Personally a certain particular case told me the RAW is evil, twisted and capable of anything and there is not a thing that is good about it. If you mean by good they accomplish their tasks inconspicuously and there are no questions asked I will say they are effective but good is not a term to be used for an intelligence agency. I cannot share details and it was the time when I was in contact with a military nationalist leader.
Furthermore years ago my homies called upon me to do videos for them on YT. I was reluctant at first because those guys fight a lot and are emotional dudes. I did some and an year later death threats started pouring thanks to my idiot friends who must have been fighting half the time-god knows how they even traced our office in Canada and a threatening letter came.
One day a guy troubling the guys who managed that account (they were 16 year old fools bickering half the time :p ) made a comment that he killed 27 Muslim civilians. When pressed he backtracked. Then suddenly one day he started acting like a RAW agent.
It might have been that they were liars trying to escape after claiming to have murdered 27 muslim civilians in India (which I believe was very much possible after the things I have seen.)... but this is RAW if it really was a RAW agent and we were sure this same guy sent the threats at our Toronto office which we changed later. Maybe he wasn't a RAW agent but this is how they are too.
ISI is the same thing according to my old contacts. Cheap whorehouses, corruption promoted, bribes given left and right, involved in all sorts of illegal activities, training thieves, torturers and even killers and worse of all they are highly wahabized so they can only either support Islamists or America...
intelligence agencies consist of some of the coldest people in this world my friend. In each of our respective countries they will take mine or your pyjamas even and you and me won't be able to do a thing. They are cold, callous and brutal as they are are calculating-my failure to deal with the death threat issue effectively and as forcefully as possible was part of the reason I lost my power and privileged position in the nationalists. When disaster strikes a liberal leader who sacrificed all for his nation is an enticing target.
So nothing good about these intelligence agencies. But they are meant for national security... but sometimes they are killing innocents in the name of this security.