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India is not Britain

Nothing major. Just adds a bit of spice and variety, that's about it. Tamil itself is slated to be a dead language in a decade or so, its usage limited to classrooms and media. But most of us Indian Singaporeans prefer using English and most of us are learning Mandarin these days. Last time I ever used Tamil myself was more than a decade ago. It's only useful when talking to Malaysians or giving out instructions to workers from India. LKY himself believed in not keeping to traditions and values that hold you back. The Indian influence doesn't have much weight in Singapore and our survival is not dependent on each other. Hence the increasing Sinicization (sp?) in Singapore. We look towards the future always.

WTF, are you a Singaporean?

Singapore was first countries that lie east of India to formed strategic partnership with India, and it is because of your beloved China. Singapore concerned by China-backed communist threats, has sought India as a counterweight to China. Trade between India and Singapore in 2010 was $50 billion, a 400% growth in span of five year and Singapore is the 8th largest source of investment in India and the largest amongst ASEAN member nations. Since 2006, 800,000 Indians visited Singapore as tourists and our cultural relationship are very deep as Singapore was once a part of Greater India
Trying to hard to fit in I believe? :lol: No matter how hard you try, you will still be seen as an Indian there .

I wouldn't blame you for your India hatred. looks like Singapore has taught you to hate your roots to be a accepted. That's pretty sad. I am wondering if it is just you who is insecure or the whole of Tamil community there. Thankfully Malaysian Tamils still love their culture and are striving to preserve it.

One is all to aware of the wariness expressed by Singapore towards China and their alignment with the west because of it. while India has and never will be a threat to Singapore and hence has a cordial relationship.

LOL we don't need to try hard to fit in. Our society is founded on meritocracy and equality unlike your caste based one, so we don't need to pander to anyone's sensitivities to fit in. Mandarin is a practical course of action for most of us, given our economic ties with China. We call ourselves Indian Singaporean, and yes we try to distance ourselves from you people. Most of us find you Indians from India disgusting, it's an honest opinion and not a flame bait. Check up any Singaporean forums and u'd hear this from many of us. So yeah, we don't like to be associated with you guys.

WTF, are you a Singaporean?

Singapore was first countries that lie east of India to formed strategic partnership with India, and it is because of your beloved China. Singapore concerned by China-backed communist threats, has sought India as a counterweight to China. Trade between India and Singapore in 2010 was $50 billion, a 400% growth in span of five year and Singapore is the 8th largest source of investment in India and the largest amongst ASEAN member nations. Since 2006, 800,000 Indians visited Singapore as tourists and our cultural relationship are very deep as Singapore was once a part of Greater India

Greater India my a$$! That was the British Empire, which we both were part of. Doesn't give you any rights over us. Bilateral ties between India and Singapore are there, but nowhere near the levels of what we have with the PRC. Like it or not, the PRC is way more important to us than you Indians are.
Greater India my a$$! That was the British Empire, which we both were part of. Doesn't give you any rights over us. Bilateral ties between India and Singapore are there, but nowhere near the levels of what we have with the PRC. Like it or not, the PRC is way more important to us than you Indians are.

Is you a$$ is on fire...your hella hoot

You are not a Singaporean and I give a $hit about you opinion.
1. R&R stands for "REST AND RECREATION" not "rest and relaxation". And "R&R" is a privilege but not an obligation, can you understand what is the meaning of PRIVILEGE only, dude.

2. A permanent US navy staff based on land is treated as a common civilian when he steps out from his navy center. Wise up.

3. Whether US or China is closer to Singapore is none of India business.

4. FYI, india is not even come close in our radar, so piss off!

where do you think Singapore trains its military Personell.......a lot of false nationalities are starting to show up on this forum....lol....
LOL best Indians can do is to start trolling. I don't care whether u think I'm Singaporean or Somalian or whether u like my opinions. Take it or leave it.

Check out this article. Just tells me how much people hate you guys.

Indian ‘Foreign Student’ Gets Harassed in Singapore! :D « Changing Winds…..

Stop the nonsense. My bother studies in Singapore for 4 years, moreover, I have my classmates from Singapore. Why should I believe somebody from Internet, when I have better sources to rely on
Stop the nonsense. My bother studies in Singapore for 4 years, moreover, I have my classmates from Singapore. Why should I believe somebody from Internet, when I have better sources to rely on

Don't cry when he kena whacked by us sometime then. Same thing that happened with Lebanese Australians in Sydney will happen soon, mark my words. People are already pissed off.
Don't cry when he kena whacked by us sometime then. Same thing that happened with Lebanese Australians in Sydney will happen soon, mark my words. People are already pissed off.

Stop pretending, my brother enjoyed his 4 years in Singapore, and now is in US, and never tired of talking about his beloved Singapore. As for my classmates, they are Singaporean citizens, unlike you whom I don't have any idea of.

Anyway, I done with you.
Don't cry when he kena whacked by us sometime then. Same thing that happened with Lebanese Australians in Sydney will happen soon, mark my words. People are already pissed off.

coming from a guy who claims to be from Singapore(a pakisthani in reality) .. do you know mr pakistani... a good chunk of singapore air force planes are sitting in india.. getting trained with india air force.. and same is the case with singapore army.. sweating with indian army in deserts of rajyasthan and jungles of mozoram.. getting trained ,,, and u should know thr is a strategic partnership between India and Singapore .. and even if you really are from singapore .. your anti India stand doesnt matter as singapore govt is very close to India.. and will remain so..
Remember my Indian friends, when you choose to argue with a 2 cent troll , you're choosing to kill a small part of yourself.

Please do not respond to limp-"eh". Its not worth our time and also very amusing to see him quoting himself when he feels he doesn't get enough attention.

PS : He's Just another troll fellas, why do always fall for these idiots ?
LOL we don't need to try hard to fit in. Our society is founded on meritocracy and equality unlike your caste based one, so we don't need to pander to anyone's sensitivities to fit in. Mandarin is a practical course of action for most of us, given our economic ties with China. We call ourselves Indian Singaporean, and yes we try to distance ourselves from you people. Most of us find you Indians from India disgusting, it's an honest opinion and not a flame bait. Check up any Singaporean forums and u'd hear this from many of us. So yeah, we don't like to be associated with you guys.

Greater India my a$$! That was the British Empire, which we both were part of. Doesn't give you any rights over us. Bilateral ties between India and Singapore are there, but nowhere near the levels of what we have with the PRC. Like it or not, the PRC is way more important to us than you Indians are.
can clearly see where the self hating racism comes from. i would blame the Singaporean society for making you feel ashamed of your ancestry to be accepted. looks like singapore has a long way to go before becoming an egalitarian society. But such a mentality is not isolated. it is the same sentiment expressed by Hongkongers towards mainnland chinese calling them locusts and Asian Americans calling the recent arrivals as fobs. They don't realize that this form of racism is more vile as they quickly forget the racism faced by their ancestors when they immigrated to these countries and the Only reason they feel superior is because their parents emigrated one generation earlier.

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