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India keeps war hysteria alive, says ‘spy’ held

If the ISI was a failure, it wouldn't be embedded in every Indian's psyche, in fact by depositing all of India's ills into ISI account, it's the Indians who give it more credit than it deserves.
As for your wordy hysteria, first learn to differentiate between an exercise, an air display and an exhibition of fire-power. !!

India do not need to learn from you what is the difference between exercise and exhibition. We are a guilt free force, we do not need to hide our adventures in the name of secret plan, we are doers when need arises not sitting ducks.

Like I said your rants haven't been backed by your own nation all we know one clown who was ISI asset is arrested for spying an exhibition. Now find some better patch to fix this puncture.
he is alleged spy,, not yet proven... let court decide hes spy or not... now stop crying lol
Another innocent muslim picked up and framed as a spy. The Indians have perfected this mendacious art of lying through their teeth so well that there is no logic that can argue with them and pull them out of the "we are victims of Pakistani terrorism" mentality.

Indians have a habit of doing this almost constantly and continually. They are champions at illegally framing and murdering civilians. Our entire family history is a witness to this.
Another innocent muslim picked up and framed as a spy. The Indians have perfected this mendacious art of lying through their teeth so well that there is no logic that can argue with them and pull them out of the "we are victims of Pakistani terrorism" mentality. Indians have a habit of doing this almost constantly and continually. They are champions at illegally framing and murdering civilians. Our entire family history is a witness to this.
Well your entire family was left untouched because w knew you will keep diverting Pakistanis attention from their own problems to India and Kashmir. :D Evil Yindoo Baniya. :devil:

BTW was Guru, an Ansari ?
India do not need to learn from you what is the difference between exercise and exhibition. We are a guilt free force, we do not need to hide our adventures in the name of secret plan, we are doers when need arises not sitting ducks.

Like I said your rants haven't been backed by your own nation all we know one clown who was ISI asset is arrested for spying an exhibition. Now find some better patch to fix this puncture.
Seems you are stepping on your own tail....first you complain on some terminologies and now comes the habitual chest thumping. Off course you are doers....no living thing is safe from your doings and i am sure even after all this you walk tall without a single guilt on your ....errr...concious. !!

Indian Media gone crazy...India caught a spy camel sent by ISI. - YouTube

Pigeon held in India on suspicion of spying for Pakistan - Telegraph

Indian media uses late MQM MPA photo for Hyderabad blasts suspect – The Express Tribune
Well your entire family was left untouched because w knew you will keep diverting Pakistanis attention from their own problems to India and Kashmir. :D Evil Yindoo Baniya. :devil:

BTW was Guru, an Ansari ?

I don't think so. He was an innocent. Thats all I know. Is it special policy to hang Ansaris in India? No wonder half the victims are Ansaris.

But this guy is an Ansari:

Kashmiris hate India like rats hate cats: M M Ansari
‘Chidambaram Always Opposed Afzal’s Execution’
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Srinagar, Feb 24: Claiming the former Home Minister P Chidambaram was not in favour of the hanging of Afzal Guru, former interlocutor and Chief Information Commissioner, M MAnsari Sunday slammed Government of India for keeping everyone in dark about the execution.
“I fail to understand why he was hanged when his number was 28th. Why he was made scapegoat and for which purpose he was executed though the killers of Rajiv Gandhi were in line before him.
These questions Central Government must answer and New Delhi must satisfy the people of Kashmir and answer them the motive behind the untimely execution of Afzal Guru,” Ansari told a local news gathering agency CNS.
“Such tactics are bound to alienate the people of Kashmir and it is very unfortunate that Government of India didn’t take the recommendations of the interlocutors very seriously,” he added.
M MAnsari said that present Finance Minister always used to say that the number of Afzal is 28th but the way Government of India hanged Azal sparing the killers of Rajiv Gandhi clearly indicates that it was a “political stunt” which is very unfortunate. “Government of India clearly violated the norms of Jail manual and even didn’t allow the family members to meet Afzal. I am shocked what Government of India wants to prove by this act,” he said and added that eminent jurists and Civil Society members are aghast over the procedures that Government of India followed.
Terming the execution of Afzal Guru as an unfortunate episode, Ansari said that it has now become very difficult to bridge the gap between Kashmiri people and India. “I personally believe that people of Kashmir hate India as a rat hates cat but the interlocutors tried to bridge the gap between people of Kashmir and India. All is over now and India has to make a fresh start and it seems very difficult,” said Ansari.
He said that India without any delay must handover the mortal remains of Afzal Guru to his family. “Our major recommendations were not implemented. In a way Radha Kumar is right that India showed cold response to our recommendations but the fact is that Government of India is not aware about the facts about Kashmir,” he said.
He said that even Chief Minister Omar Abdullah was taken into board on the execution of Afzal Guru. “Chief Minister is an authority and look the way how Government of India treated him even though he (Omar Abdullah) was repeatedly telling Centre not to execute Afzal Guru. But they ignored him, left him aghast. When a Chief Minister is not having a say how can you expect that the voice of a common Kashmiri will be heard, “Ansari said. (CNS)

M.M Ansari is very brave. For all we know India could decide to pick him up next. Apparently anyone from ansari nisbat is a target.

