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India is not Britain

RnR for the US navy? where you got the information from? From your indian media or simply pull out from your own rear? American navy ships are only allow to dock in for maintenance and supplies in Sinapore only. US naval personals are prohibited to anyhow to come aboard from their own ships except with our prior consent.

So much of your knowledge about our Asia and Singapore, Mr. so-called Asia spokesman.

The new indian navy doctrine: "To be the world largest R&R navy". LOLOL.
then what do they do in orchard towers ?
1. R&R stands for "REST AND RECREATION" not "rest and relaxation". And "R&R" is a privilege but not an obligation, can you understand what is the meaning of PRIVILEGE only, dude.

R & R stands for Rest & Relaxation , Rest & recuperation and also Rest & Recreation R&R (military) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. R & R is always a privilege given by host country to the visiting navy. Its not unique to Singapore..

2. A permanent US navy staff based on land is treated as a common civilian when he steps out from his navy center. Wise up.

That applies for any country but that doesn't change the fact that you host US military personnel in your land on a permanent basis.

3. Whether US or China is closer to Singapore is none of India business.

4. FYI, india is not even come close in our radar, so piss off!

If you cannot take criticisms on your country, then stop commenting on Indian affairs also

1. R&R stands for "REST AND RECREATION" not "rest and relaxation". And "R&R" is a privilege but not an obligation, can you understand what is the meaning of PRIVILEGE only, dude.

2. A permanent US navy staff based on land is treated as a common civilian when he steps out from his navy center. Wise up.

3. Whether US or China is closer to Singapore is none of India business.

4. FYI, india is not even come close in our radar, so piss off!
ddo you even have a radar?
If you cannot take criticisms on your country, then stop commenting on Indian affairs also

It is not about taking criticisms, it is about the stinking behaviour of you indians here.

Yeah! In fact, we feel so disgusted that we want nothing of any sort of connections with you guys at all.

And yet why you guys are so shamelessly myopic and wanting to quote us (rest of asians) to be with your side when clearly we don't?
It is not about taking criticisms, it is about the stinking behaviour of you indians here.

Yeah! In fact, we feel so disgusted that we want nothing of any sort of connections with you guys at all.

Who is this we? Most probably you are of Chinese ethnicity. There are also people of Indian descent in SG and from the looks of it you clearly don't speak for them.

And yet why you guys are so shamelessly myopic and wanting to quote us (rest of asians) to be with your side when clearly we don't?

Like you said earlier, don't act as if you speak for all Asians. Speak for Singapore only. There are members from other Asian countries here whom if they have any objection will voice their opinion.
military blockades are good only for debating...its not applicable really in case of India or China...during cold war...USA used Pakistan to spy on USSR...i still remember dad telling me how the nighthawk used to fly from gilgit all over USSR and used to land in Sweden (not sure)...

the only advantage USA gained was promoting barbarians against USSR (al queda) which in today's world any country surrounding India or China is highly unlikely to do
How did your dad knew about flight take off from gilgit. I knew from starting that you are a false flagger.
It is not about taking criticisms, it is about the stinking behaviour of you indians here.

Yeah! In fact, we feel so disgusted that we want nothing of any sort of connections with you guys at all.

And yet why you guys are so shamelessly myopic and wanting to quote us (rest of asians) to be with your side when clearly we don't?

He is Chinese....he cant handle the truth
Thats true for any country and when their ships maintenance in Singapore whats their sailors are doing in Singapore..they are doing Rest & Relaxation aka R & R and according to Wikipedia 100 USN ships visit Singapore yearly and 200 USN personnel are based in Singapore. Also USN maintains a Navy Regional Center in Singapore:
About NCRS and Singapore

Singapore also signed 'The Strategic Framework Agreement for a Closer Cooperation Partnership in Defence and Security' with the United States in 2005.

So by the looks of it Singapore has a far closer relationship to USN than with China as you claim.

What a wonderful way to get thanks.

Trying to convince yourselves that you are of some importance in the ASEAN by putting down our friendship with China? We have military ties with the US and we have very strong economic and cultural ties with China. What we do in our region has nothing to do with Indians. Infact you are completely overlooked in our plans and after the whole debacle with ST Kinetics, we don't have any trust or confidence in you. Thing everyone is losing patience with your inefficiency and never ending problems.

Don't buy into the myth now that Australia is depending on you to balance China LMAO!! It's the USA they are tied up with and dependent on! Get off that crack pipe u r smoking dude!

Who is this we? Most probably you are of Chinese ethnicity. There are also people of Indian descent in SG and from the looks of it you clearly don't speak for them.

Like you said earlier, don't act as if you speak for all Asians. Speak for Singapore only. There are members from other Asian countries here whom if they have any objection will voice their opinion.

