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India, Iran discuss underwater gas line bypassing Pak

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lol dumbest thing i have heard, if Pakistan wants to blackmail it can do that anyway, after all underwater pipeline will pass via our waters, if India takes a longer route it will cost them hell lot of money

I am sorry ,which waters are you talking about ??

If you mean Territorial water, then they are just 22 Km from your coast and we can easily build outside it , when you are building 1200 Km long line, how does a few more Km matter??
^^ In response to a lot of comments above, I suppose no one here knows that Pakistan recently pulled off a coup and had its sea water limits extended drastically. Not only will it be super expensive to build this undersea pipeline, not only will it be prone to sabotage, failure and BP-like disasters, it will also be far longer than any of you guesstimate based on the news below:

201,520 km2 [26]
On 7 May 2009, Pakistan’s continental shelf, or sea-water limits, was extended from 200 to 350 nautical miles. After four years of surveys, the United Nations accepted Pakistan’s claim for extension of the continental shelf. Pakistan would have legal control over another 50,000 square-kilometres into the Arabian Sea. This would enable and would provide a reliable and firm database and foundation, essential for future marine research and exploration of living and non-living marine resources. It will also provide a good basis for Pakistani scientists and technicians to further promote and develop the marine geological and geophysical research and survey capabilities. It will also contribute directly to the petroleum and mineral sector in general and to the offshore maritime industry. Militarily, the Pakistan Navy also gained massive strategic depth as a result of the extension.[27]

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan?s sea limits set to be extended
According to Wikipedia: Natural gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“The major difficulty in the use of natural gas is transportation and storage because of its low density. Natural gas pipelines are economical, but are impractical across oceans. Many existing pipelines in North America are close to reaching their capacity, prompting some politicians representing colder areas to speak publicly of potential shortages….
Even if India think they have money to do that, what will they do about the maintainance and other stuff, do they have such technology, other then that if any mishap happens there are hell loads of disadvantages for undersea welders
^^ In response to a lot of comments above, I suppose no one here knows that Pakistan recently pulled off a coup and had its territorial waters extended drastically. Not only will it be super expensive to build this undersea pipeline, not only will it be prone to sabotage, failure and BP-like disasters, it will also be far longer than any of you guesstimate based on the news below:

201,520 km2 [26]
On 7 May 2009, Pakistan’s continental shelf, or sea-water limits, was extended from 200 to 350 nautical miles. After four years of surveys, the United Nations accepted Pakistan’s claim for extension of the continental shelf. Pakistan would have legal control over another 50,000 square-kilometres into the Arabian Sea. This would enable and would provide a reliable and firm database and foundation, essential for future marine research and exploration of living and non-living marine resources. It will also provide a good basis for Pakistani scientists and technicians to further promote and develop the marine geological and geophysical research and survey capabilities. It will also contribute directly to the petroleum and mineral sector in general and to the offshore maritime industry. Militarily, the Pakistan Navy also gained massive strategic depth as a result of the extension.[27]

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan?s sea limits set to be extended

Pakistan ,got its Exclusive Economic Zone extended and not its Territorial water !!

Territorial waters are Waters under the sovereign jurisdiction of a nation or state, including both marginal sea and inland waters. The concept originated in the 17th-century controversy over the status of the sea. Though the doctrine that the sea must be free to all was upheld, a nation's jurisdiction over its coastal waters was also recognized. Nations subscribing to the Law of the Sea observe a territorial limit of 12 nautical mi (22 km) from shore. Territorial rights include the airspace above those waters and the seabed below them.

Where as

The exclusive economic zone is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, subject to the specific legal regime established in this Part, under which the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal State and the rights and freedoms of other States are governed by the relevant provisions of this Convention.


Rights, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal State in the exclusive economic zone

1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has:

(a) sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds;

(b) jurisdiction as provided for in the relevant provisions of this Convention with regard to:

(i) the establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and structures;

(ii) marine scientific research;

(iii) the protection and preservation of the marine environment;

(c) other rights and duties provided for in this Convention.

2. In exercising its rights and performing its duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have due regard to the rights and duties of other States and shall act in a manner compatible with the provisions of this Convention.

3. The rights set out in this article with respect to the seabed and subsoil shall be exercised in accordance with Part VI.

Article 58, Para 1 of UNCLOS:

In the exclusive economic zone, all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy, subject to the relevant provisions of this Convention, the freedoms referred to in article 87 of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of this Convention.

In layman's terms EEZ are essentially International Waters, with a adjoining state having exclusive right for Oil and Gas exploration and Fishries.

what if a pipleline is damaged by Ship's Anchor ??

