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India Pakistan Partition

Go through this article mate you will find Gold in export column in the trade chart of ancient India.

Ancient India - Staff Room

Buddy India exported ornaments (that included Gold, Silver and Diamond). It may have exported some gold as well. But is and has been through history a massive massive net importer of Gold. Even today India produces 1% of its gold consumption and imports 99% of it causing $64 Billion in Current Account Deficit.

See below what the Romans had to say (quoting from wikipedia-which quotes from a source): Indo-Roman trade and relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the time of Augustus up to 120 ships were setting sail every year from Myos Hormos to India.[9] So much gold was used for this trade, and apparently recycled by the Kushan Empire (Kushans) for their own coinage, that Pliny the Elder (NH VI.101) complained about the drain of specie to India:[10]

“ "minimaque computatione miliens centena milia sestertium annis omnibus India et Seres et paeninsula illa imperio nostro
adimunt: tanti nobis deliciae et feminae constant. quota enim portio ex illis ad deos, quaeso, iam vel ad inferos pertinet?"

"India, China and the Arabian peninsula take one hundred million sesterces from our empire per annum at a conservative estimate: that is what our luxuries and women cost us. For what fraction of these imports is intended for sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead?" - Pliny, Historia Naturae 12.41.84.
There was no partition of "India" but rather a creation since India was not a country. The word actually refereed to the partition of Punjab and Bengal, but the Indian pushed it to partition of 'India' which was only created in 1947

Partition is ploy created by the west to hold India back from achieving it's rightful place in the world.

yes that myth is very strong in Indians but getting old. An Indian told me that he no longer buys into that fairy tail fed to the Indian masses. Indians should be grateful to the British for carving out their country. If the British never came there would be no such thing as "India" or "Hinduism" all British concepts.

I think a time will come when most "Indians" will get bored of this and accept the truth. The truth hurts but living with myths and lies too long hurts even more.
During most of SA's history, this "India" has rarely been a single entity, that is during occasional empires and such. For the most part, it has been almost a continent, full of little nations, kingdoms and whatnot.
It wasn't until the past millennium that most of "India" was ruled as part of one single country (mostly under the Mughals and the British).
It's a fact well known by educated Indians (or at least I hope).

The partition was, as some member before put it, the 'voice of the Muslims of SA' coming to life.
Even Bangladesh is happy with Partition. No terrorist attacks on them. :enjoy:

yea yea kashmiri in india want same rights..dont know who would save their lives and honour from Indian sate terrorism :shout:

guess what Bangladesh got separated from pakistan in 1971 but there is not much enmity between pakistani and bangldeshi

Pakistan separated from India in 1947 but still so much enmity between Pakistan and India because of partition and conflicts created by it

that's the differnce
Why cant we follow the Europeon way. In the earlier centuries most of the countries geographic boundaries kept on changing because of the many wars being fought with each other. Those days are called Dark Ages by them. But now look at them they are all united. They are have no visa requirements for their citizens and compete in business and sports. Although the EU currency has not done well, with a lot of financial problems, but they will overcome it.
Now look at us. We still hate each other. We are happy when there is disaster in the others country. We enjoy when the World Press goes after the other country for some negative reasons. We want the other country to fail.
After so many years we have failed to settle the dispute of Kashmir and lets face it, our relations can only improve after we solve the issue. But saying that, compromises will have to be made from BOTH sides. Both sides will have to change their stances and really work for a solution agreeable first to the people of Kashmir and then to Pakistan and India.
if by a miracle this happens. We have a chance to achieve peace. And stop the hatred and become good friends.
We both can benefit with each other in business and social issues.
if this happens the countries selling them weapons will not be happy as two of their best clients will be lost to them.
Together with other regional countries we can have a real chance of becoming one, not like SAARC which is a toothless body.
India is the biggest economic power in the world during middle ages and ancient,

Biggest exporter of Gold,Diamonds,cotton and spices.

Knowledge centre of the world with world's first university.

Home to various Dharmas (way of life and achieving eternity) and religions.

I can go on an on and it is a very big list.

That because india was under Islamic Rule and was essentially an Islamic Empire.

From 7th-18th century, Islamic Empires/Powers dominated the world economically, militarily, socially, politically etc....and then came along the scientific/industrial revolution and West took over...

Anyways, indians , specially Nehru, is itself to blame for partition. Muslims didn't want it..Nehru's betrayal caused this to happen
Why cant we follow the Europeon way. In the earlier centuries most of the countries geographic boundaries kept on changing because of the many wars being fought with each other. Those days are called Dark Ages by them. But now look at them they are all united. They are have no visa requirements for their citizens and compete in business and sports. Although the EU currency has not done well, with a lot of financial problems, but they will overcome it.
Now look at us. We still hate each other. We are happy when there is disaster in the others country. We enjoy when the World Press goes after the other country for some negative reasons. We want the other country to fail.
After so many years we have failed to settle the dispute of Kashmir and lets face it, our relations can only improve after we solve the issue. But saying that, compromises will have to be made from BOTH sides. Both sides will have to change their stances and really work for a solution agreeable first to the people of Kashmir and then to Pakistan and India.
if by a miracle this happens. We have a chance to achieve peace. And stop the hatred and become good friends.
We both can benefit with each other in business and social issues.
if this happens the countries selling them weapons will not be happy as two of their best clients will be lost to them.
Together with other regional countries we can have a real chance of becoming one, not like SAARC which is a toothless body.

