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India Placing Sukhoi's near Pak Border

PAF needs F-16 block 52+ AMRAAM ERIEYE very urgently... but its india we are talking about... these days they just wanna have fun with their toys...

What are PAF's protocols in regard to developing situations like this....

which as you put, represent a heightened threat????​
At R.A.W

You wrote ....They should only be used if there is any aggression from the Pakistan side...

My last questions still hold....how will you do it ??...Please reply to my last mail....I am still waiting for ur detail response :whistle:
As far as this article/thread is concerned, I must state here that, this is pretty old news, the last definite news piece about it had been posted somewhere back on the 17th or such, here is a link:

Afore mentioned

note this part:

"The IAF is on course to base two squadrons (some 40 aircraft) of
Sukhois, which have a cruising speed of 3,200 km, at Tezpur to
counterbalance a Chinese threat on the eastern front."

As per that article, their intention is:

"India attempts to threaten China from Ladakh & Northeast"

However, it looks more Pakistan centric than China, as I cannot simply imagine what India would achieve even by wishing to threat China!! :woot:
Did i say strikes in Pakistan? How does PAF came into picture?

i said strikes on terrorist camps.... How does it automatically got translated to Pakistan ? :woot:
You say you do not have any such camps so why are you getting paranoid about it. We have to strike the terror camps not Pakistan:taz:

usa or india,nither u hav eyes nor ur drones.when ever u attack any terrorist camp,it comes out to be a school or hospital ever.
better take care of ur underworld crimanals and strike there camps,it will be worthy for u.or shut those Tamil groups and ASAM.;)
At R.A.W

You wrote ....They should only be used if there is any aggression from the Pakistan side...

My last questions still hold....how will you do it ??...Please reply to my last mail....I am still waiting for ur detail response :whistle:

Sir first I am not an strategist to decide on the weapons but they will be beneficial if we have second front there in case of war. Dividing the enemy force on two fronts when you have number advantage is always a good option

Second if I was will I tell you what weapons and strategy I will follow? :P
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Here are locations for the deployment of the 2 squadrons


The move is significant since the Sukhois, which have a cruising speed of 3,200 km and can carry eight tonne of armaments, can strike targets deep inside China after taking off from Tezpur. Their radius of operation, of course, can be cranked up to around 8,000 km with air-to-air refuelling by IL-78 tankers.

Sir first I am not an strategist to decide on the weapons but they will be beneficial if we have second front there in case of war.

I guess you have nothing to say on the subject but you are obviously good in writing one liners...

Well thanks anyway...I've got my answer....


P.S...Can any other Indian member reply to my questions that I posed earlier to RAW...i will be greatful..
What are PAF's protocols in regard to developing situations like this....

which as you put, represent a heightened threat????​

I think X-man shaheeb can give you a better answer. but my concern is... PAF can not afford to wait any longer without AEWCS BVR AAM and a good platform which packs a great punch..
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@ Righteous Fire.. ur are right.. but it is not done yet.. some ppl said due to objections from chinese Govt....and it is not Tezpur only... Work is going on .. on4-5 AFBs in tht region( on this forum itself .. someone posted all the names of AFBs)..pressure from India Media is working on GoI.now
NICE move, at least it, gaves us the chance to deploy some of our N-assets, towards the locations, where DAM SUKHOIs are in place, ALSO it will booost a chance by PLAF , to have PRE-EMPTIVE RAIN, on INDIA.:victory::cheers::pakistan::china::partay:
better leave this thread cuz these r the same things ever discussed in every thread b/c of indians.:blah:
but i rally wana see those fantacy birds(FGFA,PAK-FA n LCA) along with mki near to borders.cuz
The Chinese Response in comparison, meaning, the current location situation of fighters on the other side of the border:

In addition to that there would be a major air defense system in place if i am not wrong, can you provide some information regarding that. Appreciate that.
NICE move, at least it, gaves us the chance to deploy some of our N-assets, towards the locations, where DAM SUKHOIs are in place, ALSO it will booost a chance by PLAF , to have PRE-EMPTIVE RAIN, on INDIA.:victory::cheers::pakistan::china::partay:

Yes sure and give Indian media a chance to portray Pakistan trying to nuke India with missiles pointed towards India. Definitely missiles are not for defense they are for attack. And then world will press the panic button on Pakistan.... We would love it if you do so....:bounce:

We wont have to do anything after that....

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