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India joins Ballistic Missile Defence Club


New Delhi: India test-fired BrahMos cruise missile successfully on Tuesday at the Pokhran test range of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.

BrahMos, developed jointly with Russia, is a supersonic cruise missile and can be launched from submarine, ship, aircraft and land based Mobile Autonomous Launchers (MAL).

The missile was to be test-fired for the third time in desert conditions on January 18 but it was postponed to January 20 due to heavy fog and rain in the area.

BrahMos has been named after two rivers - the Brahmaputra of India and the Moscow of Russia.

The first test-firing of the BrahMos was conducted on June 12, 2001 at the Interim Test Range Chandipur-On-Sea in Balasore (Orissa).

India test-fires BrahMos cruise missile
we can help to test.

oh, wait, we don't need ballistic missiles to hit New Delhi, we just need some dead cheap rocket fired from our border.

now, stop talking lot, ask your Russian dad to invent some rocket defence system for you.
BrahMos, developed jointly with Russia, is a supersonic cruise missile and can be launched from submarine, ship, aircraft and land based Mobile Autonomous Launchers (MAL).

great! but how many of the design works are shared by the india part?
we can help to test.

oh, wait, we don't need ballistic missiles to hit New Delhi, we just need some dead cheap rocket fired from our border.

now, stop talking lot, ask your Russian dad to invent some rocket defence system for you.

Dear Friend,

From all you talking on the forums, I found that you are not a Chinese, because, Chinese don't talk, they will just Stab you from behind.


great! but how many of the design works are shared by the india part?

The seeker and guidance portion is developed by India.
we can help to test.

oh, wait, we don't need ballistic missiles to hit New Delhi, we just need some dead cheap rocket fired from our border.

now, stop talking lot, ask your Russian dad to invent some rocket defence system for you.

I agree he is our Dad but the same Dad Gives you JF17 Engines , Sukhois and Much More than That.
So Quesitioning India on such Grounds you must first check if China's place is better...

Come On.. India Imports a lot from Russia True.

If you have money its better you buy a "Needle" rather setting a factory for it.

We dont Question that for China..

Since 1992, military sales by Russia to China have reached at least $20 billion. Russia has managed to sell China enough military hardware to arm a medium-sized European country. (4) The lion's share of the goods went to aviation. The PLAAF (People's Liberation Army Air Force) and PLANAF (the air arm of the Chinese Navy) received about 200 multi-purpose fourth generation fighter-bomber Su-27s and Su-30s of various modifications, along with a license to produce 200 Su-27s and 250 Su-30s domestically. As for the latter (a considerably modernized version of the Su-27), - both purchased and manufactured - China is planning to have over 500 of these aircraft. (5) Also on the agenda this year, is the purchase by Beijing of 40 Il-76 heavy air transports and Il-78 air tankers. (6)

The Chinese Navy has not been left out of the arms contracts; its inventory increased by 12 Kilo class diesel submarines (Projects 877EKM, 636 and 636M), and 4 Sovremenny class destroyers. (7) In addition to the fact that the submarines are considered as possibly the most capable and quietest such vessels in the world, the destroyers are equipped with arguably the most lethal anti-ship cruise missile, the supersonic SS-N-22 Sunburn (or according to the original Russian nomenclature, R-270 Moskit). The Moskit, even by admission of American naval experts, poses a serious threat to US ships (including, possibly, aircraft carriers).

China's air defense capabilities also have been greatly enhanced by the acquisition of 12 battalion units of S-300 PMU-1 and 27 complexes of Tor M-1 SAMs. (8) The former is known as at least comparable to the American Patriot, and the delivery of eight units of the even more sophisticated PMU-2 modification of the system is expected shortly. Since most of these weapons are intended as protection for the ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan, Taipei's unease about the deal is understandable.

Likewise of concern for Taiwanese leaders, as well as China's other neighbors, were Russian-Chinese military exercises carried out from 18 to 25 August 2005—the first time in more than 40 years. (9) The scale of the event was considerable; it encompassed 10,000 military personnel, as well as approximately 70 ships and submarines. While the Chinese participated mainly with personnel (around 8,000) and sea vessels (some 60 ships and submarines), the main contributions from the Russian side were advanced air assets, such as 2 Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers, 4 Tu-22M3 Backfire long-range bombers, Su-24M2 Fencer bombers, Su-27SM Flanker fighters, 10 Il-76 Candid transport aircraft, an A-50 Mainstay air warning command and control aircraft, and an Il-78 Midas air tanker. The public, formal objective of the maneuvers was coordination in the fight against international terrorism, but few missed the real implications for conventional warfare: Anti-terrorist military actions do not require the use of strategic bombers and large scale amphibious operations—whereas an offensive against an island state might…. One may only surmise who proposed the scenario, but the message sent by the exercise seemed clear enough: The Asian-Pacific region is a domain of Russia and China, and no one else should challenge their influence there.

Then Why do u have such words to make over our relationship ?
just be carefull it dont drop in delhi kthx.

EDIT - can you rename your country as Russia Defence club
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just be carefull it dont drop in delhi kthx.