the reason we can't do EU way is because Europe does not have one country that wan'ts to dominate the whole continent.
Actually, they do, Russia and look how Russia is not part of the EU.
The problem with the Sub continent is we have a series of smaller nations who are content with their lot, and then we have one large nation who is almost rabid in it's desire to dominate. This one large nation the root of all the problems with it's smaller neighbors and it has shown that it will use military force and invade nations (Goa, Hyderabad, etc) to get what it wants.

So how do you deal with that kind of nation?
the reason we can't do EU way is because Europe does not have one country that wan'ts to dominate the whole continent.
Actually, they do, Russia and look how Russia is not part of the EU.
The problem with the Sub continent is we have a series of smaller nations who are content with their lot, and then we have one large nation who is almost rabid in it's desire to dominate. This one large nation the root of all the problems with it's smaller neighbors and it has shown that it will use military force and invade nations (Goa, Hyderabad, etc) to get what it wants.

So how do you deal with that kind of nation?

Have you heard of NAPOLEON BONAPARTE(French)? He wanted to conquer whole of Europe. Rememeber Adolph Hitler(German), he ALSO wanted to conquer whole of Europe.
So after learning their mistakes, the Europeons dont want to dominate each other, but rather work together to progress and develop themselves.
Have you heard of NAPOLEON BONAPARTE(French)? He wanted to conquer whole of Europe. Rememeber Adolph Hitler(German), he ALSO wanted to conquer whole of Europe.
So after learning their mistakes, the Europeons dont want to dominate each other, but rather work together to progress and develop themselves.

right, but my point is that both those leaders came from different countries.
There is no one massive country in Europe, There are a few large countries but nothing that can compare to India.
The only country that you can compare to India is Russia and look how they are not part of the EU.

I personally think that an Economic block of all the smaller countries in South Asia could work. But as soon as you include India, it will simply start bullying everyone else.
India was not a singular entity. This does not make any sense

Partition was voice of Muslims for greater autonomy. For 65 years India (and Pakistan) have been held back due to their own shortcomings not due to some grand conspiracy.

Well said.
right, but my point is that both those leaders came from different countries.
There is no one massive country in Europe, There are a few large countries but nothing that can compare to India.
The only country that you can compare to India is Russia and look how they are not part of the EU.

I personally think that an Economic block of all the smaller countries in South Asia could work. But as soon as you include India, it will simply start bullying everyone else.

Are bhai, the main point is to work with each other. There are many small Europeon countries like Portugal and Greece whose weak economy is creating problems for the bigger Europeon countries. But they help these small countries. Infact they have recently given large bail out money to save their economies.
Like wise we will always need India as it is a BIG economy and will help us all out and we all can progress together. But only if it chooses to do.
Are bhai, the main point is to work with each other. There are many small Europeon countries like Portugal and Greece whose weak economy is creating problems for the bigger Europeon countries. But they help these small countries. Infact they have recently given large bail out money to save their economies.
Like wise we will always need India as it is a BIG economy and will help us all out and we all can progress together. But only if it chooses to do.

In theory I agree with you
How nice would it be to live in a world where everyone gets along.
But you can't ignore history nor facts, and the both say Indian is not ready for that kind of relationship.
They still have this Akhand Bharat mindset where they want to dominate everything.

Do you know the history of US and Canada?
When the US first got it's independence, it had a mindset of "manifest destiny" which meant that they wanted to dominate all of North America, including Canada. It took them more than a 100 years after independence to get over this mindset.

India is nowhere near that.
That because india was under Islamic Rule and was essentially an Islamic Empire.

From 7th-18th century, Islamic Empires/Powers dominated the world economically, militarily, socially, politically etc....and then came along the scientific/industrial revolution and West took over...

No you are wrong, Islamic conquest happened exactly because India was the richest country on the planet.

Anyways, indians , specially Nehru, is itself to blame for partition. Muslims didn't want it..Nehru's betrayal caused this to happen

Yes you are right about Nehru. I know this region would have been much better without the partition.

There was no partition of "India" but rather a creation since India was not a country. The word actually refereed to the partition of Punjab and Bengal, but the Indian pushed it to partition of 'India' which was only created in 1947

yes that myth is very strong in Indians but getting old. An Indian told me that he no longer buys into that fairy tail fed to the Indian masses. Indians should be grateful to the British for carving out their country. If the British never came there would be no such thing as "India" or "Hinduism" all British concepts.

I think a time will come when most "Indians" will get bored of this and accept the truth. The truth hurts but living with myths and lies too long hurts even more.

Rebutting this type of proposition has made my psyche raw with wounds. Some other user has put rebuttal in the previous page. But I know Pakistanis won't accept it.
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