I'm an Indian Singaporean and we are a way different lot from you India Indians. Don't try lumping us up together in the same group. We Indian and Chinese Singaporeans both think alike on many levels. And one thing we agree on is that your nation needs alot of help!
Who is this we? Most probably you are of Chinese ethnicity. There are also people of Indian descent in SG and from the looks of it you clearly don't speak for them.

Like you said earlier, don't act as if you speak for all Asians. Speak for Singapore only. There are members from other Asian countries here whom if they have any objection will voice their opinion.

1. So you are speaking on behalf of whom? yourself only? or which ethnic group? or which caste? Damned indians trying to create some smoke screen again. LOLOL.

2. Did I mention that Singapore = whole asia? proof please? LOLOL.

3. But apart from Pakistan and North Korea, there are no friends of China in Asia. Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/189352-india-not-britain-2.html#ixzz1yiyz0uVB
Check the above line quoted from your buddy, Jade (indian). Who has given her/ him the rights to speak on others' behalf? Mr. Busybody and Blur King! LOLOL.
Trying to convince yourselves that you are of some importance in the ASEAN by putting down our friendship with China? We have military ties with the US and we have very strong economic and cultural ties with China. What we do in our region has nothing to do with Indians. Infact you are completely overlooked in our plans and after the whole debacle with ST Kinetics, we don't have any trust or confidence in you. Thing everyone is losing patience with your inefficiency and never ending problems.

Don't buy into the myth now that Australia is depending on you to balance China LMAO!! It's the USA they are tied up with and dependent on! Get off that crack pipe u r smoking dude!

I'm an Indian Singaporean and we are a way different lot from you India Indians. Don't try lumping us up together in the same group. We Indian and Chinese Singaporeans both think alike on many levels. And one thing we agree on is that your nation needs alot of help!

Singapore doesn't have cultural ties with India? A country whose name comes from Sanskrit? 'Singapore = Sinh + pore' Meaning a city of lions. What about influence of Indian languages on your languages? What about Indian influence on your culture, food, architecture?
Singapore doesn't have cultural ties with India? A country whose name comes from Sanskrit? 'Singapore = Sinh + pore' Meaning a city of lions. What about influence of Indian languages on your languages? What about Indian influence on your culture, food, architecture?

Nothing major. Just adds a bit of spice and variety, that's about it. Tamil itself is slated to be a dead language in a decade or so, its usage limited to classrooms and media. But most of us Indian Singaporeans prefer using English and most of us are learning Mandarin these days. Last time I ever used Tamil myself was more than a decade ago. It's only useful when talking to Malaysians or giving out instructions to workers from India. LKY himself believed in not keeping to traditions and values that hold you back. The Indian influence doesn't have much weight in Singapore and our survival is not dependent on each other. Hence the increasing Sinicization (sp?) in Singapore. We look towards the future always.
Nothing major. Just adds a bit of spice and variety, that's about it. Tamil itself is slated to be a dead language in a decade or so, its usage limited to classrooms and media. But most of us Indian Singaporeans prefer using English and most of us are learning Mandarin these days. Last time I ever used Tamil myself was more than a decade ago. It's only useful when talking to Malaysians or giving out instructions to workers from India. LKY himself believed in not keeping to traditions and values that hold you back. The Indian influence doesn't have much weight in Singapore and our survival is not dependent on each other. Hence the increasing Sinicization (sp?) in Singapore. We look towards the future always.

Trying to hard to fit in I believe? :lol: No matter how hard you try, you will still be seen as an Indian there .

I wouldn't blame you for your India hatred. looks like Singapore has taught you to hate your roots to be a accepted. That's pretty sad. I am wondering if it is just you who is insecure or the whole of Tamil community there. Thankfully Malaysian Tamils still love their culture and are striving to preserve it.

One is all to aware of the wariness expressed by Singapore towards China and their alignment with the west because of it. while India has and never will be a threat to Singapore and hence has a cordial relationship.
I'm an Indian Singaporean and we are a way different lot from you India Indians. Don't try lumping us up together in the same group. We Indian and Chinese Singaporeans both think alike on many levels. And one thing we agree on is that your nation needs alot of help!
1. So you are speaking on behalf of whom? yourself only? or which ethnic group? or which caste? Damned indians trying to create some smoke screen again. LOLOL.

I speak for all of India while you just speak for Chinese ethnicity in SG (If you really are one)..your fake Indian friend doesn't count.

2. Did I mention that Singapore = whole asia? proof please? LOLOL.

LOLOL..refer to your previous comment:
And yet why you guys are so shamelessly myopic and wanting to quote us (rest of asians) to be with your side when clearly we don't?

Speak for Singapore Only.The rest of Asians can voice their own opinion.

3. But apart from Pakistan and North Korea, there are no friends of China in Asia.

If you are so friends with PRC, why are you giving maintenance facility to USN ships and not PLAN ships. Also why you are having joint military exercises with US, India etc and not with PRC. Why your AF maintain facilities in India and not in PRC which is nearer to Singapore.

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