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India-Pakistan - Reconciliation?

Bollywood could play a great role in this since she's the only institution that can reach the masses on both sides.

Till now she's been very anti-Pakistan. :tdown:

yes...have a Bhaaratiya girl falling in love with a strapping young Pakistani for a change....it could to wonders for communal and national tensions.
Just because I feel like arguing, I would say that Canada and the US are closer and have more commonalities than India and Pakistan will ever have.

I believe you are right Mr. AM. The problem with India and Pakistan is the peoples idealogy. There is vast difference in how Indian people think and how Pakistanie people think. For example in Government, Pakistanies can accept a military ruled gov't, while Indian people would not accept this at all because they would perceive there freedom of rights are taken away.

In that sense Americians and Canadians have a very similar idelogy, so likewise there are more commonalities.
I believe you are right Mr. AM. The problem with India and Pakistan is the peoples idealogy. There is vast difference in how Indian people think and how Pakistanie people think. For example in Government, Pakistanies can accept a military ruled gov't, while Indian people would not accept this at all because they would perceive there freedom of rights are taken away.

That's pure conjecture. You cannot possibly know how Indian people will react until martial law is actually imposed.

You may remember people ranging fro birla and tata, to mother teresa supporting INdira gandhis promulgation of emergency in 75. She only relented after being threatened by the coas, field marshall sam manikshaw, that he would depose her and impose martial law.
Just because I feel like arguing, I would say that Canada and the US are closer and have more commonalities than India and Pakistan will ever have.

Yes, and the biggest plus for them is the lack of the historical baggage.

They left that behind in the old world.
Its really so strange that Indians and Pakistanis can be so friendly outside the confines of the subcontinent.

Many of us (except the most extremist types) actually get so friendly just getting to know that the other guy is from the neighboring country. Has happened to me personally many times and I am sure to countless people on this board and outside.

While we have our inherited national positions on the standard issues, it extremely easy to get along for most of us. That presents a hope that things can be normal faster than we think.

A little trust in each other (rather a lack of the distrust) is all it will take for this relationship to flower like no other in the world.
Dear All,

I thought of creating one special thread for India Pakistan friendship.

we have threads for everything but i did not find a thread for our friendship

Today, all our media - TV, newspapers and now even Internet Forums - are full of all kinds of hate rhetoric between the two countries.

At least this thread should have been an ideal meeting ground for the people of two nations divided by an imaginary, artificial boundary.

This Thread is an attempt in trying to bring the two countries, communities and ideologies at one platform, at least for a dialogue.

Or if there is a already existing thread please let me know. :cheers:

Dude why dont you spare us with this BS. Seriously do you really believe yourself in what you are writting here. Hypocrisy should have a limit, you indians are well beyond that. Now i have seen posts of many indians on other forums where they would love the MKI's along with the US-F-18s over karachi but here they suddenly find the lost love for Pakistan.

We Pakistanis know what wolf is hidding inside the sheep clothing and India will not leave a single chance where it can hurt Pakistan directly or indirectly. MOst recently the water issue.
Dude why dont you spare us with this BS. Seriously do you really believe yourself in what you are writting here. Hypocrisy should have a limit, you indians are well beyond that. Now i have seen posts of many indians on other forums where they would love the MKI's along with the US-F-18s over karachi but here they suddenly find the lost love for Pakistan.

We Pakistanis know what wolf is hidding inside the sheep clothing and India will not leave a single chance where it can hurt Pakistan directly or indirectly. MOst recently the water issue.

A guy actually suggests peace with good intention, and most people agree with him, and the only thing you can do is call him a hypocrite. Did u even bother to think for one second that this guy actually means what he says? You just immediately generalize him with other Indians who call for the destruction of Pakistan.

Its unfortunate that there are people like you in both India and Pakistan. otherwise peace would have come a long time ago.
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yes...have a Bhaaratiya girl falling in love with a strapping young Pakistani for a change....it could to wonders for communal and national tensions.

Similary Pakistani movie about Pakistani girl falling for a Indian for a change would be kewl and work wonders for Pakistan and India. And would find good audiances on both sides.
Similary Pakistani movie about Pakistani girl falling for a Indian for a change would be kewl and work wonders for Pakistan and India. And would find good audiances on both sides.

The Pakistani movie industry isn't really worth calling that - hardly anyone watches those movies. On the other hand Bollywood has far more reach, in both India and Pakistan.

I'd be happy if the Pakistani movie industry moves to making films like Khuda Kay Liye and Ramchand Pakistani. Movies that focus on important issues of the day, and actually make the audience think.
AM, the Indian film industry will start getting concerned about Pakistani sensitivities more if it becomes a market for them. Right now its not.

