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India Lifts Imports of Iran's Oil

India should be friendly with both Israel and Iran. India needs both Israel and Iran. We should not have to chose between the two. We should not be forced to chose between the two. This is a complete bugger's muddle that is going on in west Asia now, I hope it is resolved soon without us being forced to chose sides.
India do not want Iran to become the strategic depth for Pakistan!

PK is too mired in their own problems right now to even think of strategic depth with any country.

I think they need a buffer period to put their house in order before attempting to project power elsewhere.
Indian Muslims are Indian citizens and they are not a completely separate nation to have friendly relations with.

You misunderstood my post. India should not count on help from foreign countries. You should instead focus on raising the living standard and society as a whole. India alone should be more than able to handle herself militarily. Instead of trying to alienate Muslims (as some posters do) you should build bridges of friendship with them. What i have experienced during my time in this forum is very basic form of hatred, animosity, and constant empty disagreements between Muslims (most of the being Pakistanis) and Indian. Where Indians tend to support Israel and USA and Pakistan the same with China, Turkey etc. The thing is, these forms of discussions are incredibly primitive and we never go beyond this form of discussion.

Look, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. These countries in the same region should build mutual friendship and increase cooperation instead of constant struggle and animosity. You may say i just voice what everyone already know. But everybody should start with themselves, and try to change his own perspective.
PK is too mired in their own problems right now to even think of strategic depth with any country.

For now...what about the future?Remember Shah supplied Pakistan with arms and ammunition during 1965 and 1971.
You misunderstood my post. India should not count on help from foreign countries. You should instead focus on raising the living standard and society as a whole. India alone should be more than able to handle herself militarily. Instead of trying to alienate Muslims (as some posters do) you should build bridges of friendship with them. What i have experienced during my time in this forum is very basic form of hatred, animosity, and constant empty disagreements between Muslims (most of the being Pakistanis) and Indian. Where Indians tend to support Israel and USA and Pakistan the same with China, Turkey etc. The thing is, these forms of discussions are incredibly primitive and we never go beyond this form of discussion.

Look, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. These countries in the same region should build mutual friendship and increase cooperation instead of constant struggle and animosity. You may say i just voice what everyone already know. But everybody should start with themselves, and try to change his own perspective.

For this you must understand the history of the region..especially the Partition of 1947 which totally fuc*ed up the mentality of the people.
You misunderstood my post. India should not count on help from foreign countries. You should instead focus on raising the living standard and society as a whole. India alone should be more than able to handle herself militarily. Instead of trying to alienate Muslims (as some posters do) you should build bridges of friendship with them. What i have experienced during my time in this forum is very basic form of hatred, animosity, and constant empty disagreements between Muslims (most of the being Pakistanis) and Indian. Where Indians tend to support Israel and USA and Pakistan the same with China, Turkey etc. The thing is, these forms of discussions are incredibly primitive and we never go beyond this form of discussion.

Look, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. These countries in the same region should build mutual friendship and increase cooperation instead of constant struggle and animosity. You may say i just voice what everyone already know. But everybody should start with themselves, and try to change his own perspective.
Indian Muslim have no love lost for Israel and US but they are happy with the friendly relations with them if we as a country benifitted by it.Indian muslims always put countries interest rather than religious interests.Sorry to break your Ummah bubble
For this you must understand the history of the region..especially the Partition of 1947 which totally fuc*ed up the mentality of the people.

Plus account for all the outside influence from third parties to mess up inter relations.
For this you must understand the history of the region..especially the Partition of 1947 which totally fuc*ed up the mentality of the people.

I would hope people could get past their historical mistakes and try to overcome these difficulties with new generations. But i guess the sentiments lie deep in peoples conscience. Sadly.

