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India may Drop Russia Completely

The reality is that both Chinese and Russians, if you haven't realize now, would support stronger government. Governments that considered dictatorships according to the US standard. Most people in the west won't believe it but if there is election in China today, communist party would still be voted in. Russians also want a strong leader as with the evidence of Putin.

If India wants countries with political systems that are more similar to itself as allies, then its only choice is the west.

Indias policy has never been to find only countries with political systems that are more similar to itself as allies.Its policy has been to find allies which helps to improve its political system.see ill give u names of some countries which have done Gr8 jobs for india and r very good frnds of india but are no where close to indian political system..

USSR,Burma,Bhutan,Nepal but incontrast the countries which are more close to its political system have back stabbed india or have been Very hostile like Pakistan (both Civilian/military),USA always backstabs india,Bangladesh in the ast decade.

Donot view india with american/chinese prism

by the way if CPC were to win an election in china tday Y is CPC killing supporters of democrasy in a way they are killing their own supporters isnt it??For this very reason ur being awarded :smitten: :chilli:

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