In the short term, even if its legalized, Pakistan will not be a big market for the Indian movie industry. Just about the size of lets say UP territory.

For them, its the commercial interests and the general political atmosphere that drives the movie themes. Given the tensions, the industry has been remarkably restrained about Pakistan for the most part.
The Pakistani movie industry isn't really worth calling that - hardly anyone watches those movies. On the other hand Bollywood has far more reach, in both India and Pakistan.

I'd be happy if the Pakistani movie industry moves to making films like Khuda Kay Liye and Ramchand Pakistani. Movies that focus on important issues of the day, and actually make the audience think.

Its not about Bollywood or Pakistani movie, if the movie is good it will definitely find audiences. Who cares if its a bollywood movie.

"Khuda ke liye and Ramchand Pakistani" may have got good reviews but they hardly got audiences in India. Movies like these mostly focus on issues but mass audiences are looking for entertainment.
Its not about Bollywood or Pakistani movie, if the movie is good it will definitely find audiences. Who cares if its a bollywood movie.

"Khuda ke liye and Ramchand Pakistani" may have got good reviews but they hardly got audiences in India. Movies like these mostly focus on issues but mass audiences are looking for entertainment.

Thats why I stopped watching Hindi movies, except for the couple by Sunjay Dutt in which he played a gangster. The rest are just ludicrous and aweful, and I absolutely loathe the idea of dance scenes - whats the point? (Chicago the musical was awesome though, but it was produced as a musical, and the Music and dance blended seamlessly into the movie).

But of course thats just my opinion, hence my desire to see more Pakistani movies like KKL and RP. I grew up watching the classic Pakistani TV dramas. Absolute masterpieces in plot, acting, and character development - like Chaand Grahan, etc. (may Shafi Mohammed rest in peace - a brilliant artist).

Even the more comedic drama's like Andhera Ujaala, were poignant and thoughtful, and had great actors and performances.

I think the popularity of shows like those in Pakistan, and the failure of the 'entertainment' driven Pakistani movies, is a sign that the revival of Pakistani Movies has to be through movies like RP and KKL.

Aping Bollywood is just not going to work, as Lollywood has tried so far, since the original monkey is always better than the pretend one.
Thats why I stopped watching Hindi movies, except for the couple by Sunjay Dutt in which he played a gangster. The rest are just ludicrous and aweful, and I absolutely loathe the idea of dance scenes - whats the point? (Chicago the musical was awesome though, but it was produced as a musical, and the Music and dance blended seamlessly into the movie).

But of course thats just my opinion, hence my desire to see more Pakistani movies like KKL and RP. I grew up watching the classic Pakistani TV dramas. Absolute masterpieces in plot, acting, and character development - like Chaand Grahan, etc. (may Shafi Mohammed rest in peace - a brilliant artist).

Even the more comedic drama's like Andhera Ujaala, were poignant and thoughtful, and had great actors and performances.

I think the popularity of shows like those in Pakistan, and the failure of the 'entertainment' driven Pakistani movies, is a sign that the revival of Pakistani Movies has to be through movies like RP and KKL.

Aping Bollywood is just not going to work, as Lollywood has tried so far, since the original monkey is always better than the pretend one.

I don't buy any of that. Sorry.

There's a huge list of great Indian movies. You think the biggest movie industry in the world only produces dance sequences?
Thats why I stopped watching Hindi movies, except for the couple by Sunjay Dutt in which he played a gangster. The rest are just ludicrous and aweful, and I absolutely loathe the idea of dance scenes - whats the point? (Chicago the musical was awesome though, but it was produced as a musical, and the Music and dance blended seamlessly into the movie).

But of course thats just my opinion, hence my desire to see more Pakistani movies like KKL and RP. I grew up watching the classic Pakistani TV dramas. Absolute masterpieces in plot, acting, and character development - like Chaand Grahan, etc. (may Shafi Mohammed rest in peace - a brilliant artist).

Even the more comedic drama's like Andhera Ujaala, were poignant and thoughtful, and had great actors and performances.

I think the popularity of shows like those in Pakistan, and the failure of the 'entertainment' driven Pakistani movies, is a sign that the revival of Pakistani Movies has to be through movies like RP and KKL.

Aping Bollywood is just not going to work, as Lollywood has tried so far, since the original monkey is always better than the pretend one.

Depends on taste, Indian movie industry is not just about Bollywood is just movie industry based in Mumbai there are others too who many times do better than bollywood.
As far as movies from Pakistan are concerned I have never watched one but I have heard lot about Pakistani dramas on forums in fact I had seen one "Adrak ke Panje" I hardly remember anything about it now.
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