raise issue in the Unitednation that ... PAF shootdown our aircraft. Our figther jets on daily routine flight on the border lol!! Where is USa where is Isreal please come with India and will try to make Pakistan is a Terrorist State thy shotdown our aircraft pakistan Army is terrorist thy shotdown our everything... lolzzzzzzz :rofl::rofl:

LOOOOOL good one.

btw recently an indian mirage - dropped a bomb by mistake - i hope - a su-30mki wont do it :|

that will mean a battle again :P (j.k)


but coming back to topic - su are kept for china not paksitan.

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