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India is not Britain

Thank god, now we will not get cursed by you, good to have so much cash, but make sure when your GF runs to moon she does not take away the cash, you never know girls.

No worries there :yahoo: She won't be able to spend it there anyways. :woot:

BTW, I'm just curious about something. Why do you guys still flock to all the other places despite knowing that the locals over there don't like you? I mean, some of you even got killed in Australia, yet the numbers flocking to that country seems as high as ever. Why can't you just stay in your countries and get a job like everyone else does in his own home?

Can't find jobs there? Pay too low? :azn: Its an honest question, really.
No worries there :yahoo: She won't be able to spend it there anyways. :woot:

BTW, I'm just curious about something. Why do you guys still flock to all the other places despite knowing that the locals over there don't like you? I mean, some of you even got killed in Australia, yet the numbers flocking to that country seems as high as ever. Why can't you just stay in your countries and get a job like everyone else does in his own home?

Can't find jobs there? Pay too low? :azn: Its an honest question, really.

"limpeh" laa brother , why your great great grand father migrated to Singapore 200 years before??
No worries there :yahoo: She won't be able to spend it there anyways. :woot:

BTW, I'm just curious about something. Why do you guys still flock to all the other places despite knowing that the locals over there don't like you? I mean, some of you even got killed in Australia, yet the numbers flocking to that country seems as high as ever. Why can't you just stay in your countries and get a job like everyone else does in his own home?

Can't find jobs there? Pay too low? :azn: Its an honest question, really.
Still you dont trust girls with money, they are more dangerous than monkey with gun. ;-)
It is all about opurtunities, everything personal here. Few people go there becuase of high pay, some like the lifestyle, some are lured by forign University and job offers. Also as we have very high population and we are still developing so we have high Unimployment rates. All these facts contributes.
"limpeh" laa brother , why your great great grand father migrated to Singapore 200 years before??

Waah u learn to talk like us damn fast liao! How long u here already? As for my ancestor, who knows man? Fellow not around anymore for me to go and ask aso.
Waah u learn to talk like us damn fast liao! How long u here already? As for my ancestor, who knows man? Fellow not around anymore for me to go and ask aso.

I have been in Singapore for 7 years ... I have lot of Singaporean friends here and I love talking to them in Singlish.. not quite hard to learn... nice to see some Singaporeans in "PDF" :blink: .. not agree with your views though..:no:
I have been in Singapore for 7 years ... I have lot of Singaporean friends here and I love talking to them in Singlish.. not quite hard to learn... nice to see some Singaporeans in "PDF" :blink: .. not agree with your views though..:no:

Ok la, 7 years not too bad la bro. You been here quite awhile already and must be quite well-integrated with us. There are some nice ones la, not saying no. Just the other day one my friends, also Singaporean chap linked me this article one of your fellows wrote in the Indian papers.

Tale of two waterfronts

There are good fellows like him amongst u guys. But plenty of horrible ones also. Am sure u would know it yourself. But yeah, if you can fit in well, be one of us, and have a good time, then sure, by all means, welcome.

Unfortunately, there's alot of those from India who also give us a bad impression.
LOL we don't need to try hard to fit in. Our society is founded on meritocracy and equality unlike your caste based one, so we don't need to pander to anyone's sensitivities to fit in. Mandarin is a practical course of action for most of us, given our economic ties with China. We call ourselves Indian Singaporean, and yes we try to distance ourselves from you people. Most of us find you Indians from India disgusting, it's an honest opinion and not a flame bait. Check up any Singaporean forums and u'd hear this from many of us. So yeah, we don't like to be associated with you guys.

Greater India my a$$! That was the British Empire, which we both were part of. Doesn't give you any rights over us. Bilateral ties between India and Singapore are there, but nowhere near the levels of what we have with the PRC. Like it or not, the PRC is way more important to us than you Indians are.

OK...China is more important to you than india or indians...and why is relevant to india that singapore decides to play the role of a ***** - sleeping with US, making a buck and then sleeping with china for a couple of more bucks?? Why should india be so enamoured with you guys? you talk like you are doing us a favour - explain how. And avoid the cherry picking of facts and news stories, do away with the anecdotal evidence.

You claim that the society in singapore is based on meritocracy - but your attitiude, and the stories that you narrate (if one were to believe them), speakes volumes for a society that based on ethinicity creates divides between second and first class citizens. You contradict yourself and expect to be taken as anything other than a racist fu@k?!?!?

As for indians overseas being hated by everyone - are you sure its not because some brown coloured, loud mouth, ill mannered hairy dude from india, just managed a fatter pay packet?! For instance, according to a latest report - indian americans are making the most amount of money there. I mean that's gotta be tough on your AUZAAR!!!
Ok la, 7 years not too bad la bro. You been here quite awhile already and must be quite well-integrated with us. There are some nice ones la, not saying no. Just the other day one my friends, also Singaporean chap linked me this article one of your fellows wrote in the Indian papers.

