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India May Acquire T 14 Armata Ahead of Dec 6 Putin Visit to Counter imbalance in Tank warfare against pakistan

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The biggest threat to the viability of tanks are the ground launched rocket/missile deployed top attack cluster munitions.

Those are relatively inexpensive while also being cost-inefficient to counter with air defenses.

This was shown in the Ukraine conflict.
The reason altay rejected due to its overweight and non suitable for India/Pakistan terrain. It will also put strain on infrastructure. Not all bridge can support these heavy tanks.

There was no such process in the official sense between Pakistan and Turkey. But if we're going to talk at the level of rumours: It was due to the problem in powertrain and transmission imports (MTU-RENK) The German parliament had previously blocked the MTU engines too, to be purchased for FIRTINA howitzers to be sold to Azerbaijan.

The geography of Southeast Anatolia consists entirely of mountainous and rugged lands. Western Thrace, on the other hand, is in the form of a narrow corridor consisting of a swampy rivers and 2-4 meter ditches even for 200 kilometers from the Meriç River. All of Altay's planning was designed with the thought that these areas would be the main operational area. In other words, all of the weight-based speculations about this Altay are just a myth. Because the main design is based on a powertrain that will not reduce the mobility and field performance of the tank at this level of armor protection.

The Altay system basically aims at the highest armor protection and has a design where the survival of the tank is at the forefront with its many systems from electronic subsytems up to APS countermeasure systems. Especially experience in Syria has revealed that asymmetric threats are one of the most serious problems for tanks. The experiences on the battlefield of the TAF that shaped the Altay project. In addition, in the previous tank-2000 project, the most up-to-date systems or prototype variants prepared for Turkey by the 5 major tank producing countries, excluding China, were competed directly in Turkey in the same stages by the Turkish Armed Forces. Very detailed reports were prepared on the logistics of these tanks, survivability, firing tests and mobility tests. (This tender was won by Leopard in partnership with Otokar, but the project could not be realized, then the Altay project started)

In short, Altay is a tank project that prioritizes the safety of personnel, with sustainable logistics/maintenance lines, in difficult terrain and climatic conditions in the west and southeast of Turkey. And the truth is, the açtual problem starts here. MTU-RENK, which TAF considers the best tank powertrain with its own tests and field experiences, created a 3-5-year lag in the project due to Germany's want to use this issue as a political leverage.
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The biggest threat to the viability of tanks are the ground launched rocket/missile deployed top attack cluster munitions.

Those are relatively inexpensive while also being cost-inefficient to counter with air defenses.

This was shown in the Ukraine conflict.

Tanks are obsolete products of the 20th century. They can be destroyed by ATGMs, MRLS, Attack choppers and Armed Drones.

They are just sitting ducks. Only dumb Indians and Russians use these obsolete stuff.
Tanks are obsolete products of the 20th century. They can be destroyed by ATGMs, MRLS, Attack choppers and Armed Drones.

They are just sitting ducks. Only dumb Indians and Russians use these obsolete stuff.

You can sat that about any ground vehicle. Lets not forget infantry... Vulnerable to everything.
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Tanks are obsolete. Just wait and see how Azerbaijan and Ukraine are destroying Russian Tanks using a Turkish made Bayraktar TB2 armed drones.
UK were the 1st to introduce tanks.
Now they are the 1st to ditch them
Tanks are obsolete products of the 20th century. They can be destroyed by ATGMs, MRLS, Attack choppers and Armed Drones.

They are just sitting ducks. Only dumb Indians and Russians use these obsolete stuff.
All of those can be easily countered with proper air defense and hard kill active protection systems, other than ground launched rocket/missile deployed top attack cluster munitions.

Tanks are still totally viable as long as you are willing to spend the dough on protecting against those threats.

Especially since infantry gets more expensive by the year.
There is news that indian Army Delegation was inRussia for Procurement of T 14 Armata to counter growing technological edge of pak VT 4 tanks along with T 80 upgrade and AK 3

india has good know how of russian tanks infastructre already in place

Current western tankams do not match indian requirments due to weather and terrain of india

Definately armata will be next tank for india already shown interest
Already have T90s tanks...... Don't see any advantage the Chinese tanks have over T90.

T14 tank is a completely next level..
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Yes, I see that from the 1st post....

No technically explained where have the advantage but started blah blah blah...

Reality is not have advantage these tanks over T90s..

Does your T90s have any good tank rounds that can penetrate vt4, t-80ud or even al Khalid?
Does your T90s have any good tank rounds that can penetrate vt4, t-80ud or even al Khalid?

I don't see Al khalid tanj have advantage or any Pakistani tank over T90...

Prove technically, not emotionally.

On thr paper, T14 is a next level of Tank
I don't see any advantage have al Khalid or any Pakistani tank over T90...

Prove technically, not emotionally

I asked technically. Does your army have rounds that can penetrate those Pakistani tanks? Most of your tank fleet like t-72s still uses very outdated rounds that I don’t even think can penetrate al zarrar lool. The best tank rounds your army got from Russia for your t-90s aren’t even comparable to our indigenous rounds as our indigenous rounds are much better. Your t-90s 3bm42 isn’t enough to penetrate most of our tanks.
And our vt4’s are technologically more advanced, have far better ammunition, has better engine. Our vt4 is better than your t-90 in every way except bass armour but with fy4 era it’s armour is good too.
Your t-90s aren’t newer models either their the older model ones
Our t-80ud’s are enough for your t-90s and our al Khalid 1 is enough for your t-90s. Vt4 is way out of t-90s league

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