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India, Iran discuss underwater gas line bypassing Pak

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Simulation models have been under development in order to learn more about what occurs when gas leaks out under water.

Nobody is certain what would happen if a subsea gas pipeline ruptured completely. One challenge would be how to handle the actual break on the seabed.

Exactly my point engineers work on given formulaes and estimates are made on models and experienced design engineer can control process errors better resulting in better product but no one can say any thign for certain.

Another question is the way the plume of gas would behave as it streams up the water column, and data are also needed on how a gas cloud would form and spread at the sea surface.

Agree..... at least i don't know.

Facts also have to be obtained about how close vessels and rescue solutions can safely get to the gas cloud – when does it become ignitable and explosive?
Yes.... it will not be as simple as giving out a gas pressure out of hip.

Nevertheless, considerable uncertainty continues to prevail over the consequences of major subsea gas leaks.
But there are fishermen in this region who may needed to be compensated in addition to damage control costs and cost examples are infront of our eyes.
But still there are number of pipelines already in existence and one of the longest one The Langeled pipeline came in to service in 2007.
Indian industrial safety standards are also well known.


Self-propelled inspection vehicle

Please.... study the amount of resources allocated to contian the US oil leak.... it is not as simple as renting one machine for few million dollars.
At an average depth of abt 2000 metres metres this pipeline will be very very difficult if not downright impossible to disrupt in case of war.

In case when your leaders are threatning to nuke Pakistan why should Pakistan not destroy a bloody pipe line?
It will not be at 2000meters depth all the way.
That brings me to an interesting question...What are the possibilities and thereafter repurcussions if Pakistan chose to blow off this pipeline during war time...I mean how secure is this underwater pipeline during war???
Troll and here is matching answer.
India cannot secure it more than its parliament building and nothing worst repurcussions will happen.
i think the technology is a big ask for india

also where theres a will theres a way, am sure its not so hard to think of a way to destroy the under sea pipeline, i mean if it can be built then it can be destroyed, perhaps using the same method.

Sure it can be destroyed... there is no such thing as Indestructible... but no weapons has been developed ..which can accurately destroy a pipeline an undersea pipeline at the depth of 3000 mtrs.

However one over land,can be destroyed in a simple air raid or missile attack.
Sure it can be destroyed... there is no such thing as Indestructible... but no weapons has been developed ..which can accurately destroy a pipeline an undersea pipeline at the depth of 3000 mtrs.

However one over land,can be destroyed in a simple air raid or missile attack.

i will be mightily impressed if the pipeline will even get made so deep, or at all.
In other words there is a remote chance that it could...right??? I was wondering how international bodies will react to any sabotage which will have the magnitude to pollute Env. at such a devastating level....

See my post #69 (It was #74 but there have been some deletions).

For about 700 KM the Pipeline is at a Depth of 3,000 Metres and above.

It would be extremely difficult to Bomb, Strafe or even send a Suicide Squad to blow up the Pipeline.

For reasons which are well known no Pipeline passing through a Third Nation is Underwritten-Insured in the International Insurance Markets as these are only guaranteed by Sovereign Guarantees and you well know the value of such a guarantee by Pakistan to India or possibly India to Pakistan.

However, the Deep Sea Pipelines are insurable in, if not all, then a great majority of the Insurance Markets.

As such the risk of Pakistan being able to disrupt such a Pipeline is so small that it is insurable especially for the huge Co-lateral Damages caused by such a disruption be they Commercial, Domestic or Industrial.

From your various posts I do glean a hope on your part that the Pipeline in question traverse Pakistan (I would want it too as initially it is the cheaper option) but with the conditions prevalent it is better to take the “Insurable” option.

Regarding Distances from Pakistan : During its West to East Leg it will be outside the Pakistani EEZ.

Do read the Article The Pipelines Perplexity

Now, tell me - in the present circumstances, do you still want the Pipeline to traverse Pakistan?
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Exactly my point engineers work on given formulaes and estimates are made on models and experienced design engineer can control process errors better resulting in better product but no one can say any thign for certain.

Agree..... at least i don't know.

Yes.... it will not be as simple as giving out a gas pressure out of hip.

I guess you did not bother to go through the links I gave you

But there are fishermen in this region who may needed to be compensated in addition to damage control costs and cost examples are infront of our eyes.

Indian industrial safety standards are also well known.

Please.... study the amount of resources allocated to contian the US oil leak.... it is not as simple as renting one machine for few million dollars.

Again it is not oil leak from a oil well , it is compressed gas flowing through a pipe, you want to stop it, shut it down at the compressor station.
Yea shut down but the damage is already done..... the excess pressure gass is in the water and rest is frozen in the pipe and you can kiss good by to both project and environment.

Well honestly not opened your links..... sorry time constraints.
Blowing up an undersea gas pipeline will bring out just bubbles of wasted gas for which India need not pay to Iran .

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C'mon ZAKI get with the program . there goes your wet dream of transit fees from under sea pipe line

replying to you only because you mentioned my name :P

Listen peoples i ain't only saying about the Transit fee for using sea route. Pakistani marine may have to provide security to this pipeline and that will also cost money :lol:

There is no way Pakistan would allow Indian navy to enter Pakistani sea side just for the sake of this pipeline. So in order to ensure safety to this pipeline, any problem occurs, any kind of maintenance, repairs or insurance it has to be done by the Pakistan if using our sea route. Its a simple logic, if Pakistan does not provide the guarantee to this pipeline, they can break this pipeline anytime in war like situation or at crucial time to tease India. Like i said before, there are so many technical issues invovled and i don't see this project to form reality in future. If it does, thats going to be extremely costly :P
i will be mightily impressed if the pipeline will even get made so deep, or at all.

Well one does not construct a pipeline at 3000m depth. Sections of pipe attached at flanges are simply lowered to the ocean floor.
Just like laying a submarine cable.
Yea shut down but the damage is already done..... the excess pressure gass is in the water and rest is frozen in the pipe and you can kiss good by to both project and environment.

Well honestly not opened your links..... sorry time constraints.

Well, I guess then you will have just cause to appeal UN for damages, but till then :no: :no::no:
replying to you only because you mentioned my name :P

Listen peoples i ain't only saying about the Transit fee for using sea route. Pakistani marine may have to provide security to this pipeline and that will also cost money :lol:

There is no way Pakistan would allow Indian navy to enter Pakistani sea side just for the sake of this pipeline. So in order to ensure safety to this pipeline, any problem occurs, any kind of maintenance, repairs or insurance it has to be done by the Pakistan if using our sea route. Its a simple logic, if Pakistan does not provide the guarantee to this pipeline, they can break this pipeline anytime in war like situation or at crucial time to tease India. Like i said before, there are so many technical issues invovled and i don't see this project to form reality in future. If it does, thats going to be extremely costly :P

You don't get it, do you?

The Pipeline is outside Pakistan's EEZ.

Even if it is in Pakistan's EEZ it will still not incur any Transit Dues.

Grow up, will you! :cheers:
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