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India may replace Mig-27 with F-15 Strike Eagle: Analysts

Its just some analyst making stuff up.
Do u know wat it will cost?besides 125 mrcas?
india's tribals, slumdwellers and peasants of course. who else? think the politicians will finance it?

wow.. good job man. nice way to troll and flame.. to bring Indias slums and poor into the discussion.. first u suggest India buy 1000 F-15, and u knew some Indian member will fall for the flame bait and respond to it, and then bham.. u deliver ur punch line with the above post.

Anyways.. reported ur post for flaming.
Nope. tax payers like me and many other with thick wallets will finance it. Got a problem ? :rofl:

arrrg....:hitwall: why do u guys bother responding to these 50centy part members.
Most of u guys have been around on this forum long enough to identify these 5mao guys and recognize their flame baits. You guys cannot simply resist, isn't it? they very well know this weakness of emotional Indian members and taking advantage of it for having a good time..
arrrg....:hitwall: why do u guys bother responding to these 50cent part members.
Most of u guys have been around on this forum long enough to recognize these 5mao guys and recognize their flame baits. You guys cannot simply resist, isn't it? they very well know this and having a good time..

Dude chill ... I don't care if I get banned.

The fact is people like you are me are financing the Phalcon or the MMRCA. Bringing up Indian slums has become a fashion out here. If the mods are so biased to ban me, (they have done it once[TechLahore]) then I will think of it as a loss of one moderate Indian contributor to PDF. It won't make a difference anyway.
yeah, right...
When a Pakistani members make some unsubtanciated claims, its a joke. When the others do the same, its trolling??:tdown::frown:

Maybe because the thread title can't be taken that seriously anyway :cheers:
wow.. good job man. nice way to troll and flame.. to bring Indias slums and poor into the discussion.. first u suggest India buy 1000 F-15, and u knew some Indian member will fall for the flame bait and respond to it, and then bham.. u deliver ur punch line with the above post.

Anyways.. reported ur post for flaming.

what hypocrites, when japanese and americans launch racist attacks against chinese there is absolutely no outcry from indians, but when i even state a fact that has nothing to do with race, there's a huge outcry from indian members.
^^^freeze, BJlaowai's response is specifically directed at you (not at your race), he's not being racist. and this is a defense forum, I don't see a point of bringing social issues here.

Request to mods: kindly close this pointless thread lest it turns in to another bickering session. Thanks :)
Well, wishing, planning are quite different things then practical. I dont see any gap for F-15 when MKI is here. Secondly its not officialy announced from IAF as they did for MRCA in 2005.

Last thing, it took so long to buy MRCA. The analysts planned in 2005 and now we are at half of 2010 ...........but still nothing formalized.

Lets assume if IAF would be thinking for F-15 then it will take them 5 more years to put their requirements.........purchasing an AC is not simple as purchasing a car. U evaluate a JET (as ur doing for MRCA contestent), put ur requirements.......find gaps.......ask the vendor to customize it according to ur needs.........when u get a sample it will take some time to test it & its evaluation.............and then the deal would get in final stages like mode of payment, time that AC will start receving , additional weapons and equipments, trainings.............and dont forget mantenance would also be there.

I dont think IAF would be thinking for it after having so many projects in que like LCA, MRCA, MCA, FGFA etc.

One thing more F-15 is for US close allays like Israel, Japan and KSA. And India is not its close alloy

Besides that F-15, F-16 and F-18 production will stop as F-35 will come out. :)
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Look, i think this thread is pointless. no Indian has even said we should get F-15s. It is too expensive and we know our limits. This thread was not even started by an indian. it was started by Sri Lankan, with no real source to back it up. and yet everyone seems to react as if Indians are wet dreaming.

i think its time people grow up. and ya, have this thread closed. it is pointless. just another arena for people to throw crap at each other
Look, i think this thread is pointless. no Indian has even said we should get F-15s. It is too expensive and we know our limits. This thread was not even started by an indian. it was started by Sri Lankan, with no real source to back it up. and yet everyone seems to react as if Indians are wet dreaming.

i think its time people grow up. and ya, have this thread closed. it is pointless. just another arena for people to throw crap at each other
The Su-30MKI is as good or nearly so, to any F-15 model we would export in any event. Far better to stick with the Sukhoi.
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