India's credibility in such matters has gone down the drain.
What an idiotic title.

and @haviZsultan, you are just being a troll by going to every thread and issuing innocence certificates to random people. Imagine a crazy indian guy going to every pakistan thread where people are bombed by PAF, shot dead by FC, and PA, arrested by pakistani police, whisked away by ISI in balochistan etc etc and keep crying how more innocent people are tortured and killed in pakistan.

That person is you.
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@haviZsultan I wonder who pays you. May be RAW to spread disinformation. :lol:

And Afzal Guru was innocent. Yeah right. Arundhati Roy says so. :lol:

Bhai don't spread these idiotic "news" that brings embarrassment. Its counter-productive to your own nation.

What an idiotic title.
And I am still wondering why Moderators are not noticing it. :enjoy:

P.S. I know why.

@Windjammer For you, I am posting these videos again. :enjoy:

Pigeon Spy. :triniti:

A UAV that runs on bread. :omghaha:


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@haviZsultan I wonder who pays you. May be RAW to spread disinformation. :lol:

And Afzal Guru was innocent. Yeah right. Arundhati Roy says so. :lol:

Bhai don't spread these idiotic "news" that brings embarrassment. Its counter-productive to your own nation.

And I am still wondering why Moderators are not noticing it. :enjoy:

P.S. I know why.

An Ansari spy... :lol::

Thameen Ansari, 33 of Tanjavur district is a frequent visitor to Sri Lanka on the pretext of exporting vegetabls there. He was handled by two Sri Lankans. He was asked to pass on pictures of Indian naval installations, nuclear submarine at Vizag and ports like Karaikal. After watching him for a long time, police apprehended him," Inspector General of Police (Intelligence/Internal Security) Abhash Kumar said.

Read more at: Suspected Pak spy arrested in Tamil Nadu : South, News - India Today

They choose a secular house to pick up people from. Why don't they choose a scary name like Huzaifa or Bin Yamin. Booo! I am Bin Yamin the dead terrorist. Why ansari all the time. Its just to keep people like you scared, @KRAIT. They have become champions at false allegations and in moments their pyjamas are stolen from them. Indian police really sometimes acts like a 5 year old with a gun who feels he can do anything.

Personally for me and all Pakistanis: Ansaris=Pakistani. :)
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@haviZsultan On other thread you were saying that you might be kidnapped and made to disappeared. So who is scared ? :azn:

Doesn't matter what you think, leave Ansaris, care about Hazaras and Shias first.
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Another innocent muslim picked up and framed as a spy. The Indians have perfected this mendacious art of lying through their teeth so well that there is no logic that can argue with them and pull them out of the "we are victims of Pakistani terrorism" mentality.

Indians have a habit of doing this almost constantly and continually. They are champions at illegally framing and murdering civilians. Our entire family history is a witness to this.

If left on you...you will say that all Muslims around the world are innocent...there are no Muslims criminals...even Osama Bin Laden was a saint....in'it.Any ways keep trolling....

Actually, Pakistani pigeons are not cut out for spying, rather they are trained to attack the Indians. :butcher:

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Hi uncle are you watching the exercise on TV yes son i am knock knock lets go you are a pakistani spy TA_DA.
What an idiotic title.

and @haviZsultan, you are just being a troll by going to every thread and issuing innocence certificates to random people. Imagine a crazy indian guy going to every pakistan thread where people are bombed by PAF, shot dead by FC, and PA, arrested by pakistani police, whisked away by ISI in balochistan etc etc and keep crying how more innocent people are tortured and killed in pakistan.

That person is you.

Man, its @KRAIT. He is like a girl in love that just can't get enough. Doesn't stop following me on any thread which is about India. He always brings up Afzal Guru as if that man is his mentor and then starts this. :D

Also innocents have been framed in both India and Pakistan. It comes with being hawkish about terror issues. Someone has a fight on the internet and they run after his friend. A Muslims has a fight in a bar and ends up being arrested as a terrorist. India has POTA, US has Patriot act, Pakistan has Anti terrorism bill 2013 edition which allows us to take the property of family members of a terrorist. All are overboard measures and extraneous powers to law enforcement.

I was going through this a week ago maybe... how the war has affected our psyche and I noticed that one day I said aaj toh Peshawar mein sirf ek insaan mara gaya, Quetta was the real blast, (many innocents died there) and action has to be taken against LEJ. But then I thought whether the life of that one person in Peshawar blast was worth any less than that of any one of those in the Quetta one. Its affected our mind each in its own ways. In Pakistan we have become used to death and suffering and in India Muslims have become a suspect community which is part of the reason there is a lack of will to look into cases we have of property and Sana bajis death.

There is also property of Hyderabadi deccan families taken which has still not been returned.

Indian government is playing on fear and maintaining a hype by this constant ISI did so and so and this member was arrested. What does it do? Create an atmosphere of hatred and suspicion which is poisoning peace efforts+a lot of innocents are arrested because the police isn't fair. Eventually this leads to riots and pogroms between the communities in India itself.

Also spies are arrested all the time even in Pakistan. Nothing goes in the news and papers and have even seen some of the cases. Its just done when people want to keep enemity alive that its leaked to papers.
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@haviZsultan On other thread you were saying that you might be kidnapped and made to disappeared. So who is scared ? :azn:

Doesn't matter what you think, leave Ansaris, care about Hazaras and Shias first.

It is people like haviZsultan that openly speak for shia and against extremist.
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