I remember our Fibre Optic line was once damaged ..

there is a Huge possibility of it because its a heaviest route .
I think they should take a lesson from what happened in the Gulf, thanks to BP.

IIRC its a Natural Gas pipeline that India-Iran are negotiating.

In BP's case, they screwed up the concrete walling of a well dug in the gulf which led to crude oil seeping around the drill pipe and gushing into the sea.
what if a pipleline is damaged by Ship's Anchor ??

I remember our Fibre Optic line was once damaged ..

there is a Huge possibility of it because its a heaviest route .

Usually when laying a pipeline , one avoids laying them over anchor beds.(specific location marked on the chart where a ship is allowed to anchor)

A ship can not anchor anywhere it wants, for length of anchor chain seldom exceeds 12-13 shackles( approx 265 mtrs) and hence chances an anchor damaging, a pipeline at 2000mts below sea level are very rare, unless the anchor breaks from the ship and drops right on top of the pipeline.
Bro in that case India will use our sea area and same Transit fees required for that because without it Pakistan never allow to use its area and if some how pipeline damage it will be huge cost India have to pay for marine environmental

Well, I finally found it :


This shows that the Pipeline passes through Depths of over 3,000 Metres from Oman's Territorial Waters to Oman's EEZ to International Waters to India's EEZ and finally India's Territorial Waters.

There are overlaps of all three EEZs, but, unlike the Territorial Waters - where passage is at the discretion of the State in question - the EEZ allows "innocent passage" to Pipelines just like Ships.
can anybody post a map of this deal - like how the pipeline will be spread underneath the water? and how are they going to bypass Pakistani sea?
can anybody post a map of this deal - like how the pipeline will be spread underneath the water? and how are they going to bypass Pakistani sea?

It is just above your Post i.e. #74!

IIRC its a Natural Gas pipeline that India-Iran are negotiating.

In BP's case, they screwed up the concrete walling of a well dug in the gulf which led to crude oil seeping around the drill pipe and gushing into the sea.

Please educate your self, there is always gas with oil some times less some times more.

Can you tell me what will happen when natural gas will mixed up with icy waters?

Do you know the armospheric pressure at mentioned depths of 3km?

Do you know for sure if technology and engineering expertise necessary at those depths exisit? and obviously the relevant safety issues?

FYI, It was gas which has laid waist all the multi billion£ repair works in gulf of mexico and has almost bankrupt the BP.
If there was no gas the leak would have been fixed long ago and at fraction of cost.

All i'm saying is no sane Pakistani govt. would allow such construction work off shore its coasts... it could seriously jepordise the fish industry.
All i'm saying is no sane Pakistani govt. would allow such construction work off shore its coasts... it could seriously jepordise the fish industry.

How would a sane Pakistani govt not allow this to happen? Petition the UN? Declare war? Hmm?
FYI, It was gas which has laid waist all the multi billion£ repair works in gulf of mexico and has almost bankrupt the BP.
If there was no gas the leak would have been fixed long ago and at fraction of cost.
Check this out, my friend. Nothing is known for certain, evidence lies at the bottom of the gulf, this cartoon tries to explain what went wrong with the Gulf spill.

The pipelines form Iran to India will transport only Natural Gas and not oil. As for the technology, I believe India has such technology to lay pipelines in the Arabian Sea.
All i'm saying is no sane Pakistani govt. would allow such construction work off shore its coasts... it could seriously jepordise the fish industry.
EEZs are not territorial waters. As someone mentioned earlier, EEZs are international waters. Pakistan has exclusive rights for oil & natural gas exploration or for fishing in these waters, but not territorial claims. Pakistan can protest, but the case will not carry any weight in international courts.
Please educate your self, there is always gas with oil some times less some times more.

Can you tell me what will happen when natural gas will mixed up with icy waters?

Do you know the armospheric pressure at mentioned depths of 3km?

Do you know for sure if technology and engineering expertise necessary at those depths exisit? and obviously the relevant safety issues?

FYI, It was gas which has laid waist all the multi billion£ repair works in gulf of mexico and has almost bankrupt the BP.
If there was no gas the leak would have been fixed long ago and at fraction of cost.

All i'm saying is no sane Pakistani govt. would allow such construction work off shore its coasts... it could seriously jepordise the fish industry.

Now Shooting of our hips...are we ??..ehh

First of all in Gulf of Mexico-

Natural gas present under the crude oil deposit is under considerable pressure. That is why it is pushing the oil out. No oil will be transported in this gas pipeline.

lets say pressure in 36 inch gas pipeline in 1500 Psi(approx 103 bar
), pressure at 3km depth will be around 300 bar. So instead of gas coming out of the line , water will be entering the pipeline...so where is the damage to the marine environment.

For background reading
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