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India may snap business, transport links with Pak: Chidambaram

Actually, the future will never look bright with Kashmir still unsolved.
The GoI have showed their true colors during the Mumbai attacks, and it's a good thing Pakistan remembers this and keeps it in mind at all times.
As for cutting ties with India, I wouldn't mind, infact, i'm going to bed in a few and I won't lose any sleep over it, seriously.
They haven't done us much good with "business and transport links", perhaps violating our airspace a few times, sent in a few spies, and that's about it.

The Kashmir issue was not started yesterday, so I don't think that affects much. This breaking of relations and business links is more related and motivated by the Mumbai Incident.

But I do admit that initiating the idea of cutting ties and business links by India was unwise. In the long run, the businesses in both countries would suffer and a loss to bilateral trade cooperations and opportunities.
The Kashmir issue was not started yesterday, so I don't think that affects much. This breaking of relations and business links is more related and motivated by the Mumbai Incident.

But I do admit that initiating the idea of cutting ties and business links by India was unwise. In the long run, the businesses in both countries would suffer and a loss to bilateral trade cooperations and opportunities.

Investigating the Mumbai attacks and punishing the culprits is more important than any economic ties.

Pakistan took a month to even acknowledge that ONE of the terrorists came from Pakistan, and it seems unwilling to pursue the matter further, that too after pressure from the UN, the EU, the US and India. Some analysts are commenting that perhaps even its old ally China had to lean on them.

India is having to literally squeeze out each concession drop-by-drop.

Since Pakistan will respond to nothing but some form of pressure, economic pressure is a valid tool - especially since the Pakistani economy is in dire straits and it will find it difficult to withstand such shocks.
Just on cricket
Loss of tour costs Pakistan $40m
The Pakistan Cricket Board lost $40m after the cancellation of India's tour, PCB chairman Ijaz Butt has said.

Do u have any idea how much BCCI going to loose if PCB cancels its trip at last minute???? I am against the BCCI decision ..PCB even said they are ready for neutral venue. Its completely India's fault. How long they are not going to play? For ever? BCCI making a drama to kick PCB miandad and get some control over.
Investigating the Mumbai attacks and punishing the culprits is more important than any economic ties.

Pakistan took a month to even acknowledge that ONE of the terrorists came from Pakistan, and it seems unwilling to pursue the matter further, that too after pressure from the UN, the EU, the US and India. Some analysts are commenting that perhaps even its old ally China had to lean on them.

India is having to literally squeeze out each concession drop-by-drop.

Since Pakistan will respond to nothing but some form of pressure, economic pressure is a valid tool - especially since the Pakistani economy is in dire straits and it will find it difficult to withstand such shocks.

If that is the Indian position then so be it. I think cutting ties and business links just because one side does not tango is too serious.
If that is the Indian position then so be it. I think cutting ties and business links just because one side does not tango is too serious.

Well the other options are diplomatic pressure - which India is already using to its full extent, and military action - which is difficult to control and could escalate quickly.

The idea is to put pressure on the Pakistani establishment, but not too much pressure, which could strengthen the military and possibly bring about a coup by justifying it in terms of a threat to the integrity and existence of Pakistan.
The impact on Pakistan is going to be insignificant

Chidambaram sahib, please go ahead and do it instead of this useless bluster. Sort of like all that talk of 'all options on the table'. :disagree:

Blatant violations of the UNSC resolutions for over fifty years and now this tamasha - who in their right mind considers India a responsible nation?

Throwing petulant fits and tantrums all over the place.:rolleyes:

Please go ahead and cut ties.

Why should we send 1.5 billion of our money to India with this sort of arrogant and belligerent behavior.

It is not necessarily about inflicting damage to Pakistan's economy but about sending s signal that Pakistan can't keep on trying to brush it under the carpet without any repercussions as it has been trying to do so far. There will be costs to that.

Also you don't send any of your money to India. You get real goods in return, goods that will cost much more to procure from anywhere else.

But I agree that the trade restrictions by itself will not hurt Pakistan sufficiently to mend it's ways. It has to be an effort by the whole of International community that can bring Pakistan in line. It is not just our problem but that of the world. This terror will impact them as much. We have already had 9/11, London, Madrid, Mumbai.....