Tale of two waterfronts

There are good fellows like him amongst u guys. But plenty of horrible ones also. Am sure u would know it yourself. But yeah, if you can fit in well, be one of us, and have a good time, then sure, by all means, welcome.

Unfortunately, there's alot of those from India who also give us a bad impression.
With Indian Singaporean like you, you don't need mainlanders to give your community a bad name. You can keep hating while the newer Indian immigrants will be more successful than you and will always be proud of their heritage. Be prepared to drown in your own hatred.

If anything, this limpy guy is making Singapore look very bad. the bad side of Singaporean society that one doesn't get to read in the media. Or it is just one rotten apple that is Making the rest look bad.
OK...China is more important to you than india or indians...and why is relevant to india that singapore decides to play the role of a ***** - sleeping with US, making a buck and then sleeping with china for a couple of more bucks?? Why should india be so enamoured with you guys? you talk like you are doing us a favour - explain how. And avoid the cherry picking of facts and news stories, do away with the anecdotal evidence. - yeap we are. By taking you in and giving you jobs. In fact the whole world is doing you a favor in that aspect.

You claim that the society in singapore is based on meritocracy - but your attitiude, and the stories that you narrate (if one were to believe them), speakes volumes for a society that based on ethinicity creates divides between second and first class citizens. You contradict yourself and expect to be taken as anything other than a racist fu@k?!?!?

As for indians overseas being hated by everyone - are you sure its not because some brown coloured, loud mouth, ill mannered hairy dude from india, just managed a fatter pay packet?! - nope, as much as you like to think so, it's the lack of manners that gets to us and not the pay cheque. That's exactly why I posed that chap's link for you guys. There are nice ones like him who know how to respect the land and society he is in, while at the same time he can hold onto whatever Indian-ness he likes holding on to. Just, respect us locals and our way of life is all we ask for. The problem starts when you have huge numbers of people coming in, REFUSING to do that. I've seen Indians berating customer service staff in public, being openly offensive towards locals and our cultural habits, food, etc. Would YOU like it if I came to India and started nitpicking over every little thing there is? Would you still entertain me or would you bust my face and tell me to go home?

For instance, according to a latest report - indian americans are making the most amount of money there. I mean that's gotta be tough on your AUZAAR!!!
- dafuq is auzaar?

With Indian Singaporean like you, you don't need mainlanders to give your community a bad name. You can keep hating while the newer Indian immigrants will be more successful than you and will always be proud of their heritage. Be prepared to drown in your own hatred.

If anything, this limpy guy is making Singapore look very bad. the bad side of Singaporean society that one doesn't get to read in the media. Or it is just one rotten apple that is Making the rest look bad.

Its a growing problem. Bottom line is respect. Any society demands that of its visitors. Same thing applies to me if I (godforbid) was ever in India.

Bottom line is, don't go to someone else's country and do what you wouldn't like being done by visitors in your own country! And like I said earlier, there are exceptions, though a really small number.
- dafuq is auzaar?

Its a growing problem. Bottom line is respect. Any society demands that of its visitors. Same thing applies to me if I (godforbid) was ever in India.

Bottom line is, don't go to someone else's country and do what you wouldn't like being done by visitors in your own country! And like I said earlier, there are exceptions, though a really small number.

Though it suits your agenda to call merit based employment opportunity in Singapore - a favour, it is anything but a handout. The bottomline of any company is too precious to allow any ethnicity based favors. Your ranting is of little use.

And secondly, you have gone on for pages, spreading across several threads on how much various countries hate indians. Yet, the indian diaspora has only shown an upward trajectory across geographies. Obviously, despite educated people such as you resorting to the ugliest form of racism, there are those who see value in hosting the loud, hairy, brown guy. It’s the law of demand and supply and demographics at work, son. And it’s difficult to argue with it, irrespective of how much you despise us.

And finally, “AUZAAR” is hindi slang for a di@k.
With Indian Singaporean like you, you don't need mainlanders to give your community a bad name. You can keep hating while the newer Indian immigrants will be more successful than you and will always be proud of their heritage. Be prepared to drown in your own hatred.

If anything, this limpy guy is making Singapore look very bad. the bad side of Singaporean society that one doesn't get to read in the media. Or it is just one rotten apple that is Making the rest look bad.

Yeah, talking about apples, do you indians produce any good ones yourselves?
In business dealing, you guys cheat your customers and peers;
in personal dealings, you guys boast and lie to your friends, boss and colleagues;
in diplomacy, you guys always flip-flop , change side, back stab...
Yeah, the indians (especially brahim and their expats) are so full of themselves and thus they think everythings revolve around them and everyone should owe them their lives, that is what really an indigenous indian is all about.

Also, indians are well known to sabotage each others for their own selfish gains. That's why those who lived outside of india for generation/s will never want to associate themselves with those from india.

They just victims of their own wrong doings i.e. practising racisim, hypocracy, lying, cheating, back-stabbing..... no one should feel sorry for them.

U R DA MAN, bro LP! Kudos for your gutsy truths about these arrogrance liars.

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