@ Amolthebest
The discussion is over for me. You have made a fool of yourself. This was exactly what i was trying to tell...
There is no sign India is getting Iranian oil at a discount.
That's exactly the issue. After the butt licking of West Asian countries and Iran by India since the last half a century, what has it got in return? Oil is sold to India at the same or higher prices than what they are giving to Western countries and is last in their priority oil supply list. It's high time India stood up and started being counted rather than cowering like an impotent wet cat, getting brow beaten by all and sundry, especially the oil producing countries of the Middle East.

Wake up Mr PM and Krishna! Go smell the coffee after which shop for some balls which most at the helm lack! Jeeez!
I would hope people could get past their historical mistakes and try to overcome these difficulties with new generations. But i guess the sentiments lie deep in peoples conscience. Sadly.

My hope rests with the generation born in the 70 and after. When they take power, we can hope for some peace b/n India & Pakistan.
Wrong assessment. When push comes to shove it is Indian Muslims that will stand by India. Though you will first want to make completely friendship with them, instead of alienating your own countrymen. But i guess Indian leaders are much more pragmatic than some Indians in here who love Israel above everything else for reasons i have yet to grasp.

I am telling you from our experiences in past wars with Pakistan .All the Arabs and even Iranians in 1971 stood by Pakistan .It was Russia and Israel who helped us. We need to understand who our real friends are ,rest are just business partners in this Geopolitical game.

harpoon is right .Indian Muslims are not a separate country and about you,Your comments just reflect your Israeli hatred
I am telling you from our experiences in past wars with Pakistan .All the Arabs and even Iranians in 1971 stood by Pakistan .It was Russia and Israel who helped us. We need to understand who our real friends are ,rest are just business partners in this Geopolitical game.

harpoon is right .Indian Muslims are not a separate country and about you,Your comments just reflect your Israeli hatred

Where exactly did you read my hatred for Israel? And how did Israel help you in 1971? I can't find any information about Israels support for India in the war.

Edit: If anyone helped you, it was the Soviet Union. Surprisingly Pakistan was supported by the US. So i would find it strange if Israel helped India while the US assisted Pakistan during the war.
India should be friendly with both Israel and Iran. India needs both Israel and Iran. We should not have to chose between the two. We should not be forced to chose between the two. This is a complete bugger's muddle that is going on in west Asia now, I hope it is resolved soon without us being forced to chose sides.

I tend to disagree..we need Israel more than Iran. We can get oil from somewhere else and riches in CA can wait, but who will sell us hightech technologies like Greenpine, Phalcon radars and Tavor assault rifles. Also Israeli companies made billions of dollars investment in our economy and many places in India benefitted from the Israeli expertise on making 'Deserts bloom'.

Hundreds of our soldier's lives was saved and war shortened in Kargil bcs Israel modified our mirages to drop LGBs and if rumors are correct also supplied us with LGBs (many from their own reserve). What did Iran did for us?
Where exactly did you read my hatred for Israel? And how did Israel help you in 1971? I can't find any information about Israels support for India in the war.
they helped in 1962 war with china and 1965 with pakistan
can't find a proper source see if this helps
India got tacit help and support from Israel during its 1962 war with China and 1965 war with Pakistan,
India-Israel Partnership

I don't think they helped in 1971 .
but they did supply Laser Guided Bombs in Kargil war ..
Where exactly did you read my hatred for Israel? And how did Israel help you in 1971? I can't find any information about Israels support for India in the war.

Edit: If anyone helped you, it was the Soviet Union. Surprisingly Pakistan was supported by the US. So i would find it strange if Israel helped India while the US assisted Pakistan during the war.

We didn't recognize Iran until 1991 bcs our leaders were too busy a**kissing ME countries. Finally realization dawned upon our politicians and we recognized Israel in 1991 and after 8 years there was another war with Pakistan in Kargil and it was Israeli expertise that saved a lot of Indian lives. We would have won war one way or another, but Israeli helped it to shorten the war saving many Indian lives.

USSR/Israel are the two countries that stood by India ' when s**t hit the fan' and we as Indians should never forget that.
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