The onus is on the international community to help Pakistan nudge from this suicidal path where almost everyone is in complete denial and looking at the wrong issues all the time.
Do u have any idea how much BCCI going to loose if PCB cancels its trip at last minute???? I am against the BCCI decision ..PCB even said they are ready for neutral venue. Its completely India's fault. How long they are not going to play? For ever? BCCI making a drama to kick PCB miandad and get some control over.

Hey you means to say after 26/11, India ignore security issue and went for Cricket series ...

Press Trust of India

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:13 PM (London)

India may break off business, transport and tourist links with Pakistan if it fails to help to investigate the Mumbai attacks, Home Minister P Chidambaram has warned, pressing Islamabad to "cooperate soon."

"There are many, many links between India and Pakistan, and if Pakistan does not cooperate and does not help to bring the perpetrators to heel, those ties will become weaker and weaker and one day snap," Chidambaram told The Times daily.

"Why would we entertain Pakistani business people? Why would we entertain tourists in India? Why would we send tourists there?"

Chidambaram refused to discuss when such measures might be introduced, but said: "We need cooperation soon."

Accusing Islamabad of doing nothing to bring to justice the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks blamed on the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Toiba, Chidambaram said Islamabad has provided "nothing" so far after New Delhi handed over a dossier of evidence linking elements within that country to the Mumbai terror attacks of November 26.

Asked what Pakistan was doing to help with the investigation, Chidambaram said: "Zero. What have they provided? Nothing."

NDTV.com: India may snap business, transport links with Pak: Chidambaram

So let me get this straight, after India couldn't do much on the military front, couldn't get Pakistan embarrassed in the international community by declaring it a terrorist country and or atleast gain an international condemnation, it has now moved on to a cheap move of stopping trade.
So my question is who is stopping India from doing it, please by all means go forward, I'm sure Pakistan will run dry, economy will collapse and we will be on our knees begging India to please open the trade, we are dying...:disagree:
Jeez what opinion does India really has of itself.:disagree:
Just on cricket
Loss of tour costs Pakistan $40m
The Pakistan Cricket Board lost $40m after the cancellation of India's tour, PCB chairman Ijaz Butt has said.

Get your facts straight, we knew the banniya mentality and therefore a contingency plan was in place, incase you didn't notice, your plan failed the moment Srilanka decided to tour Pakistan over which India has showed its frustration as well. So like i always say, never underestimate Pakistan and what we can do. We always have a few of our own tricks to play when the time comes.
The idea is to put pressure on the Pakistani establishment, but not too much pressure, which could strengthen the military and possibly bring about a coup by justifying it in terms of a threat to the integrity and existence of Pakistan.

Jeez man thanks, i never thought Indians care to this extent.:cheesy:
Jeez man thanks, i never thought Indians care to this extent.:cheesy:

Indians care about their own security. A democratic Pakistan is better than one run by a toxic mixture of the army and the ISI, especially with Musharraf now in retirement.
]So let me get this straight, after India couldn't do much on the military front, couldn't get Pakistan embarrassed in the international community [/B]by declaring it a terrorist country and or atleast gain an international condemnation, it has now moved on to a cheap move of stopping trade.
So my question is who is stopping India from doing it, please by all means go forward, I'm sure Pakistan will run dry, economy will collapse and we will be on our knees begging India to please open the trade, we are dying...:disagree:
Jeez what opinion does India really has of itself.:disagree:

I think that the last month has been an all-out humiliation for Pakistan.
Indians care about their own security. A democratic Pakistan is better than one run by a toxic mixture of the army and the ISI, especially with Musharraf now in retirement.

That is not something for you Indians to make a decision on. Moreover get your facts straight, India was more OK with Musharraf in power then it is now and the same has been expressed many times by the Indian authorities. They even went to this extent where at one point they said, they don't trust BB.
So where are you going with all of this crap about the civilian and military rule inside Pakistan, atleast say something in accordance with GOI stance that was maintained then by the GOI.
That is not something for you Indians to make a decision on. Moreover get your facts straight, India was more OK with Musharraf in power then it is now and the same has been expressed many times by the Indian authorities. They even went to this extent where at one point they said, they don't trust BB.
So where are you going with all of this crap about the civilian and military rule inside Pakistan, atleast say something in accordance with GOI stance that was maintained then by the GOI.

Definitely not India's decision, its entirely the decision of the Pakistani Army.

Musharraf was great, but what's the guarantee that the next dictator will be a Musharraf and not a Zia-ul-Haq?
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