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India May Acquire T 14 Armata Ahead of Dec 6 Putin Visit to Counter imbalance in Tank warfare against pakistan

If Indians buy t-14 Pakistan should work with turkey and buy altay but with 125 mm gun and work with turkey to develop ammunition for 125 mm gun that can penetrate t-14. We should also convert every single m113 of its derivative into viper ifv but arm viper with a better atgm probably a Ukrainian one we can get and locally produce it. We should also look into Chinese cr500 drone those could be very useful against Indian tanks because they can fly low, hover in a area and wait for tanks to come than ambush it, their small so have low rcs, their armed with good atgms and their cheap and pilot less so even if we lose a couple drones it won’t be a issue. We must induct some z-10me asap as well
The reason altay rejected due to its overweight and non suitable for India/Pakistan terrain. It will also put strain on infrastructure. Not all bridge can support these heavy tanks.
Forget drones.. Just take 100 tanks and drive right at some insurgent element and witness the outcome... You will end up with 100 burning tanks within an hour... And that is against non state actors imagine if it was state actors that thing will be gone in minutes..

Tanks being used as offensive is over that era is gone... Tho you have to put it behind your conventional forces meaning you can only use them in defensive formations or attach it around alot of manpower to give it protection from all sides
Pardon me but what are all your other forces were doing, airforce, bombers, attack heli, recon/EW forces, infantry? The whole forces should move up as one with only support forces like arty and intelligent at the back.
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Pardon me but what are all your other forces were doing, airforce, bombers, attack heli, recon forces, anti air, infantry, are they all drinking tea at the back? the whole forces should move up as one.

Even in that situation the tanks won't alter much lets assume you attach tank units with an infantry unit in a very large front line via small groups to cover the length of the frontline your men survival rate is almost 70% higher than the tanks because they can take cover and engage in fire to fire fight where as your tanks are out in the open and could be picked up at will and grilled.

Lets assume as you said in one massive engagement where everything moves forward but you will still run into another massive wall of defensive including all sets of military equipment airforce etc etc it will look something like old school military clashes 11 century AD-ish both sides will grill the hell out of each other if you end up winning in such head on clash it won't be because of your tanks you got the upper hand but because of your infantry and depends on what gear they have including there anti-tank weapons etc etc they could do alot of damage to the other frontline especially if that sides defensive lines are not properly digged in but I assure you it won't be because of the tanks it would give you some additional firepower which is entirely unnecessary and you could have achieved that result without it if you marched in with just AVs, infantry, airforce, electronic warfare systems and jammers etc etc.

But Tanks are best used in defensive formation or attaching them with a large group as you put it all tho it won't alter much but will nonetheless give you some extra addition firepower even tho you would lose many of them in that skirmish
It will definitely bring edge to india

It is truely a masterpiece already ringed a bells of west

Comes with great mobility speed 90 km outruns any pak tank
First time russia emphasis on crew protection and tank protectation in it self statevif the art multi layed

In future it will outgun any tank in pak army by putting 152 mm gun on it

No bro rusian equipment likes of tanks missile out clases usa and west
Egypt already asked russia to sopply them but once russian order be cleared than egypt can get them
Pakistan should focus more on drones.

Small cheap highly agile and can pak a much bigger bang for buck. Future is drones
Pakistan should focus more on drones.

Small cheap highly agile and can pak a much bigger bang for buck. Future is drones
There r technologies where even swarm drones be kicked of sky u can never tell after narano karabagh lessons learned

definately india will be buying them these will come with entire support unit in battle field

countries already building anti drone soft and hadd kill guns and laser guns

drones are getting their nemisis soon

India already in proces to get anti drone systems from usa and israel

Armata is very well protected
Must. See analysis
A Truely Russian Jaggaurnaut in battlegrounds
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See video to understand level of protection thids tank has

Javelian spike tow brimstone are useless
Even in the age of UCAVs?
Mere arrival of UCAV cannot completely make tanks obsolete..... There are counters already been taken, responses that can greatly mitigate the threat of UCAV... Saying that tanks are completely obsolete would be harsh.... They have survived more than 60 years, six decades of ATGMs.....
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Think of it this way - India had to respond against Pakistan acquisition of VT from China. There is something about the Pakstani VTs that has FORCED indian to go for a superior tank to match VT. 300+ VTs working netcentric with 'classified' features tips the balance of power in Pakistan's favour.
There r technologies where even swarm drones be kicked of sky u can never tell after narano karabagh lessons learned

definately india will be buying them these will come with entire support unit in battle field

countries already building anti drone soft and hadd kill guns and laser guns

drones are getting their nemisis soon

India already in proces to get anti drone systems from usa and israel

Armata is very well protected
Must. See analysis
A Truely Russian Jaggaurnaut in battlegrounds
Yes this game of cat and mouse has been played since time began. However India has always been ahead of us in terms of tech. But Pakistan still stands strong
It will definitely bring edge to india

It is truely a masterpiece already ringed a bells of west

Comes with great mobility speed 90 km outruns any pak tank
First time russia emphasis on crew protection and tank protectation in it self statevif the art multi layed

In future it will outgun any tank in pak army by putting 152 mm gun on it

No bro rusian equipment likes of tanks missile out clases usa and west
Egypt already asked russia to sopply them but once russian order be cleared than egypt can get them

In 5-10 years, by the time India supposedly starts receiving the new Tanks, PA will be operating small AUCAVs (Autonomous Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle) in large numbers, specifically designed and armed to take on Enemy's Armor and Troops. Tanks will be a thing of the past.
Forget drones.. Just take 100 tanks and drive right at some insurgent element and witness the outcome... You will end up with 100 burning tanks within an hour... And that is against non state actors imagine if it was state actors that thing will be gone in minutes..

Tanks being used as offensive is over that era is gone... Tho you have to put it behind your conventional forces meaning you can only use them in defensive formations or attach it around alot of manpower to give it protection from all sides
Unconventional warfare is much different to conventional warfare.

In conventional warfare, tanks form an armoured fist to punch straight through enemy defences, otherwise form an iron wall to defend against attacks.

In unconventional warfare, tanks are there to perform morale boosting duties as well direct fire support from afar.

They wont be used the same
Unconventional warfare is much different to conventional warfare.

In conventional warfare, tanks form an armoured fist to punch straight through enemy defences, otherwise form an iron wall to defend against attacks.

In unconventional warfare, tanks are there to perform morale boosting duties as well direct fire support from afar.

They wont be used the same
With 360 degree hard kill active protection systems, tanks will be the kings of counter-insurgency as well.

The only reason those are not deployed already is due to the danger that hard kill active protection systems pose to attached infantry.

If the tanks will be used retardedly like how arabs do (one by one and with zero infantry support), then there's no negative to using 360 degree hard kill active protection systems.
Tanks are obsolete. Just wait and see how Azerbaijan and Ukraine are destroying Russian Tanks using a Turkish made Bayraktar TB2 armed drones.
Tanks are obsolete. Just wait and see how Azerbaijan and Ukraine are destroying Russian Tanks using a Turkish made Bayraktar TB2 armed drones.
Having insufficient air defense doesn't have anything to do with tanks at all.
Having insufficient air defense doesn't have anything to do with tanks at all.

Air defenses are also being destroyed by Drones.
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