I cannot blame them, after all they got beat up by the Muslim world for many centuries.
Continuing with this interesting thought. This gives one a great understanding of how the mind of some Muslims (and especially convert Muslim) works towards people his ancestors shared the faith with for tens of thousands of years.
People who sacrificed the lives of their soldiers when they were facing rapine of their mothers and genocide as a race and generally getting
beat up by their fellow Muslims just a few decades back.
The likes of Tikka Khan and Yahya Khan and others were clear about how to deal with them (low lying people of a low lying land!).
This reminds me the story of a saint who went to bathe in a river and saw a scorpion drowning. He lifted the scorpion up and as soon as the scorpion came above the water, it bit the hand of the Sadhu and the hand shook and the scorpion went back in the river.
The Sadhu lifted the scorpion back and the same thing went on for quite some time and the hand of the Sadhu was all bloody. A passer by asked the Sadhu why he was protecting the scorpion.
The Sadhu said: "If the scorpion can't leave its nature even being an animal, how can I change it when I am a human".
He was a holy saint but we have made up our minds. We owe such people nothing. Ever!
This wretched mindset tells us all we need to know about them.
The 1970 cyclone took a toll of from a quarter of a million to a half million. Not sure if a single Arab was even stirred from whatever he was doing. We know the West Pakistanis didn't.
If God forbid, there is a natural or man made calamity or the global warming takes a toll, I am very clear we will owe them nothing at all. Not now, not ever.
The best we can do is, allow them a passage through the sea route to the Arab lands.