EDIT - can you rename your country as Russia Defence club

Well , India has concrete defence Ties with France , UK , USA , Russia , Brazil , Israel.
India is NOT focussed on Russia .

But if thats the Logic , Your suggestion implies more on PK which has a sole friend , China !
I could have said " Now decide a name for Pakistan !" but i wont.
plz.. dont make immature statements .
France Intends to Develop Surface-to-Air Missiles with India: French Diplomat Levitte | India Defence

France Intends to Develop Surface-to-Air Missiles with India: French Diplomat Levitte

France wants to develop a new short-range surface-to-air missile (SR-SAM) in cooperation with India. Negotiations are nearing conclusion, according to Jean-David Levitte, Diplomatic Adviser to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

This new system may be the Maitri, which may incorporate technology from India's Trishul SAM and MBDA's MICA. India' state-run Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) released a global RFP for co-development of SR-SAM system. Levitte said the process to secure a foreign partner is underway.

India recently announced orders for the Akash, another indigenously designed missile, and the Israeli-built SPYDER.

The Maitri missile project is a next-generation low-level, quick-reaction surface-to-air missile (LLQRM) being developed by Indian-based Defence Research and Development Organization in collaboraion with the Britain-based MBDA. Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), a lab of DRDO will act as the main design centre in India.
BrahMos missile misses target at first user trial

BrahMos missile misses target at first user trial

Manu Pubby Posted: Jan 21, 2009 at 0319 hrs IST

New Delhi: Ii is the pride of India’s defence research programme but the BrahMos surface-to-surface cruise missile failed to meet user and operational parameters at its first ever user trial at the Pokharan ranges in Rajasthan on Tuesday.

Sources at the test site told this newspaper that the Indo-Russian missile failed to hit its target after it was fired by the Army on Tuesday morning. The test-firing, first ever to be conducted by the Army after the missile was inducted in June 2007, was witnessed by Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor and other senior officers.

The supersonic cruise missile was test-fired from a mobile launcher at the Pokharan ranges, barely a hundred kilometres away from the Pakistan border. However, Defence Minister A K Antony clarified that the test was pre-planned and not directed towards any country.

While DRDO has been silent on the test-firing, sources said the missile did not meet its ‘operational parameters’ and deviated from the pre-planned course, failing to hit its target. They said the test was a setback but ‘quiet normal’ during the development of any new missile system. More firing trials will be required to identify faults in the system.

The BrahMos, which has been described as a stealthy cruise missile that can deliver a 200 kg payload to a target 280 km away at speeds exceeding 2.8 Mach, has been in service with the Navy and was inducted into the Army in 2007.

Surprisingly, the first user test firing took place almost two years after its induction indicating that the missile was being fine-tuned by the joint Indo-Russian scientific team that is working on the project.

The surface-to-surface missile system has been inducted as a separate artillery unit consisting of four launchers. The Army is looking to acquire close to 80 launchers over the next few years to give a boost to its artillery units. The BrahMos was originally designed as an anti ship missile but DRDO is also working on a smaller air launched version, to be fitted on the IAF’s SU 30 MKI.

While the missile has been developed under a joint venture between India and Russia with both sides funding the research programme, Moscow is yet to place any orders for the missile. India, on the other hand, is also planning to install the missile on its submarines.
Some report in TOI said that they are using new gudance scheme....
may that's the reason.And further trials are required.
Not only new guidance system but "nuclear tipped" also.
Yeah they are saying it is a new version of nuclear capable brahmos.

This line can have many meaning.

one is now only DRDO make brahmos nuclear capable.
Or it was already a nuclear capable, which is bit doubtable.Because i think in earlier trail it was never said that it is nuclear capable.


can you put some light on it
I really need to dig out the news item, but some report in 2005 has mentioned that it can be modified to carry tactical nuclear devices. It seems like work on that direction has begun.

The Hindu News Update Service

BrahMos missed target after last minute glitches: DRDO

New Delhi (PTI): The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), which claimed to have successfully test-fired the BrahMos missile on Tuesday, backtracked on Wednesday, saying it had missed the target after last minute glitches.

But it put up a brave face and said a fresh test on the missile would be carried out in a month to prove that the systems were effective.

There were minor hitches in the last stage of the BrahMos missile during the current test at the Pokhran ranges of Rajasthan, Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos Aerospace Corporation's Director Dr. Sivathanu Pillai told PTI here.

"The missile performance was absolutely normal till the last phase, but the missile missed the target, though it maintained the direction," Pillai said.

Stating that the main objective of the test was to evaluate new homing scheme in a multi-target environment to an identified specific target, the BrahMos chief said the complicated mission called for an advanced algorithm and intelligence embedded in the missile.

"The cause of the malfunction has been analysed by a group of scientists. The new software used for this mission will be revalidated through extensive simulations and a flight trial will be carried out in a month's time to prove the augmented capabilities of the missile," Pillai said.

As an upgradation for enhancing the system capabilities in the land attack configuration, the missile with 290-km range and speeds touching 2.8 times that of sound, was tested on Tuesday from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher.

He pointed out that the BrahMos weapon system had already been proved successfully and inducted into the Navy and the Army after meeting user requirements.
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